Synching Tips
Activity tracker
You must synch your compatible Fitbit device with Fitbit on a regular basis. This synch allows data to
flow through to Go365. Please allow 24 hours from the time you synch your device with Fitbit for
Points to reflect on your Go365 Statement.
You must synch your compatible Garmin device with Garmin on a regular basis. This synch allows
data to flow through to Go365. Please allow 24 hours from the time you synch your device with
Garmin for Points to reflect on your Go365 Statement.
Apple Health &
Samsung Health
Apple Watch and Samsung Gear devices are compatible with mobile apps. Third-party devices
connected through Apple Health and Samsung Health will not sync to Go365.
To ensure the proper
data transfers from Apple Health, please be sure to sign in to the Go365 App
after your
daily activity.
To force a sync of steps for Apple Health, the member needs to log into
Go365 app at least
once a week. Upon login, the Go365app will pull data from up to 7 days
Please allow 24 hours from the time you open the Go365 app for Points to reflect on your Go365
When viewing the steps on a iphone Apple Health app, the total is an aggregate of both the app and the
Apple watch. The app adds the steps together. The Go365 system receives both step totals and uses the
highest value of the two to award Points.
Workouts from Polar devices have not transferred
to Go365 since April 1, 2017. There have been
some changes in the Polar data stream that aren’t allowing all the data to get to Go365 like it normally
does. The Go365 Support Team is actively working with Polar to get this working again.
We are going to do everything we can to try to get the missing data reposted to your account.
However, if you have an urgent need for your workouts to be posted, please contact the Message
Center from your Go365 dashboard. When doing so, please provide documentation from Polar
regarding your missing workouts. We suggest that you have several days/weeks in one file.
The data connection from our partners is not instantaneous. This means that your workouts aren’t going to transfer to Go365
right away. Take a look below for an example using Fitbit data:
You walk 12,000 steps
2. The steps are uploaded to
3. Go365 checks your Fitbit Account for data
4. Go365 posts the data on your calendar
5. Based on the steps, Go365 awards points based on what it sees
6. Several hours later, Go365 checks Fitbit again to see if there are changes
Based on the process, it is possible for you to see partial workouts on your calendar because Go365 hasn’t yet received the most
recent data.
Please Remember:
Go365 can’t award Points until it can see the data
Just because you see the workout on your device or the device’s app, it does not mean the data is available for Go365 to use
If Go365 checks your partnered account before you upload, the delay to your calendar could be a little longer than you expect
Try to give up to 48 hours before you get concerned about workout uploads
Go365 is not an insurance product. Not available with all Humana health plans.
Devices may be added or removed without warning. For the most up-to-date list of compatible devices,
refer to or the Go365 App.
Verified workouts
Steps Earn 1 Point per 1,000 steps.
Earn 5 Points per 100 calories if burn rate exceeds 200 calories/hour. (For app-based
trackers, the GPS feature of the phone needs to be active, and the workout should
take place outdoors or in an area with GPS signal reception.)
Heart rate
Earn 5 Points for every 15 minutes you spend above 60% of your maximum heart rate.
Your maximum heart rate is calculated by subtracting your age from 220.
Notice: Persons who have a pacemaker or other electronic medical device use a heart rate
monitor at their own risk. It is strongly recommended that persons with a pacemaker or other
electronic medical device consult with their doctor before beginning an exercise regimen and
using a heart rate monitor. A doctor may suggest an exercise test under his or her supervision to
determine the appropriate intensity level for exercise and to ensure the simultaneous use of the
medical device and heart rate monitor is safe for you.
Bonus Points
Earn 50 bonus Points when you earn more than 50 workout Points in a week. Earn 50
additional bonus Points when you earn more than 100 workout Points in a week.
Calculating daily
fitness Points
Each day, Go365 will look at Points earned across all workout types and award the
category with the highest value for that day. Points are awarded for one workout type
per 24-hour period from 12:00 a.m. – 11:59 p.m. Week is defined as Sunday–Saturday.
Go365 members may earn a maximum of 50 daily fitness Points.
Alternative to calling or emailing Customer Care. Members can ask questions, receive answers
from Customer Care, and browse Q&A from other members. Plus, find device support
content, how-to videos, instructional flyers, health and wellness articles and Mall support
Have Questions?
Go365 Self-
Message Center
To keep your information private, we use the Message Center to send certain messages. The
Go365 Message Center is more secure than everyday email, because messages are only available
when you sign in to Go365. And if you need to send us a note, we're just a click away. To access,
login to your account and click on the envelope icon in the top right.