Warren County/Joint Zoning Ordinance
For the purpose of this Zoning Ordinance, the area of jurisdiction of this Zoning Ordinance is hereby
divided into zoning districts which shall be designated as follows:
Zoning Districts
Base Districts
Agriculture District
Single Family Residential Districts
Mobile Home Park
Two-Family Residential District
Townhouse/Multi-Family Residential District
Multi-family Residential District
Neighborhood Business District
General Business District
Central Business District
Highway Business District
Office and Professional - Residential
Office and Professional - Commercial
Public District
Light Industrial District
Heavy Industrial District
Special Purpose Districts
Planned Unit Development District
General Flood District
Overlay Districts
Conservation Subdivision Overlay District
Urban Growth Overlay District
Historic Overlay District
University District
Airport Overlay District
Article 4
Zoning Districts General
Warren County/Joint Zoning Ordinance
4.2.1 Established
The boundaries of these zoning districts are hereby established on Official Zoning Map entitled
"Zoning Map - Bowling Green Corporate Limits," dated March, 1958, as amended and "Zoning
Maps - Warren County," dated October, 1967, as amended, which shall both be permanently
located in the City-County Planning Commission offices. These official zoning maps together
with all explanatory matter thereon, are hereby adopted by reference and declared to be a part
of this Zoning Ordinance. Any territory hereafter annexed to any city shall remain in the same
district as legally existed before annexation unless the district is specifically changed by
ordinance according to the requirements of the relevant provisions of KRS or this Zoning
Ordinance pertaining to amendments.
4.2.2 Replacement
In the event that either Official Zoning Map becomes damaged, destroyed, lost, or is deemed
necessary to be replaced due to age of the map, the City-County Planning Commission may by
authorization through resolution adopted by the Cities of Bowling Green, Plum Springs,
Woodburn, Oakland, Smiths Grove and Warren County, adopt a new Official Zoning Map which
shall supersede the prior Official Zoning Map. The new Official Zoning Map may correct drafting
or other errors or omissions in the prior Official Zoning Map, but no such correction shall have
the effect of amending the original Official Zoning Map or any subsequent amendment thereof.
Unless the prior Official Zoning Map has been lost, or has been totally destroyed, the prior map
or any significant parts thereof remaining, shall be preserved, together with all available records
pertaining to its adoption or amendment.
4.2.3 Rules for Interpretation of Zoning District Boundaries
The zoning district boundary lines on the Official Zoning Map are intended to follow lot or tract
lines or farm boundaries, the center lines of streets or the corporate limit lines, all as they
existed at the time of enactment of this Ordinance. Where uncertainty exists as to the
boundaries of Zoning Districts as shown on the Official Zoning Map, the following rules shall
A. Boundaries indicated as approximately following the center lines of streets, highways or
alleys shall be construed to follow such center lines; vacated rights-of-way shall not affect
the original zoning.
B. Boundaries indicated as approximately following platted lot lines shall be construed as
following such lot lines. In instances where boundaries were established based on
approximate lot lines depicted by the PVA, and where a plat of record existed at the time of
establishment of such boundary, boundaries shall follow platted lot lines.
C. Boundaries indicated as approximately following political boundaries shall be construed as
following such boundaries.
D. Boundaries indicated as following railroad lines or rights-of-way shall be construed to be
midway between the main tracks.
E. Boundaries indicated as following shore lines shall be construed to follow such shore lines,
and in the event of change in the shore line shall be construed as moving with the actual
shore line; boundaries indicated as approximately following the center lines of streams,
rivers, lakes or other bodies of water shall be construed to follow such center lines.
Article 4
Zoning Districts General
Warren County/Joint Zoning Ordinance
F. Boundaries indicated as approximately parallel to features indicated in the paragraphs
above shall be so construed. Distances not specifically indicated on the Official Zoning Map
shall be determined by the scale of the map, if an accurate legal description cannot be
G. Where the above stated rules do not indicate the exact location of the zoning district
boundaries, then said boundaries shall be determined by the Executive Director and may be
subject to appeal to the Board of Adjustments.
H. Within an Overlay or Special Purpose District, boundaries indicated as approximately
following platted lot lines shall be construed as following such lot lines.
Article 4
Zoning Districts Single Family Residential
Warren County/Joint Zoning Ordinance
4.3.1 Purpose and Intent
The Agriculture District is intended to:
A. Maintain, preserve and enhance natural areas and the prime agricultural lands of Warren
B. Protect the decreasing supply of prime agriculture lands in Warren County in order to
maintain one of the county's principal economic resources--the agriculture economy of the
C. Discourage premature urban growth on land best suited for agriculture purposes;
D. Control the indiscriminate infiltration of urban development into prime agriculture areas
which adversely affects agriculture operators;
E. Minimize urban-type development in rural areas until urban-type services and utilities can
be provided;
F. Preserve the natural beauty and open space character of the rural countryside.
G. Protect the public health, safety and welfare from hazardous and/or unsafe waste, whether
solid, semi-solid or liquid generated or disintegrated from a municipal, commercial or
industrial waste water treatment plant, water supply treatment plant, air pollution control
facility or any other such waste having similar characteristics and effects; due to the
presence of sinkholes, losing streams and sinking streams associated with the karst
topography of Warren County.
4.3.2 Uses
Uses permitted in this District are shown in the Use Table in Sec. 5.1, Use Table. This table
employs broad use categories containing a variety of similar uses. The use categories are
described in Sec. 5.2, Use Categories, and Appendix B lists examples of uses, showing which use
categories they fall into. Additional standards for specific uses, if any, can be found in each
4.3.3 Permitted Residential Unit Types
The following residential unit types shall be permitted in this District:
A. Single-family detached;
B. Modular home;
C. Manufactured home; and
D. Accessory Apartment
Permitted residential unit types must be permanently affixed to the ground and properly
permitted through the applicable agency. Permitted residential unit types shall not include
shed, mobile home, bus, travel trailer, RV, cooler, vehicle or freight container, unless modified
to meet building codes and all other applicable regulations.
Article 4
Zoning Districts Single Family Residential
Warren County/Joint Zoning Ordinance
4.3.4 Property Development Standards
A. Dimensional standards for this District are found in
the following table. Residential development, less
than two (2) acres in size, in this District shall
comply with the single family residential
development standards in Sec. 4.4.
B. Only one principal residential structure shall be
permitted per platted lot.
C. Exception (in Warren County unincorporated area
only). The minimum lot area for this District may
be reduced to one acre for no more than 2 lots
being subdivided from a parcel which has existed in
the same configuration since July 1, 2001. The
remaining parcel must be a minimum of five (5)
acres. If the remaining parcel is less than five (5)
acres, it must be added to an adjoining tract of land
where the resulting acreage of the adjacent parcel
is 5 acres or greater.
All parcels subdivided under this provision must
meet all other requirements of this ordinance.
D. Accessory apartments are permitted in the AG district. An accessory apartment may be
attached or detached from the principal residence. The floor area of the accessory
apartment may not exceed 50 percent of the floor area of the principal structure. Accessory
apartments are allowed on lots of record that do not meet the minimum lot area or width
standards for the zoning district, but all yard dimensions and other development standards
must conform to the district regulations. Accessory apartments may only be occupied by
persons related, by blood, marriage, adoption, guardianship or other duly-authorized
custodial relationship, to those residing in the principal structure A maximum of one
caretaker/caregiver is also authorized to reside in such accessory apartment for the sole
purpose of providing care to someone residing on the property.
4.3.5 Signs
Agricultural uses and properly permitted conditional uses may have a maximum of one
freestanding sign (pole or monument) with a maximum face area of 32 s.f. and maximum height
of 5 feet. Additional wall signs are allowed at a maximum total sign face of 50 s.f.
A. Freestanding signs may be allowed in public right-of-way only with written permission of
the applicable jurisdiction.
B. If located on private property, freestanding signs must be installed a minimum of 20 feet
from the edge of pavement.
4.3.6 Accessory Structures
Accessory structures, except as otherwise permitted by this Ordinance shall require a building
permit. Fences constructed on agriculturally zoned land, 2 acres or greater, do not require a
permit and are exempt from accessory structure setback requirements. Fences for residential
purposes on lots less than two (2) acres shall follow the single family residential standards in
section 4.4.5.E.
Agriculture District (AG)
Lot Area (minimum)
Public Sewer
Septic System
5 Acres
5 Acres
Lot Width (minimum)
(at building line)
100 feet
Lot Frontage (minimum)
Public Street
Cul-de-Sac (bulb only)
40 feet
40 feet
Lot Coverage
Setbacks (minimum)
Front Yard
Side Yard
Rear Yard
Accessory Structure
25 feet
10 feet
25 feet
5 feet
0 feet
Height (maximum)
Fire Protection Required?
See Sec. 1.13
Off-Street Parking
2 spaces
Article 4
Zoning Districts Single Family Residential
Warren County/Joint Zoning Ordinance
In all single family residential districts, residential unit types (including accessory apartments for family
members) must be permanently affixed to the ground and properly permitted through the applicable
agency. Permitted residential unit types shall not include shed, mobile home, bus, travel trailer, RV,
cooler, vehicle or freight container unless modified to meet building codes and all other applicable
4.4.1 Rural Residential District (RR)
A. Purpose and Intent
The Rural Residential District provides opportunities for large lot residential development in
the unincorporated areas of Warren County only.
B. Permitted Residential Unit Types
The following residential unit types shall be permitted in this District:
1. Single-family detached;
2. Modular home;
3. Manufactured home;
4. Mobile home; and
5. Accessory apartments as defined in Section 4.4.6.E.6.
4.4.2 Residential Estate District (R-E)
A. Purpose and Intent
The Residential Estate District is intended to provide opportunities for large-lot rural estates
in areas that may or may not be served by public sanitary sewer. This area is intended to
serve as a transition between urban and rural areas.
B. Permitted Residential Unit Types
The following residential unit types shall be permitted in this District:
1. Single-family detached;
2. Modular home;
3. Manufactured home; and
4. Accessory apartments as defined in Section 4.4.6.E.6.
4.4.3 RS-1A through RS-1D
A. Purpose and Intent
The Single Family Residential Districts are intended to provide opportunities for detached
and attached single family residential development, including zero lot line homes,
twinhomes, townhomes and patio homes. Occupancy in these districts is limited to one
family per residential lot. These districts shall be served by public sanitary sewer.
Article 4
Zoning Districts Single Family Residential
Warren County/Joint Zoning Ordinance
B. Permitted Residential Unit Types
The following residential unit types shall be permitted in these Districts:
P = Permitted Type
Development of any twinhome, townhome or patio home within the RS-1B, C or D districts
shall only be permitted on property that was rezoned to such designation on or after July 1,
2018. Infill of twinhomes, townhomes or patio homes within neighborhoods or
subdivisions, regardless of the date it was established, is not permitted unless the
development plan and/or development plan conditions are amended or the property is
rezoned to allow such style of development.
4.4.4 Mobile Home Park (MHP)
A. Purpose and Intent
The Mobile Home Park District is intended to:
1. Recognize the mobile home as a form of housing for which specific provisions should be
made and provide for the development of properly located and planned facilities for
mobile home lots.
2. Provide a desirable residential environment, protect the mobile home park from
potentially adverse neighboring influences, protect adjacent residential properties, and
provide access to public facilities equivalent to that provided to other forms of
permitted residential development.
3. Recognize that in urban and urbanizing areas of Warren County, mobile homes should
be located in mobile home parks and that such areas shall be carefully located and
designed to meet the needs of the residents and to achieve a satisfactory relationship
with surrounding neighborhoods. This district shall be served by public sanitary sewer.
B. Permitted Residential Unit Types
The following residential unit types shall be permitted in this District:
1. Manufactured home; and
2. Mobile home.
4.4.5 General Residential Development Standards
A. Uses
Uses permitted in each District are shown in the Use Table in Sec. 5.1. This table employs
broad use categories containing a variety of similar uses. The use categories are described
in Sec. 5.2, Use Categories, and Appendix B lists examples of uses, showing which use
categories they fall into. Additional standards for specific uses, if any, can be found in each
Single-Family Detached
Modular Home
Manufactured Home
Zero Lot Line
Accessory Apartments (For Family Members Only)
Townhome or Patio Home
Article 4
Zoning Districts Single Family Residential
Warren County/Joint Zoning Ordinance
B. Property Development Standards
Only one principal residential unit shall be allowed per platted lot in the R-E, RR, and RS
districts. Development in each District shall comply with the general residential
development standards in the following table:
Lot Area (min sf)
Public Sewer
Septic System
2 acres
2 acres
Lot Width (min at bldg. line)
Lot Frontage (min)
Public Street
Cul-de-sac (bulb only)
Lot Coverage (max)
Setbacks (min)
Front Yard
Side Yard
Rear Yard
Accessory Structure
Height (max)
Fire Protection Required?
See Sec. 1.13 for Fire Protection Requirements.
Off-Street Parking
# of Bedrooms
# of Spaces Required
2 Spaces
2 Spaces
3 Spaces
4 Spaces
For specific standards for twinhomes, townhomes and condominiums, see Section 4.4.6.
For specific MHP space standards, see 4.4.6.G.
For RS-1D development in the area bound by the US 31W Bypass/East Riverview Drive, Kentucky Street
and Broadway Avenue/East 12th Avenue, please see section 4.4.6.B.
Fences must also adhere to the requirements of section 4.4.5.E.
Parking provided within a garage(s) shall count toward the minimum parking requirement. Development
in the area bound by the US 31W Bypass/East Riverview Drive, Kentucky Street and Broadway
Avenue/East 12th Avenue is exempt from the above off-street parking requirements, but must provide
at least one parking space per residential dwelling unit.
Existing lots of record in RS districts that are located greater than 2,000 feet from public sanitary sewer
may utilize an on-site septic system, but must have at least 20,000 square feet of lot area outside of any
drainage easements and/or floodplains AND a site evaluation by the Barren River District Health
Department must certify that a conventional septic system is acceptable.
C. Other Standards
1. Corner lots. Corner lots shall be required to provide a front yard along any lot line
abutting a street. The front orientation of the building shall determine corresponding
side and rear yards (See Below).
Option A:
Building is Oriented Toward Street X
Option B:
Building is Oriented Toward Street Y
Article 4
Zoning Districts Single Family Residential
Warren County/Joint Zoning Ordinance
2. Reduction in Lot Area Prohibited. No lot, although it may consist of one or more
adjacent lots of record, shall be reduced in area to the extent that yards, lot area, lot
width, building area, or other requirements of this Ordinance are not maintained.
3. Minimum Lot Area Above 100-Year Flood Level Required. No lot served by public
sanitary sewer shall be created or developed which does not have at least 5,000 square
feet of lot area above the 100-year frequency flood level. No lot served by on-site septic
systems shall be created or developed which does not have at least 20,000 square feet
of lot area above the 100-year frequency flood level. In no case shall any improvements,
including parking areas and septic systems, be located within the floodplain.
4. Measurement of Lot Width. Minimum lot width shall be measured at the building
setback line. Curve or cul-de-sac lots shall be measured along the chord distance at the
front setback between side property lines.
5. Minimum Lot Frontage Required. No building shall be erected on a lot, nor shall a lot be
created, which does not meet the minimum lot frontage requirements outlined in
Section 4.4.5, unless permitted by Sec. 6.4, nonconforming lots of record).
6. Measurement of Lot Coverage. Lot coverage shall include
all areas of the lot covered by buildings, structures
(including accessory structures), patios, walkways,
travelways, and parking areas, including gravel, pervious
material or similar permeable paving material. Lot
coverage does not include uncovered, semi-pervious decks
or the water surface area of outdoor pools. The percent of
lot coverage shall be determined by dividing the total
covered area by the gross area of the lot.
7. Setbacks and Yards.
a. Lots Abutting Interstate or Other Highways. Lots that
abut an Interstate Highway, Parkway or other fully
controlled access highways which allow no direct access
shall have a minimum building setback line from the
right-of-way of said highway of 25 feet. This building
line shall be the same whether considered as front, side
or rear setback.
Article 4
Zoning Districts Single Family Residential
Warren County/Joint Zoning Ordinance
b. Distance Greater than Minimum Required. Building setback lines as established by
this Section may be greater than the minimums shown in the table in Sec. 4.4.5.B.;
however, for purposes of establishing minimum lot width, this distance shall not
exceed 100 feet.
c. Variable Front Yard Setback. A waiver from the strict enforcement of the front yard
setback shown for a specific property may be granted by the Executive Director
where the majority of existing development on the same block face is set back less
than the required setback. In such case, the front yard setback may be the average
setback line for that block face. In the absence of existing development on a
particular block face, and where the majority of existing development on an
opposing block face is set back less than the required setback, the front yard setback
may be the average setback line for the opposing block face. Any property utilizing a
variable front yard setback must still meet the sight distance triangle requirements
outlined in Section 1.14.
8. Height Limit Exceptions. The height limitations of this Ordinance shall not apply to
church spires, belfries, cupolas and domes not intended for human occupancy;
monuments; water towers; observation towers; flag poles; or chimneys.
9. Parking Standard.
a. Parking areas in all single family residential districts shall be paved with asphalt,
concrete, brick pavers, pervious material or similar permeable paving material. In
unincorporated areas of Warren County, gravel may be utilized as an alternative
parking area material in the R-E and RR zoning districts.
b. Parking areas may be located in front of a garage or carport. When located in front of
the principal residence, the total area of parking shall not exceed the front yard of
the housing unit in excess of the following:
Zoning District
Maximum Parking Area
25% of the front yard
30% of the front yard
35% of the front yard
40% of the front yard
45% of the front yard
50% of the front yard
Article 4
Zoning Districts Single Family Residential
Warren County/Joint Zoning Ordinance
c. Circle drives shall be allowed provided they are property permitted through the
appropriate agency for all access points to public right-of-way
D. Signs
1. Signage is allowed within Single Family Residential Districts on a limited basis and in
accordance with the following table. No sign shall be externally or internally illuminated.
All permitted signs shall also comply with all the applicable Sign Development Standards
in Section 4.6.8.F.
2. Entrance Signs Standards.
a. The content of an entrance
sign shall be limited to the
name of the subdivision only.
b. No sign shall be internally
c. All entrance signs shall be
constructed of durable
d. Landscaping is encouraged around entrance signs, provided the selected landscape
materials will not grow to obscure sign face. No landscaping shall be erected to
obstruct free and clear vision of an intersection and/or roadway.
e. Structural Type and Size. Any entrance sign must be monument type and the
maximum sign face shall be 60 sq. ft. total. Maximum height shall be 5 feet.
f. Entrance signs may be allowed in public right-of-way only with written permission of
the applicable jurisdiction.
g. If located on private property, freestanding signs must be installed a minimum of 20
feet from the edge of pavement.
R-E, RS & RR
Freestanding Signs Allowed?
Maximum Number
Maximum Face Area
20 sf
Maximum Height
5 ft
Structure Type
Monument Only
Wall Signs Allowed?
Maximum Face Area
12 sf
Entrance Sign Allowed?
*In RR, R-E and RS Districts, signs are allowed for permitted
conditional uses only and must meet the requirements
outlined in Section 4.6.8.F.
Article 4
Zoning Districts Single Family Residential
Warren County/Joint Zoning Ordinance
3. Personal Expression and Political Campaign Signs.
Temporary on-premise signs containing content of personal expression or political
campaign shall not require a permit. These signs are allowed provided they otherwise
comply with the following standards:
a. No sign shall be erected to obstruct free and clear vision of an intersection and/or
traffic signals. No sign may be placed in or extended over a public right-of-way or
utility easement without the express written consent of the controlling jurisdiction or
b. Signs shall be limited to a maximum of 16 s.f. in size (Campaign signs-32 square feet
in unincorporated areas of Warren County).
c. All permitted signs shall also comply with all the applicable Sign Development
Standards in Section 4.6.8.F.
E. Accessory Structures. Accessory buildings and structures, except as otherwise permitted by
this Ordinance, shall require a building permit and shall be subject to the following
regulations in all single family districts:
1. No accessory building or structure shall extend beyond the front of the principal
structure, excluding fences 4 feet or less in height. The front of the principal structure
shall be defined as the facade of the structure containing the front door. In the case of a
corner lot, no accessory building or structure shall be located nearer to the side street
than the depth of any required front yard for a dwelling along such side street, excluding
fences. Fences are not subject to building or structure setbacks, but are subject to sight
distance requirements in Section 1.14 of this Ordinance.
2. The height of an accessory building/structure shall not extend above the tallest point of
the principal structure, unless located in the unincorporated areas of Warren County on
a lot containing a minimum of one acre in the AG, RR and R-E zoning districts.
3. The total area of all accessory buildings shall not exceed the floor area of the principal
building, unless located in the unincorporated areas of Warren County on a lot
containing a minimum of one acre in the AG, RR and R-E zoning districts.
4. Accessory buildings/structures shall be permanently affixed to the ground and shall not
include mobile home, bus, travel trailer, RV, trailer, cooler, vehicle or freight container
unless modified to meet building codes and all other applicable regulations.
5. Accessory Apartments. Accessory Apartments are allowed in the Rural Residential,
Residential Estate and RS districts and must adhere to the following:
a. An Accessory Apartment may be attached or detached from the principal residence.
(1) If attached to the principal residence, any entrance into the accessory apartment
shall be located on the side or rear façade(s) of the building. The accessory
apartment must not alter the character of the single family residence or the
development pattern of the neighborhood.
Article 4
Zoning Districts Single Family Residential
Warren County/Joint Zoning Ordinance
(2) If detached, the accessory apartment must be located in a side or rear yard and
meet all applicable building setbacks. Variances and/or waivers from this
provision are not allowed.
b. The floor area of the accessory apartment may not exceed 50 percent of the floor
area of the principal structure.
c. Accessory apartments are allowed on lots of record that do not meet the minimum
lot area or width standards for the zoning district, but all yard dimensions and other
development standards must conform to the district regulations.
d. A minimum of 1 parking space (in addition to the parking required for the primary
residence) shall be provided for accessory apartments.
e. Accessory apartments shall only be located on lots of record where the primary
residence is occupied by the owner of the property.
f. Accessory apartments shall only be occupied by persons related by blood, marriage,
adoption, guardianship or other duly-authorized custodial relationship, to those
residing in the principal structure.
g. A maximum of one caretaker/caregiver is also authorized to reside in such accessory
apartment for the sole purpose of providing care to someone residing on the
h. The number of bedrooms located within accessory apartment shall not exceed
two (2).
6. Swimming Pools.
a. All swimming pools with a water depth of 3 feet or greater shall require a building
b. A swimming pool as an accessory use to a residential structure shall be located no
closer than 10 feet to the rear property line and no closer than 10 feet to a side
property line. On a corner lot, the yard setback shall be 25 feet along the side street.
The setback shall be measured from the wall of the swimming pool to the nearest
property line.
c. The swimming pool area shall be enclosed by a fence or other suitable barrier with a
minimum height of not less than 4 feet. Openings in the fence shall be small enough
to prevent a child from entering the enclosure other than through the gate.
7. Fences. For the purpose of determining yard setback, the accessory structure setback
shall not apply to fences. See 4.4.5 E (1) and (2) for front setback for fences.
4.4.6 Residential Development Standards by Housing Type
A. Zero Lot Line
1. Development of a zero lot line dwelling shall occur only on a lot that has been
specifically platted to accommodate such a use.
2. Side yards on lots with a zero lot line dwelling shall meet the following requirements.
a. One side yard must be a minimum of 10 feet.
Article 4
Zoning Districts Single Family Residential
Warren County/Joint Zoning Ordinance
b. The remaining side yard may range from 0 feet, up to a maximum of one foot, except
for lots where minimum setbacks required from side streets or from adjoining lots in
other zoning districts necessitate this remaining side yard to be a minimum of 5 feet.
In no circumstance shall the separation between a zero lot line home and any
dwelling on an adjoining lot be less than 10 feet.
c. Any side yard abutting a street right-of-way must be a minimum of 25 feet.
d. Any side yard abutting a lot in a different zoning district must be a minimum of 5 feet
or the width of the required side yard in the adjacent district, whichever is greater.
e. A maximum 2-foot eave overhang is allowed within these required side yards.
3. A perpetual easement with a minimum width of four feet shall be provided on the
adjacent lot, for the maintenance of the wall of the dwelling with the zero lot line. This
required easement shall be in favor of the lot on which a zero lot line is planned at or
near the boundary to which this easement is adjacent. This required easement shall
extend along the entire length of the side boundary to which the easement is adjacent.
4. No doors, windows, air conditioning units, utility meters, electric panel boxes or
openings of any kind shall be allowed on the wall of a dwelling or accessory building that
lies on a zero lot line, with the exception of translucent windows approved by the
Building Inspector. For the purposes of this paragraph alone:
a. any portion of an exterior wall which lies less than 3 feet from and substantially
parallel to a side boundary shall be considered on the zero lot line; and
b. any portion of an exterior wall which lies less than 3 feet from and substantially
perpendicular to a side boundary shall be considered on the zero lot line.
5. The roof of each unit must be designed to prevent stormwater runoff from draining onto
the adjacent lot.
6. Required easements shall be shown on the final plat. If required easements are not
shown on the final plat of lots for zero lot line homes, then such easements shall be
created by means of a replat or other separate recorded legal instrument before permits
for building are granted.
7. In no case shall the owner of any zero lot line dwelling be granted an easement on the
adjoining property for the use or enjoyment of any portion of that property.
Article 4
Zoning Districts Single Family Residential
Warren County/Joint Zoning Ordinance
B. Single Family Detached Home in the Downtown Area (RS-1D Only). Development for
property zoned RS-1D, located in the area bound by the US 31W Bypass/East Riverview
Drive, Kentucky Street and Broadway Avenue/East 12th Avenue (see map below), may
utilize the following development standards for minimum lot area, lot frontage, lot width
and front yard setbacks in lieu of those outlined in Section 4.4.5.B:
1. Lot Size. Minimum lot size for each lot shall be 3,750 sf, exclusive of floodplain.
2. Lot Width and Lot Frontage. Minimum lot frontage and width for each lot shall be 35
3. Front Yard Setback. The front yard setback shall be 25 feet or the average setback of the
existing development on the same block face, whichever is less.
C. Twinhome.
1. Platted Lot Required. Each twinhome unit shall be developed on a separately platted
and recorded lot.
2. Lot Size. Minimum lot size for each platted lot shall be 2,500 sf in RS-1D and 4,000 sf in
RS-1C, exclusive of floodplain.
3. Lot Width. Minimum lot width at the building line for each platted lot shall be 25 feet in
RS-1D and 30 feet in RS-1C.
4. Lot Frontage. Minimum lot frontage for each platted lot shall be 25 feet, except for in
the case of a cul-de-sac, in which case the minimum lot frontage shall be 20 feet per lot.
5. Lot Coverage. Maximum lot coverage shall be as permitted in the zoning district in which
the twinhome is located.
Article 4
Zoning Districts Single Family Residential
Warren County/Joint Zoning Ordinance
6. Setbacks. Setbacks shall be as permitted in the zoning district in which the twinhome is
located, with the exception of the lot line where the party walls of the two units adjoin.
In such case, the setback shall be 0 feet.
7. Maximum Height. Maximum height shall be as permitted in the zoning district in which
the twinhome is located.
8. Off-Street Parking. Parking shall be provided, per unit, as required in the zoning district
in which the twinhome is located.
9. Party Walls and Roofs.
a. Party walls shall be constructed in conformance with the Kentucky Building Code
b. Party walls and roofs shall be perpetually maintained, repaired and replaced through
a party wall and roof agreement with provisions for arbitration. Such agreement shall
receive the prior approval of the Planning Commission Staff and shall be recorded in
the office of the County Court Clerk of Warren County, Kentucky.
c. All twinhomes sharing a common wall shall have a minimum 24-inch offset in the
front and rear building facades.
10. Subdivision Regulation Coordination. Any development approved under this section
shall be considered a major plat.
D. Townhomes
1. Platted Lot Required. Each unit shall be developed on a separately platted and recorded
2. Maximum Number of Units. The maximum number of units per building shall be 4.
3. Lot Size. Minimum lot size per building shall be 5,000 sf, with a minimum lot size of
1,250 sf per lot, exclusive of floodplain.
4. Lot Width and Lot Frontage. Minimum lot width and lot frontage shall be 16 feet per
4. Lot Coverage. Maximum lot coverage shall be as permitted in the zoning district in which
the townhome is located.
5. Setbacks. Setbacks shall be as permitted in the zoning district in which the townhome is
located, with the exception of the lot lines where the party walls of the units adjoin. In
such case, the setback shall be 0 feet.
6. Maximum Height. Maximum height shall be as permitted in the zoning district in which
the townhome is located.
7. Off-Street Parking. Parking shall be provided, per unit, as required in the zoning district
in which the townhome is located.
8. Party Walls and Roofs.
a. Party walls shall be constructed in conformance with the Kentucky Building Code
Article 4
Zoning Districts Single Family Residential
Warren County/Joint Zoning Ordinance
b. Party walls and roofs shall be perpetually maintained, repaired and replaced through
a party wall and roof agreement with provisions for arbitration. Such agreement shall
receive the prior approval of the Planning Commission Staff and shall be recorded in
the office of the County Court Clerk of Warren County, Kentucky.
c. All townhomes sharing a common wall shall have a minimum 24-inch offset in the
front and rear building facades.
9. Subdivision Regulation Coordination. Any development approved under this section
shall be considered a major plat.
E. Patio Homes
1. Platted Lot Required. Each unit shall be developed on a separately platted and recorded
2. Maximum Number of Units. The maximum number of units per building shall be 4.
3. Lot Size. Minimum lot size per building shall be 5,000 sf, exclusive of floodplain.
4. Lot Width and Lot Frontage. Minimum lot width and lot frontage shall be 50 feet per
5. Lot Coverage. Maximum lot coverage shall be as permitted in the zoning district in which
the patio home is located.
6. Setbacks. Setbacks shall be as permitted in the zoning district in which the patio home is
located, with the exception of the lot lines where the party walls of the units adjoin. In
such case, the setback shall be 0 feet.
7. Maximum Height. Maximum height shall be as permitted in the zoning district in which
the patio home is located.
8. Off-Street Parking. Parking shall be provided, per unit, as required in the zoning district
in which the patio home is located.
9. Party Walls and Roofs.
a. Party walls shall be constructed in conformance with the Kentucky Building Code
b. Party walls and roofs shall be perpetually maintained, repaired and replaced through
a party wall and roof agreement with provisions for arbitration. Such agreement shall
receive the prior approval of the Planning Commission Staff and shall be recorded in
the office of the County Court Clerk of Warren County, Kentucky.
c. All patio homes sharing a common wall shall have a minimum 24-inch offset in the
front and rear building facades.
10. Subdivision Regulation Coordination. Any development approved under this section
shall be considered a major plat.
Article 4
Zoning Districts Single Family Residential
Warren County/Joint Zoning Ordinance
F. Condominium (Horizontal Property)
1. The intent and application of this Ordinance is to implement and reaffirm the Horizontal
Property Law of Kentucky (KRS 381).
2. A master deed or lease or floor plans meeting the standards set forth in KRS 381 shall
not be filed in the office of the Warren County Clerk without having first been reviewed
and approved by the Planning Commission.
3. The maximum permitted overall density, number of units, maximum lot coverage,
setbacks, parking requirements and maximum height shall be controlled by the zoning
district classification in which the project is located.
4. The establishment, expansion or diminution of a horizontal property regime shall be
subject to review and approval by the Planning Commission in the same manner as
approval of a record plat.
G. Mobile Home Park
1. General Property Development Standards. Each area proposed to be zoned MHP
District shall meet the standards set forth in the Subdivision Regulations, prior to
issuance of building permits.
2. Minimum Area of Park.
a. Each mobile home park shall contain a minimum of 5 contiguous acres of land and 25
mobile home spaces.
b. Development of a smaller tract of land adjacent to an existing mobile home park may
be permitted, provided that:
(1) The proposed development conforms to and extends the original mobile home
(2) The proposed development site is properly zoned;
(3) The proposed development otherwise conforms to all of the standards and
requirements of this Ordinance.
3. Space Standards. Minimum space standards for the mobile home park are as follows:
Space Standard
Space Size, minimum sq. ft.
Front Setback, minimum from street pavement
20 feet
Separation from other housing units, buildings or accessory structures
15 feet
Article 4
Zoning Districts Single Family Residential
Warren County/Joint Zoning Ordinance
4. Open Space.
a. In each mobile home park there shall be provided one or more open space areas
which shall be easily accessible to all park residents, centrally located, and free of
traffic hazards. Pedestrian travelways (sidewalks, trails) are encouraged.
b. The size of such open space area shall be equal to a minimum of 400 square feet for
each housing unit. No open space area shall contain less than 10,000 square feet.
Retention areas may not be considered open space or counted towards this
5. Setbacks, Buffer Strips and Screening.
a. All spaces and permitted accessory uses and structures shall be located at least 50
feet from any park property boundary line abutting upon a public street and at least
25 feet from other park property boundary lines.
b. There shall be a minimum distance of 20 feet between the housing unit and the edge
of the abutting internal park street.
c. All mobile home parks shall be provided with visual perimeter screening in
accordance with the Commercial Development landscaping provisions in Section
6. Minimum frontage. The mobile home park shall be located with direct access to an
arterial or collector street as designated by the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet or the
City of Bowling Green and shall have a minimum of 50 feet of frontage.
7. Internal Park Streets. All unit spaces and permitted accessory uses and structures shall
front on an internal park street only. All internal streets shall meet the following
minimum requirements:
a. All internal streets shall be 18 feet in width with no on-street parking or 24 feet with
on-street parking.
b. Dead-end streets shall be limited in length to 600 feet and shall be provided at the
closed end with a cul-de-sac having a minimum diameter of 80 feet.
c. All mobile home parks shall be equipped with street lighting units which shall comply
with the minimum recommended standards contained in the American Association of
State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) publication entitled,
"Information Guide for Roadway Lighting."
d. All streets within the mobile home park shall conform to the street construction and
design standards of the subdivision regulations of Warren County except as herein
8. Off-Street Parking. Off-street parking areas or on-street parking lanes shall be provided
for the use of park occupants and guests. Such areas shall be accessible by motor
vehicles from the internal park street and two (2) parking spaces per housing space is
Article 4
Zoning Districts Single Family Residential
Warren County/Joint Zoning Ordinance
9. Design Standards.
a. All housing unit spaces shall be designed so that the unit can be moved on or off the
site without moving any other unit.
b. All units must meet the HUD Code for manufactured housing or be affixed with a
Commonwealth of Kentucky “B” Seal.
c. All units must be in good repair at the time of their placement, and shall be
maintained in good repair thereafter.
d. Each unit shall be placed on a permanent foundation, and skirted to enclose the area
below the unit.
10. Mobile Home Stands. The area of the mobile home stand shall be improved to provide
adequate support for the placement and tiedown of the housing unit, thereby securing
the superstructure against uplift, sliding, rotation, and overturning. The mobile home
stand shall not heave, shift or settle unevenly under the weight of the mobile home due
to frost action, inadequate drainage, vibration or other forces acting on the structure.
11. Anchors and Tiedowns. The mobile home stand shall be provided with permanent
anchors and tiedowns which shall secure the stability of the housing unit. Each housing
unit shall be secured in such a manner as to prevent the uplift, sliding, rotation, or over
turning of the superstructure.
12. Water Supply. All mobile home parks shall be served by a public water system that can
provide 600 GPM at 20 PSI residual pressure and meet the applicable fire hydrant
13. Sewage Disposal. All mobile home parks shall be connected to the public sewer system.
Individual septic systems may not be used.
14. Entrance Signs. Signs intended to be seen outside property boundary lines shall meet
the following standards:
a. One non-illuminated identity monument sign at each entrance to the mobile home
park not to exceed 60 square feet per side shall be permitted. All permitted signs
shall also comply with all the applicable Sign Development Standards in Section
b. No sign shall project beyond a setback line, or obstruct in any way a driver's vision of
the road.
c. One unlighted sign advertising the sale or rental of a housing unit or space shall be
placed only on that space of the unit or space which is to be rented or sold.
d. One unlighted sign advertising the sale or rental of any unit or space located within
the mobile home park may be located at the entrance of such park provided said sign
shall not be over 16 square feet in area.
Article 4
Zoning Districts Single Family Residential
Warren County/Joint Zoning Ordinance
15. Other Development Standards
a. Responsibilities of Park Management. The mobile home park owner shall be
responsible for operating the park in compliance with this Zoning Ordinance, meeting
all standards and requirements herein, and shall be responsible for and provide
adequate supervision to maintain the park, its facilities and equipment in good repair
and in a clean and sanitary condition.
b. Housing Unit Placement. The mobile home park owner shall supervise and be
responsible for the placement of each housing unit on its stand in accordance with
requirements of this Section, including securing the stability of the housing unit and
installing all utility connections.
c. Space Numbering. The mobile home park owner shall number each space and shall
submit a plan of the park with each space numbered thereon to the Warren County
Sheriff's Office, City-County Planning Commission, ambulance service, the fire
department within which the mobile home park is located, the Bowling Green Police
Department if located within the corporate limits of Bowling Green, and the property
valuation administrator. If the numbering of the spaces changes, the mobile home
park owner shall submit changes to the departments and agencies set forth above.
16. Existing Nonconforming Parks. For existing parks which are located in any zoning district
other than Mobile Home Park, any plans to extend or to expand onto contiguous
property, shall necessitate a zoning change in accordance with Sec. 3.11 Map
Amendment (Rezoning), and the filing of a development plan on the entire property. The
development plan shall indicate existing and proposed layouts, sizes and densities. All
proposed expansions shall meet all current standards and requirement of this Zoning
Article 4
Zoning Districts Multi-Family Residential
Warren County/Joint Zoning Ordinance
In all multi-family residential districts, residential unit types must be permanently affixed to the
ground and properly permitted through the applicable agency. Permitted residential unit types shall
not include shed, mobile home, bus, travel trailer, RV, cooler, vehicle or freight container unless
modified to meet building codes and all other applicable regulations.
4.5.1 Two-Family Residential District (RM-2)
A. Purpose and Intent. The Two-Family Residential District is intended to provide housing
opportunities for two-family residential development, including, twinhomes and
duplexes. This district shall be served by public sanitary sewer.
B. Permitted Residential Unit Types. The following residential unit types shall be permitted
in this District:
1. Twinhomes;
2. Duplexes; and
3. Residential unit types permitted in RS-1B district (utilizing RS-1B property
development standards).
4.5.2 Townhouse and Multi-Family Residential District (RM-3)
A. Purpose and Intent. The Townhouse/Multi-Family Residential District is intended to
provide housing opportunities for townhouse and multi-family development of up to 8
units in a single building. This district shall be served by public sanitary sewer.
B. Permitted Residential Unit Types. The following residential unit types shall be permitted
in this District:
1. Townhomes containing 3 to 8 units per building;
2. Condominiums containing 3 to 8 units per building;
3. Apartments containing 3 to 8 units per building;
4. Two-family residential unit types permitted in RM-2 district; and
5. Residential unit types permitted in RS-1C district (utilizing RS-1C property
development standards).
4.5.3 Multi-family Residential District (RM-4)
A. Purpose and Intent. The Multifamily Residential District is intended to provide housing
opportunities for townhouse and apartment development with greater than eight (8)
units per building. This district shall be served by public sanitary sewer.
B. Permitted Residential Unit Types. The following residential unit types shall be permitted
in this District:
1. Condominiums containing greater than 8 units per building;
2. Apartments containing greater than 8 units per building;
3. Residential unit types permitted in the RM-3 district;
4. Two-family residential unit types permitted in RM-2 district; and
5. Residential unit types permitted in RS-1D district (utilizing RS-1D property
development standards).
Article 4
Zoning Districts Multi-Family Residential
Warren County/Joint Zoning Ordinance
4.5.4 General Residential Development Standards
A. Uses. Uses permitted in each District are shown in the Use Table in Sec. 5.1. This table
employs broad use categories containing a variety of similar uses. The use categories are
described in Sec. 5.2, Use Categories, and Appendix B lists examples of uses, showing
which use categories they fall into. Additional standards for specific uses, if any, can be
found in each category. Properties which have recorded development plan conditions
limiting their use to single family residential shall be limited to one family occupancy per
residential unit.
B. Property Development Standards. Development in each Multi-family Residential District
shall comply with the general residential development standards in the following tables:
Lot Area (min sf)
Public Sewer
Septic System
5,500 / unit
8,000 sf +
2,000 sf for
each unit >1
5,000 sf
Lot Width (min at bldg line)
75 feet
37.5 feet/unit
50 feet
40 feet
Lot Frontage (min)
Public Street
Cul-de-Sac (bulb only)
50 feet
40 feet
25 feet/ unit
20 feet/ unit
50 feet
32 feet
40 feet
32 feet
Lot Coverage (max)
Setbacks (min)
Front Yard
Side Yard
Rear Yard
Accessory Structure
25 feet
7.5 feet
10 feet
5 feet
0 feet
25 feet
7.5 feet
10 feet
5 feet
0 feet
25 feet
7.5 feet
10 feet
5 feet
0 feet
25 feet
5 feet
10 feet
5 feet
0 feet
Height (max)
42 feet
42 feet
42 feet
6 stories
above grade
Fire Protection Required?
See Sec. 1.13 for Fire Protection Requirements
Off-Street Parking
(spaces required)
Located < 1 Mile of WKU’s main
campus OR communal living
facilities where each room is
rented individually, with shared
living, kitchen or bathroom
Bed Sp
1 1.5
2 2.5
3 3.0
4 4.0
5 5.0
Bed Sp
1 1.5
2 2.5
3 3.0
4+ 4.0
Bed Sp
1 1.5
2 2.5
3 3.25
4 4.0
5 5.0
Bed Sp
1 1.5
2 2.5
3 3.25
4 4.0
5 5.0
Off-Street Parking
(spaces required)
Located ≥ 1 Mile of WKU owned
2 spaces per
2 spaces per
Bed Sp
1 1
2 2
3 + 2.5
Guest parking shall be
provided at a minimum rate of
10% of the number of required
parking spaces, or one space,
whichever is greater.
See Sec. 4.5.5.B for provisions for townhomes.
See Sec. 4.5.4.C.8 for additional setback required adjacent to a single family residential district/use.
Fences must also adhere to the requirements of section 4.5.4.F.
Development in the area bound by the US 31W Bypass/East Riverview Drive, Kentucky Street and
Broadway Avenue/East 12th Avenue is exempt from the above off-street parking requirements, but
must provide at least one parking space per residential dwelling unit.
Existing lots of record in RM districts that are located greater than 2,000 feet from public sanitary
sewer may utilize an on-site septic system, but must have at least 20,000 square feet of lot area
outside of any drainage easements and/or floodplains AND a site evaluation by the Barren River
District Health Department must certify that a conventional septic system is acceptable. This
provision shall only apply in the instance of the construction of one single family residence per lot.
Article 4
Zoning Districts Multi-Family Residential
Warren County/Joint Zoning Ordinance
C. Other Standards
1. Corner lots. Corner lots shall be required to provide a front yard along any lot line
abutting a street. The front orientation of the building shall determine corresponding
side and rear yards (See Below).
Option A:
Building is Oriented Toward Street X
Option B:
Building is Oriented Toward Street Y
2. Reduction in Lot Area Prohibited. No lot, although it may consist of one or more
adjacent lots of record, shall be reduced in area to the extent that yards, lot area, lot
width, building area, or other requirements of this Ordinance are not maintained.
Where a lot is affected by acquisition or condemnation for government purposes,
the remaining lot may vary no more than 10 percent from these minimum standards
and requirements. Where a greater than 10 percent variation occurs, it shall be
considered a taking in its entirety.
3. Minimum Lot Area Above 100-Year Flood Level Required. No lot served by public
sanitary sewer shall be created or developed which does not have at least 5,000
square feet of lot area above the 100-year frequency flood level. No lot served by
on-site septic systems shall be created or developed which does not have at least
20,000 square feet of lot area above the 100-year frequency flood level. In no case
shall any improvements, including parking areas and septic systems, be located
within the floodplain.
4. Measurement of Lot Width. Minimum lot width shall be measured at the building
setback line. Curve or cul-de-sac lots shall be measured along the chord distance at
the front setback between side property lines.
Article 4
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Warren County/Joint Zoning Ordinance
5. Minimum Lot Frontage Required. No building shall be erected on a lot, nor shall a lot
be created, which does not abut at least one improved street for a distance of not
less than 32 feet, unless permitted by Sec. 6.4, nonconforming lots of record).
6. Measurement of Lot Coverage. Lot coverage shall include all areas of the lot covered
by buildings, structures (including accessory structures), patios, walkways,
travelways, and parking areas, including gravel including gravel, pervious material or
similar permeable paving material. Lot coverage does not include uncovered, semi-
pervious decks or outdoor pools. The percent of lot coverage shall be determined by
dividing the total covered area by the gross area of the lot.
7. Setbacks and Yards.
a. Lots Abutting Interstate or Other Highways. Lots that abut an Interstate
Highway, Parkway or other fully controlled access highways which allow no direct
access shall have a minimum building setback line from the right-of-way of said
highway of 25 feet. This building line shall be the same whether considered as
front, side or rear setback.
b. Distance Greater than Minimum Required. Building setback lines as established
by this Section may be greater than the minimums shown in the table in Sec.
4.5.4.B; however, for purposes of establishing minimum lot width, this distance
shall not exceed 100 feet.
c. Variable Front Yard Setback. A waiver from the strict enforcement of the front
yard setback shown for a specific property may be granted by the Executive
Director where the majority of existing development on the same block face is set
back less than the required setback. In such case, the front yard setback may be
the average setback line for that block face. In the absence of existing
development on a particular block face, and where the majority of existing
development on an opposing block face is set back less than the required setback,
the front yard setback may be the average setback line for the opposing block
face. Any property utilizing a variable front yard setback must still meet the sight
distance triangle requirements outlined in Section 1.14.
8. Additional Setback Adjacent to Single Family Residential District/Use. Development
in any RM-2, RM-3 or RM-4 district adjacent to the boundary of a single family
residential zoning district or single family residential use shall have a side and rear
yard setback of 25 feet.
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Zoning Districts Multi-Family Residential
Warren County/Joint Zoning Ordinance
9. Height Limit Exceptions. The height limitations of this Ordinance shall not apply to
church spires, belfries, cupolas and domes not intended for human occupancy;
monuments; water towers; observation towers; flag poles; or chimneys.
10. Parking Standard. Parking shall be provided according to the Development Standards
table found in this section, the “Off-Street Parking and Loading” requirements in
Section 4.6.8.E.2.a, 4.6.8.E.3, 4.6.8.E.4, 4.6.8.E.5, 4.6.8.E.6, 4.6.8.E.7, 4.6.8.E.8,
4.6.8.E.10 and 4.6.8.E.11 and meet the following requirements:
a. All parking areas in the RM-2, RM-3 and RM-4 zoning districts shall be paved with
asphalt, concrete, brick pavers, or similar material.
b. Parking areas located in front of a single family residential use or structure
located in a multi-family residential zone shall follow the standards outlined in
Section 4.4.5.C.9.b.
c. Multi-Family Uses Containing Garages or Carports. Parking located in front of a
garage or carport may be credited toward the required number of spaces as
outlined below:
(1) The total vehicle capacity provided in a garage or carport within a
development, may be credited toward the required number of parking
(2) Parking in front of a garage or carport may also count toward the required
number of spaces, not to exceed 1 additional space per vehicle capacity as
defined above.
d. Lighting for parking areas located in multi-family districts shall comply with the
standards outlined in Section 4.6.8.I.1.C (2) and (3).
D. Landscaping. All multi-family residential development shall comply with the minimum
landscaping standards as set forth in Section 4.6.8.D. Development containing only a
garage and driveway per unit or development containing only a driveway per unit is
exempt from VUA landscaping requirements in Section 4.6.8.D.
E. Signs
1. Signage is allowed within Multi-Family Residential Districts on a limited basis and in
accordance with the following table. No sign shall be externally or internally
illuminated. All permitted signs shall also comply with all the applicable Sign
Development Standards in Section 4.6.8.F.
RM-2, RM-3, and RM-4
Freestanding Signs Allowed?
Maximum Number
Maximum Face Area
60 sf
Maximum Height
5 ft
Structure Type
Monument Only
Wall Signs Allowed?
Maximum Face Area
10% of the facade
Entrance Sign Allowed?
*In RM-2, RM-3, and RM-4 districts, signs are allowed for properly permitted
conditional uses only.
Article 4
Zoning Districts Multi-Family Residential
Warren County/Joint Zoning Ordinance
2. Entrance Signs Standards.
a. The content of an entrance sign shall be limited to the name of the subdivision or
residential complex only.
b. No sign shall be internally illuminated.
c. All entrance signs shall be constructed of durable materials.
d. Landscaping is encouraged around entrance signs, provided the selected
landscape materials will not grow to obscure sign face. No landscaping shall be
erected to obstruct free and clear vision of an intersection and/or roadway.
Landscaping around entrance signs may be credited toward the landscaping
requirement between a VUA and right-of-way as outlined in Section. 4.6.8.D.3.a
e. Structural Type and Size. Any entrance sign must be monument type and the
maximum sign face shall be 60 sq. ft. total. Maximum height shall be 5 feet.
f. Entrance signs may be allowed in public right-of-way only with written permission
of the applicable jurisdiction.
g. All permitted signs shall also comply with all the applicable Sign Development
Standards in Section 4.6.8.F.
3. Personal Expression and Political Campaign Signs.
Temporary on-premise signs containing content of personal expression or political
campaign shall not require a permit. These signs are allowed provided they
otherwise comply with the following standards:
a. No sign shall be erected to obstruct free and clear vision of an intersection and/or
traffic signals. No sign may be placed in or extended over a public right-of-way or
utility easement without the express written consent of the controlling
jurisdiction or utility.
b. Signs shall be limited to a maximum sign face area of 16 s.f. in size (32 square feet
in unincorporated areas of Warren County), not to exceed 8 feet in height.
c. All permitted signs shall also comply with all the applicable Sign Development
Standards in Section 4.6.8.F.
F. Accessory Structures. Accessory buildings and structures, except as otherwise permitted
by this Ordinance, shall require a building permit and shall be subject to the following
regulations in all multi-family districts.
1. No accessory building or structure shall extend into the front yard of any multi-family
development, excluding fences 4 feet or less in height and fences along a side street
as referenced below in the case of a corner lot. In the case of a corner lot, no
accessory building or structure shall be located nearer to the side street than the
depth of any required front yard for a dwelling along such side street, excluding
fences. Fences are not subject to building or structure setbacks, but are subject to
sight distance requirements in Section 1.14 of this Ordinance.
2. An accessory building may not exceed the height of the principal structure.
Article 4
Zoning Districts Multi-Family Residential
Warren County/Joint Zoning Ordinance
3. Accessory buildings/structures shall be permanently affixed to the ground and shall
not include mobile home, bus, travel trailer, RV, trailer, cooler, vehicle or freight
container unless modified to meet building codes and all other applicable
4. Swimming Pools.
a. All swimming pools with a water depth of 3 feet or greater shall require a building
b. A swimming pool as an accessory use to a multi-family residential development
shall be located no closer than 25 feet to any property line. The setback shall be
measured from the wall of the swimming pool to the nearest property line.
c. The swimming pool area shall be enclosed by a fence or other suitable barrier
with a minimum height of not less than 4 feet. Openings in the fence shall be
small enough to prevent a child from entering the enclosure other than through
the gate.
d. Fences. For the purpose of determining the yard setback, the accessory structure
setback shall not apply to fences. See 4.5.4.F (1) and (2) for front setback for
4.5.5 Residential Development Standards by Housing Type
A. Twinhome. Only one twinhome dwelling unit shall be allowed on a single lot. Lot
coverage, maximum height and off-street parking shall adhere to the zoning district in
which the twinhome is located. Setbacks shall be as permitted in the zoning district in
which the twinhome is located, with the exception of the lot line where the party walls of
the two units adjoin. In such case, the setback shall be 0 feet. All other development
standards are as follows:
1. Twinhomes in RM-2 shall follow the development standards outlined in Section
2. Twinhomes in RM-3 shall follow the development standards outlined in Section
4.4.6.C and utilize the RS-1C standards for lot size, lot width, lot frontage, party walls
and roofs and subdivision regulation coordination. All other development standards
are as stated in Section 4.5.4.B for the zone in which the development is located.
3. Twinhomes in RM-4 shall follow the development standards outlined in Section
4.4.6.C and utilize the RS-1D standards for lot size, lot width, lot frontage, party walls
and roofs and subdivision regulation coordination. All other development standards
are as stated in Section 4.5.4.B for the zone in which the development is located.
Article 4
Zoning Districts Multi-Family Residential
Warren County/Joint Zoning Ordinance
B. Townhomes.
1. Platted Lot Required. Each unit shall be developed on a separately platted and
recorded lot.
2. Lot Size.
a. Minimum lot size for each platted lot shall be 1.200 square feet, exclusive of
b. Minimum lot width shall be 16 feet for each unit.
3. Setbacks.
a. Front Yard. Minimum 25 feet with no garage, 18 feet with a garage, or 5 feet with
designated off-site or rear parking.
4. Off-Street Parking and Drives.
a. Each townhouse shall have at least 2 paved off-street parking spaces located on
the lot belonging to each townhouse, or within 100 feet of the unit, unless
located within a mile of WKU’s main campus. If located within a mile of WKU’s
main campus, parking shall be provided as required in Section 4.5.4.B according
to the zone in which the development is located.
b. Parking spaces that do not have a private access from a public way shall have
access via a private drive for which perpetual maintenance shall be provided.
Perpetual maintenance shall be provided through an agreement or covenant
which is properly recorded and which runs with the land. Such agreement shall
receive the prior approval of the Planning Commission staff and shall be recorded
in the office of the County Court Clerk of Warren County, Kentucky.
5. Party Walls and Roofs.
a. Party walls shall be constructed in conformance with the Kentucky Building Code
b. Party walls and roofs shall be perpetually maintained, repaired and replaced
through a party wall and roof agreement with provisions for arbitration. Such
agreement shall receive the prior approval of the Planning Commission Staff and
shall be recorded in the office of the County Court Clerk of Warren County,
c. All townhomes sharing a common wall shall have a minimum 24-inch offset in the
front and rear building facades.
6. Subdivision Regulation Coordination. Any development approved under this section
shall be considered a major plat.
Article 4
Zoning Districts Multi-Family Residential
Warren County/Joint Zoning Ordinance
C. Condominium (Horizontal Property)
1. The intent and application of this Ordinance is to implement and reaffirm the
Horizontal Property Law of Kentucky (KRS 381).
2. A master deed or lease or floor plans meeting the standards set forth in KRS 381 shall
not be filed in the office of the Warren County Clerk without having first been
reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission.
3. The maximum permitted overall densities, number of units, maximum lot coverage,
setbacks, parking requirements and maximum height shall be controlled by the
zoning district classification in which the project is located.
4. The establishment, expansion or diminution of a horizontal property regime shall be
subject to review and approval by the Planning Commission in the same manner as
approval of a record plat.
Article 4
Zoning Districts Commercial
Warren County/Joint Zoning Ordinance
4.6.1 Neighborhood Business District (NB)
The Neighborhood Business District is intended to provide opportunities for neighborhood-
scale commercial development that provides daily services and goods to the immediately
surrounding area.
4.6.2 General Business District (GB)
The General Business District is intended to provide opportunities for commercial
development that serves the entire community or region.
4.6.3 Central Business District (CB)
The Central Business District is intended to provide for the continued vitality of downtown
Bowling Green and the maintenance and re-use of existing historic structures. This district
shall be served by public sanitary sewer.
4.6.4 Highway Business District (HB)
The Highway Business District is intended for the development of businesses that require a
high volume of vehicular traffic due to the nature of the products or services offered by the
business. This District is appropriate for parcels having frontage on collector or arterial
streets, or within one-half mile of an interstate or William H. Natcher Parkway.
4.6.5 Office and Professional - Residential District (OP-R)
This district is established with the purpose and intent of providing space for professional
offices in appropriate locations to accommodate the needs of the community. The district is
intended to serve as the transition between commercial areas and adjacent residential
4.6.6 Office and Professional - Commercial District (OP-C)
This district is established with the purpose and intent of providing space for professional
offices in appropriate locations to accommodate the needs of the community. The district is
intended to serve large-scale offices in commercial or industrial areas.
4.6.7 Public District (P)
The Public District is intended to provide for public and quasi-public development, including
open lands such as parks, and developed uses including government building, hospitals, and
schools. Use of the Public District is limited to agencies and entities receiving or utilizing
public funding.
Article 4
Zoning Districts Commercial
Warren County/Joint Zoning Ordinance
4.6.8 General Commercial Development Standards
A. Uses. Uses permitted in each District are shown in the Use Table in Sec. 5.1. This table
employs broad use categories containing a variety of similar uses. The use categories are
described in Sec. 5.2, Use Categories, and Appendix B lists examples of uses, showing
which use categories they fall into. Additional standards for specific uses, if any, can be
found in each category.
B. Property Development Standards.
1. Development in each District shall comply with the general commercial development
standards in the following table:
Lot Area, min. sq. ft.
Public Sewer
Septic System
Lot Width, min. ft. at Bldg. Line
Lot Frontage, min. ft.
Lot Coverage, max.
Setbacks, min. ft.
Front Yard
Side Yard
Rear Yard
Accessory Structure
Height, max.
42 feet
42 feet
42 feet
Building Size, max. s.f.
See specific use chart in 4.6.8.E for parking requirements.
Fire protection required?
See Sec. 1.13 for Fire Protection Requirements.
Landscaping required?
See Section 4.6.8.D for landscaping requirements.
Residential uses allowed?
What standard?
See Section 4.6.8.K.
For commercial uses utilizing an on-site septic system, see Article 1.12.2.A.3.
See Sec. 4.6.8.C for additional setback required adjacent to a single family residential district/use.
Fences must also adhere to the requirements of section 4.6.8.J.
2. Minimum Lot Area Above 100-Year Flood Level Required. No lot served by public
sanitary sewer shall be created or developed which does not have at least 5,000
square feet of lot area above the 100-year frequency flood level. No lot served by on-
site septic systems shall be created or developed which does not have at least 20,000
square feet of lot area above the 100-year frequency flood level.
3. Measurement of Lot Coverage. Lot coverage shall include all areas of the lot covered
by buildings, structures (including accessory structures), patios, walkways,
travelways, and parking areas, including gravel parking areas. Lot coverage does not
include uncovered, semi-pervious decks or outdoor pools. The percent of lot coverage
shall be determined by dividing the total covered area by the gross area of the lot.
4. Variable Front Yard Setback. A waiver from the strict enforcement of the front yard
setback shown for a specific property may be granted by the Executive Director where
the majority of existing development on the same block face is set back less than the
required setback. In such case, the front yard setback may be the average setback
line for that block face. In the absence of existing development on a particular block
face, and where the majority of existing development on an opposing block face is set
Article 4
Zoning Districts Commercial
Warren County/Joint Zoning Ordinance
back less than the required setback, the front yard setback may be the average
setback line for the opposing block face. Any property utilizing a variable front yard
setback must still meet the sight distance triangle requirements outlined in Section
C. Additional Setback Adjacent to Single-Family Residential District/ Uses.
Development in any commercial district adjacent to the boundary of a Single-Family
residential zoning district or a Single-Family Residential Use shall require the following
1. Commercial Districts (OP-C, HB and GB). A side and rear yard shall have a minimum
40-foot setback.
2. Commercial Districts (OP-R, NB, P and CB). A side and rear yard shall have a minimum
25-foot setback.
D. Landscaping. All commercial development shall comply with the minimum landscaping
standards as follows:
1. Applicability
a. No new site, development, building, structure, or vehicle use area (VUA) shall
hereafter be constructed unless landscaping is provided as required by the
provisions of this Section, regardless of the need for a building permit.
b. No building, structure or VUA shall be expanded or moved unless the minimum
landscaping is provided as required by the provisions of this Section.
c. No building, structure, or VUA shall be reconstructed unless the minimum
landscaping is provided as required by the provisions of this Section.
d. No use shall be changed to another use for which this Ordinance requires
additional parking over that which was required for the previous use, unless the
VUA perimeter and interior VUA landscaping as required by this Section is provided
for such additional parking. Where the previous use had no required parking,
perimeter and interior VUA landscaping shall be provided for all new VUA serving
the new use. Landscaping shall not be required where only the use of the property
is changed and no new construction or reconstruction of any building or VUA is
2. Buffers between incompatible land uses. Land uses that are determined to be
incompatible by the Executive Director of the Planning Commission shall be buffered
at the following rate:
a. Three deciduous shade trees and six evergreen trees per each 100 linear feet of
buffer, or two deciduous shade trees, three evergreen trees and twelve shrubs per
100 linear feet of buffer.
b. Up to one-half of the deciduous shade trees and evergreens may be substituted
with ornamental trees. The substitution rate shall be two ornamental trees for
each shade or evergreen tree.
c. The required buffer shall be located along the property boundary adjacent to the
incompatible land use.
d. All buffers located between incompatible land uses must be a minimum of ten feet
in width.
Article 4
Zoning Districts – Commercial
3. ScreeningofVehicleUseAreas(VUA).
a. Whena VUA islocated adjacent toany property lineotherthan a public rightof
(1) Three deciduous shade trees and two evergreen trees per 100 linear feet of
(2) Up to onehalf of the deciduous shade trees and evergreens may be
substituted with ornamental trees.The substitution rate shall be two
(3) AllscreeningbetweenaVUAandacommonpropertylinemustbeanaverage
often(10)feet inwidthwiththeminimum dimensionbeingfive(5)feet.The
between the required area of landscaping and
the amount of the reduction
must be provided in other areas of the development (i.e. increased buffers
along other property lines, foundation plantings, additional interior VUA
(4) When a VUA is located adjacent to any public rightofway, the screen shall
i. A minimum of 70 percent of the distan ce where a VUA is adjacent to a
rightofwayorcommon property line shall be screened with shrubstobe
maintained at a minimum of 24 inches and a maximum of 42 inches in
height, with onehalf of the shrubs
used for this being of an evergreen
ii. Twodeciduousshadetreesper100linearfeetofscreen.Shadetreesmay
be substituted with ornamental trees at the rate of two ornamental trees
iii. AllscreensbetweenaVUAandrightofwaymustbeaminimumoften(10)
feet. The difference between the required area of landscaping and the
amount of the reduction must be provided in
other areas of the
development(i.e. increased buffers along other propertylines,foundation
plantings, additional interior VUA landscaping, etc.) in order for the
4. Interior VUA Landscaping. Any open VUA (excluding loading, unloading and storage
interiorlandscapinginadditiontothepreviously requiredVUAperimeterlandscaping.
within ten feet of a building is considered foundation planting and is not counted
towards the requirements of this section.All interior VUA shall be planted at the
a. A minimum of five percent interior VUA landscaping shall be provided in planting
Article 4
Zoning Districts Commercial
Warren County/Joint Zoning Ordinance
b. The minimum landscape area to be counted towards the requirements of this
section shall be 64 square feet, with a minimum island or peninsula width of six
c. Required landscape areas shall be dispersed throughout the VUA, with no area
being larger than 400 square feet, areas over this amount are permitted when in
excess of the required five percent.
d. Landscape islands shall be required at the ends of all parking bays.
e. A minimum of one tree shall be planted within each landscape island or peninsula.
f. There shall be no more than 20 parking spaces between islands or peninsula in a
VUA. This is to include parking adjacent to common property lines or public rights-
5. Screening of Service Structures and Equipment. All service structures and equipment
shall be fully screened.
a. A continuous planting, fence, wall, or earth berm shall enclose any service
structure on all sides unless such structure must be frequently moved, in which
case screening on all but one side is required. The average height of the screening
material shall be one foot more than the height of the enclosed structure, but shall
not be required to exceed eight feet in height. No screening shall be required if
the service structure is interior to loading or vehicle servicing area.
b. When plant material is to be used for the screening of service structures, the plant
material must be able to provide 100 percent screening within three years.
c. All trash disposal units and ground level storage units shall be enclosed within
walls, vegetation, or earthen berm on all sides with an opening door for the
removal of trash or stored items. The height of the screening shall be 18 inches
higher than the structure to be screened, but shall not be required to exceed eight
feet in height.
6. Landscape materials. Landscape material shall consist of plant material, wood, stone,
masonry material, or earthen berm.
a. All plant material shall meet the American Nursery Standards and shall come from
the plant list available from the City-County Planning Commission. If plant material
not on the plant list is to be used, it must have the prior approval of the City-
County. All deciduous trees must be a minimum of one-and-three-quarter inches
in caliper at planting, all evergreen trees shall be a minimum of five feet planted
height, and shrubs shall be a minimum of 24 inches planted height. Ornamental
trees shall have a minimum height of six feet planted height.
b. Fence or Wall material shall consist of board-on-board wooden fence, masonry, or
stone or any combination of the above. The use of such wall or fence material
used between incompatible land uses must be to a height of six feet and may be
used in place of the evergreen trees and shrub material. The minimum buffer
widths are still to be maintained and the deciduous tree requirements are to be
used in conjunction with the wall or fence. All wood used is to be treated with
water-borne preservatives to the American Wood Preservers Institute standards.
All hardware is to be galvanized or otherwise rustproof. Chain link fencing may not
be used to satisfy the requirements of this Section.
Article 4
Zoning Districts Commercial
Warren County/Joint Zoning Ordinance
c. Earthen berms shall be constructed to a maximum slope ratio of three to one (3:1)
and covered with a ground cover or turf. A difference in elevation between areas
requiring screening does not constitute an earth berm. The minimum buffer
widths are still to be maintained and the deciduous tree requirements are to be
used in conjunction with the wall or fence.
7. Credit for existing vegetation. Existing vegetation which is proposed to be used to
fulfill the landscape requirements shall be shown on the required landscape plan, and
may only be used with written approval of the City-County Planning Commission after
a site visit. All vegetation to be used must be on the property requiring the landscape
plan. If in the future, the existing vegetation is removed, the property owner will be
required to replace the vegetation with the quantity as outlined elsewhere in this
8. Requirements of a Landscape Plan.
a. Site plan, drawn to an scale not to exceed one inch to fifty feet, showing all existing
structures, proposed structures, proposed VUA and travel lanes, property lines,
easements, and the proposed location of all plant material keyed to the plan.
b. Plant schedule including common name, botanic name, cultivar, size and quantity,
condition (balled and burlaped, container size or bare root), and planting details
using the standards of the American Society of Landscape Architects.
c. Square footage of proposed VUA and square footage of all proposed landscaping
and interior VUA landscaping for each island.
d. All landscape plans must be prepared by an Engineer, Architect, or Landscape
Architect licensed to practice in the State of Kentucky, or Certified Nurserymen and
in accordance with all state laws.
9. Landscape plans required for building permit.
a. When a landscape plan is required, no building permit shall be issued until the
required landscape plan has been submitted and approved, all required landscape
improvements must be installed prior to receipt of a Certificate of Occupancy or
10. Maintenance. All landscaping required by this Section and any landscape material
planted as part of any development plan conditions, must be maintained in a healthy
and growing condition. Any and all plant material that dies must be replaced in the
next appropriate planting season to the specifications of the originally approved
landscape plan.
Article 4
Zoning Districts Commercial
Warren County/Joint Zoning Ordinance
E. Off-Street Parking and Loading. Off-street vehicle storage or parking space shall be
provided for all uses allowed in the districts in this Section. Such space shall be provided
with vehicular access to a street or alley and shall be designated on any required site plan
or Detailed Development Plan.
1. Required Spaces. The following are minimum requirements for specific uses. All
measurements utilizing square feet shall be square feet of gross floor area unless
otherwise expressly stated. Combined uses shall be required to provide parking equal
to the total requirements for the individual uses. Where necessary, calculations shall
be based on Kentucky Building Code Occupancy load requirements. Uses in the CB
district and development in the area bound by the US 31W Bypass/East Riverview
Drive, Kentucky Street and Broadway Avenue/East 12th Avenue are exempt from the
on-site parking requirements of this Section, excluding residential uses. In these
areas, a minimum of one off-street parking space is required per residential dwelling
Spaces Required
Auto Showroom or Dealer,
New or Used
1 per 400 square feet of showroom and office
space, plus two spaces per service bay
Bed and Breakfast
1 space per bedroom
Conference Center or Student Center
1 space per 150 square feet of main meeting
room space.
Day Care
1 space per 400 square feet, exclusive of
kitchens and bathrooms
Group Living*
1 spaces per 2 occupant beds, plus 1 space
per employee
Hospital / Medical Center
1 space per 4 authorized beds,
plus 1 space per 1,000 square feet
Outpatient Surgery Center
1 space per 250 square feet
Hotel or Motel
1 per bedroom plus 1 per 400 square feet of
banquet, office, or meeting space
Library, Museum, Art Gallery
1 per 1,000 square feet, plus 5 for each
meeting or special facility room
Urgent Clinics
1 space per 250 square feet
Nursing Home, Assisted Living
1 space per 4 authorized beds plus 1 space
per 1,000 square feet
Office Uses
1 space per 300 square feet
Place of Public Assembly (Auditorium,
Place of Worship, Stadium, Theater, etc.)
1 space per 4 seats or maximum fire-rated
capacity, whichever is greater.
Table Service
1 space per 100 square feet
Counter Service
1 space per 100 square feet
Fast Food
1 space per 200 square feet
Standalone Retail
< 20,000 SF
≥ 20,000 SF
1 space for each 400 square feet
1 space for each 400 square feet for the first
20,000 SF. 1 space for each 800 SF for
remaining area.
School, Elementary or Middle
2 spaces per classroom
School, Secondary or Post-Secondary
4 spaces per classroom, OR
1 space for 6 seats in auditorium, gym, arena
or stadium, whichever is greater.
Mixed-Use / Multi-Tenant Development
Commercial Only
1 space per 200 s.f
Commercial and Residential
1 space per 200 s.f. + 1 per dwelling unit
* For parking requirements for University District uses, see Section 4.9.5.B.2.
Article 4
Zoning Districts Commercial
Warren County/Joint Zoning Ordinance
2. Rules for Computing Requirements. The following rules apply when computing off-
street parking and loading requirements.
a. Fractions. When measurements of the number of required spaces result in a
fractional number, any fraction of less than 1/2 will be rounded down to the next
lower whole number and any fraction ½ or more will be rounded up to the next
higher whole number.
b. Unlisted Uses. For a use not specifically listed in the table above, the Executive
Director shall apply the off-street parking standard specified for the listed use that
is deemed most similar to the proposed use or require an alternative parking study
in accordance with this section.
3. Change in Use. Where the principal use is changed to a use for which additional
parking is required under the provisions of this ordinance, it shall be unlawful to begin
or maintain such altered use until the required off-street parking is provided and the
site is brought into compliance with all other applicable provisions of this ordinance
including, paving and landscaping.
4. Alternative Parking Study. Some uses have widely varying parking demand
characteristics, making it impossible to specify a single off-street parking standard. A
developer proposing to develop or expand such a use may submit an alternative
parking study that provides justification for the number of off-street parking spaces
a. A parking study must include estimates of parking demand based on
recommendations of the Institute of Traffic Engineers (ITE), or other acceptable
estimates as approved by the Planning Commission and should include other
reliable data collected from uses or combinations of uses that are the same as or
comparable with the proposed use. Comparability will be determined by density,
scale, bulk, area, type of activity, and location. The study must document the
source of data used to develop the recommendations.
(1) The Planning Commission shall review the parking study and any other
traffic engineering and planning data relevant to the establishment of an
appropriate off-street parking standard for the proposed use. After
reviewing the parking study, the Planning Commission shall establish a
minimum off-street parking standard for the proposed use.
b. In addition to minimum parking required per parking study, the Planning
Commission may require additional, unpaved area be designated and set aside for
future use.
5. Temporary Parking. City or County agencies may issue a permit to park vehicles on a
gravel surface for a period of up to one (1) year in relation to expansion or
redevelopment of an existing site nearby. Screening of the temporary parking area
from incompatible uses may be required. The area shall be designed for the safe
ingress and egress of vehicles to the street and in such a way that mud and gravel will
not be carried onto adjacent streets. Before the approved time period expires, the
area shall be paved and landscaped as required by the zoning ordinance or gravel
removed, the land graded and sodded or seeded in grass. An extension may granted if
the construction period lasts longer than one (1) year.
Article 4
Zoning Districts Commercial
Warren County/Joint Zoning Ordinance
6. Parking Space Design. The following minimum standards shall apply:
*Aisle Widths may be reduced to a minimum of 11’ in the case of one-way traffic and 22’ in the case
of two-way traffic.
Aisle Width*
Total Width of Parking and Aisle*
One-Way Traffic
Two-Way Traffic
1 Row
2 Rows
1 Row
2 Rows
Article 4
Zoning Districts Commercial
Warren County/Joint Zoning Ordinance
7. Driveways. When driveways are less than 20 feet in width, marked separate
entrances and exits shall be provided so that traffic shall flow in one direction only.
Entrances and exits to an alley may be provided if prior approval is obtained in writing
from the City or County Public Works Department. Driveways designated as fire lanes
shall meet the standards of the Fire Code.
8. Maneuvering Space. Maneuvering space shall be located completely off the right-of-
way of a public street, place or court, and meet the standards outlined above. Parking
areas that would require the use of public right-of-way for maneuvering shall only be
permitted if approved by the appropriate agency. Parking parallel to the curb on a
public street shall not be substituted for off-street parking requirements.
9. Parking Surface. Drives and parking areas must be paved with concrete, asphalt,
brick pavers, or similar permeable solid surface paving material.
10. Off-Site (Remote) Parking. If sufficient parking is not available on the premises, a
private parking lot may be provided within 1,000 feet, either on property zoned for
that purpose subject to the following conditions:
a. The parking shall be subject to the front yard setback requirements of the district
in which it is located.
b. The parking area must be paved with concrete, asphalt, brick pavers, or similar
permeable solid surface paving material.
c. The parking area must be landscaped in accordance with the provisions of this
d. Area lights must be directed away from adjacent properties.
e. Agreement for Remote Parking. A remote parking plan will be enforced through
written agreement among all owners of record. An attested copy of the agreement
between the owners of record must be submitted to the Planning Commission for
recording and recording of the agreement must take place before issuance of a
building permit for any use to be served by the off-site parking area. A remote
parking agreement may be revoked only if all required off-street parking spaces
will be provided in accordance with this Section.
11. Shared Parking. Developments or uses with different operating hours or peak
business periods may share off-street parking spaces if approved as part of a Parking
Plan and if the shared parking complies with the all of following standards.
a. Location. Shared parking spaces must be located within 1,000 feet of the primary
entrance of all uses served, unless remote parking shuttle bus service is provided.
b. Zoning District Classification. Shared parking areas require the same or a more
intensive zoning classification than required for the use served.
c. Shared Parking Study. Those wishing to use shared parking as a means of
satisfying off-street parking requirements must submit a shared parking analysis to
the Planning Commission that clearly demonstrates the feasibility of shared
parking. The study must address, at a minimum, the size and type of the proposed
development, the composition of tenants, the anticipated rate of parking turnover
and the anticipated peak parking and traffic loads for all uses that will be sharing
off-street parking spaces.
Article 4
Zoning Districts Commercial
Warren County/Joint Zoning Ordinance
d. Agreement for Shared Parking. A shared parking plan will be enforced through
written agreement among all owners of record. An attested copy of the agreement
between the owners of record must be submitted to the Planning Commission for
recording and recording of the agreement must take place before issuance of a
building permit for any use to be served by the off-site parking area. A shared
parking agreement may be revoked only if all required off-street parking spaces
will be provided in accordance with this Section.
12. Stacking Spaces for Drive-Thru Facilities. In addition to meeting the off-street parking
requirements of this section, drive-thru facilities shall comply with the following
minimum stacking space per lane standards:
Use Type
Measured From
Automated Teller Machine or Bank
teller lane
Teller Machine or
Window/Service Tube
Car wash stall, automatic
Car wash stall, self-service
Gasoline pump island*
Each end of pump island
Restaurant with menu board
Menu Board
Restaurant with pickup window only
(no menu board)
Pickup Window
Other drive-through
3 spaces
Pick up window
As approved by the Planning Commission
based on Parking Study
*Alternate layouts may be approved at the discretion of Planning Commission staff, but must not interfere with
the safety or circulation of pedestrians and/or vehicles on- or off-site.
Stacking spaces shall be subject to the following design and layout standards.
a. Stacking spaces shall be a minimum of 8 by 20 feet in size.
b. Stacking spaces shall be designed so as not to impede pedestrian circulation or on-
and off-site traffic movements or movements into or out of parking spaces.
c. Stacking spaces shall be separated from other internal travelways. Raised medians
may be required, if deemed necessary by the Planning Commission for traffic
movement or safety.
13. Off-Street Loading Space. Every building or structure hereafter constructed for
business or trade use shall provide adequate space for the loading or unloading of
delivery vehicles on site. Such space shall have access to adequate maneuvering
space for ingress and egress to the site. The Central Business and Office Professional -
Residential districts shall be exempt from the off-street loading space requirements.
Minimum Off-Street Loading Space*
1 space per 10,000 sf of building (or fraction thereof)
1 space per building
*Minimum off-street loading space may be omitted if deliveries occur during non-business hours, only.
Article 4
Zoning Districts Commercial
Warren County/Joint Zoning Ordinance
F. Signs
1. Application and Permits for On-Premise Signs
a. All permanent and temporary on-premise signs shall require a permit. Permits
shall be obtained from the Building Inspector of the appropriate jurisdiction. Prior
to the issuance of a permit by the Building Inspector, the permit application(s) shall
be approved by Planning Commission staff, in order to determine compliance with
the Zoning Ordinance of Warren County and the Subdivision Regulations of Warren
County as well as any recorded subdivision plat or development plan.
b. The following on-premise signs shall not require a permit:
(1) On-premise signs which are in the public or community interest and contain no
commercial reference. These signs may advertise events of public or
community interest that occur off the premises of the commercial
establishment. These signs may be placed only with the consent of the
property owner. These signs shall also comply with Section 4 (On-Premise Sign
General Provisions) with regard to visibility and may not be placed on public
right-of way.
(2) On-premise signs, such as safety signs, pedestrian and motor vehicle control
signs; signs of historical significance; clocks; temporary construction, real
estate, flags (including government, political subdivision, or other official
designated flags of an institution or business), personal expression, and
political campaign signs. These signs may be placed only with the consent of
the property owner. These signs shall, however, otherwise comply with
Section 4 (On-Premise Sign General Provisions) with regard to visibility and
right-of ways.
(3) Personal Expression Signs. Personal expression signs shall be limited to a
maximum of 16 sf in size.
(4) Campaign Signs
City of Bowling Green:
Campaign signs shall not exceed 16 square feet and may be displayed no more
than 30 days after the election date.
Warren County:
Campaign signs shall not exceed 32 square feet in unincorporated areas of
Warren County and may be displayed immediately following the filing for an
election and may be displayed no more than 30 days after the election date.
Cities of Oakland, Plum Springs, Smiths Grove and Woodburn:
Campaign signs shall not exceed 16 square feet and may be displayed 30 days
prior and no more than 30 days after the election date.
(5) Real Estate Signs. All Real Estate signs shall be limited to on-site signs where
property is for sale. This type of sign shall not exceed 32 sf in sign area and no
larger than 7 feet in height. Temporary off-premise Real Estate signs used as
directional signs may allowed for a period not exceed 30 days prior to sale or
auction date.
(6) Temporary construction signs shall be limited to a maximum of 16 sf in size.
Article 4
Zoning Districts Commercial
Warren County/Joint Zoning Ordinance
(7) Flags of any other official designated institutions or business shall utilize
freestanding flag poles, no taller than 40 feet in height. Flag size shall not to
exceed 120 square feet in area for each flag.
2. On-Premise Sign General Provisions
a. All on-premise signs shall conform to the sign standards provided in the Sign
Standards Summary Table unless otherwise excepted in this Section. The sum of
all sign faces on a freestanding sign shall not exceed twice the maximum permitted
sign area as set forth in this Section or the Sign Standards Summary Table.
b. Freestanding Signs The area of a sign shall include all lettering, wording, designs
and symbols, together with a background, whether open or enclosed, on which
they are displayed. The supporting structure or bracing of a sign shall be omitted
in measuring the area of the sign unless such structure or bracing is made part of
the message or face of the sign.
c. Wall Signs-Where a sign consists of individual letters, words or symbols attached to
a surface, building, canopy, awning or wall and such elements are located in the
same plane, the sign area shall be the area of the smallest rectangle which
completely encompasses all such letters, words or symbols and any accompanying
background of a color different than the natural color of the wall.
d. No sign shall be erected to obstruct free and clear vision of an intersection and/or
traffic signals. No sign may be placed in or extended over a public right-of-way or
utility easement without the express written consent of the controlling jurisdiction
or utility.
e. All freestanding signs shall be set back a minimum of 20 feet from the edge of
pavement. If the principal structure is located less than 20 feet from the edge of
pavement, the sign shall be affixed to the flat surface of the building.
f. Nonconforming businesses shall be allowed to have or to replace existing on-
premise signs, except when such signs violate the provisions of this Section.
g. No on-premise sign shall be erected within 50 feet of an abutting residential
h. No on-premise signs shall be permitted which exceed the intensity of illumination
of 0.5 foot candles above ambient light (0.5 lumens per square foot, 5.382 lux or
candelas per square meter or comparable measuring unit) measured at five feet
above grade at 20 feet from the sign. No sign shall have a flashing light or a light
resembling any law enforcement or emergency vehicle light or revolving lights that
resemble any traffic light. All applicants must submit certification that the sign is
dimmable in order to comply with the listed illumination standard.
i. No on-premise sign shall contain commercial advertising which is unrelated to the
existing use of the property.
j. Wall or building signs may be placed on the vertical facade of the building and shall
not extend any closer than 12 inches to either the top or side edges of the surface
or wall to which it is attached, and shall be permitted in addition to any other
permitted sign.
k. Signage for multiple uses In the case of multi-tenant buildings, the maximum sign
face area for wall signs shall be based on the building frontage of each individual
use. For the purposes of this section, building frontage for multi-tenant buildings
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shall be the horizontal, linear dimension of the portion of the building occupied by
a particular tenant.
l. Temporary signs such as: Banners, pennants, posters, flags (excluding government,
political subdivision, or other official designated flags of an institution or business),
fixed balloons, or similar devices shall be permitted if the devices are solely affixed
to a window or the principal facade of the building and does not extend above the
roof line. Temporary signs which are not solely affixed to a window or principal
façade must comply with Section 4.6.8.F.4.
m. All non-residential buildings which utilize a freestanding sign shall incorporate a
street address number on the sign. Street address numbers shall be a minimum of
6 inches in height. The area of the address number shall not be computed as part
of the sign face.
n. The height of a sign shall be computed as the distance from the base of the sign at
the natural ground level to the top of the highest attached component of the sign
(including the sign face, sign structure, or any other appurtenance). The computed
grade shall be the elevation of the ground prior to disturbance where the sign is to
be located. Dirt mounding shall count toward the overall height of the sign.
o. All signs shall be constructed of durable materials such as: high quality plastic,
finished metal, stone, brick, decorative block, finished wood or EFIS. Pylon pole
covers are encouraged for freestanding pole signs.
3. Prohibited Permanent On-Premise Signs
a. On-premise signs erected, maintained, or continued which cause any interference
to sight distance;
b. Portable signs (signs with no permanent attachment to a building or the ground,
including but not limited to, A-frame signs, pole attachments, searchlights, and
stands) on wheels or freestanding, shall not be allowed permanently on any site;
c. Banners, posters, pennants, flags (excluding, government, political subdivision, or
other official designated flags of an institution or business), large fixed balloons, or
similar devices affixed to any independent support, fence, awning, pump canopy,
curbstone, lamp post, utility pole, hydrant, bridge, culvert, public drinking fountain,
public trash container, rest station building, tree, or in or on any portion of any
public sidewalk, street, or sign shall be prohibited as permanent on-premise signs.
d. Signs with externally moving parts or messages are prohibited. Official signs for
safety purposes shall be exempt from this restriction.
e. Signs which are obscene, indecent, or immoral are prohibited.
f. Signs are prohibited that are made of paper or cardboard erected outside a
completely enclosed building, except for any sign permitted by this Section that is
constructed in a manner in which it does not rapidly deteriorate from rain or other
elements, is maintained in good condition and is promptly repaired or removed if it
g. Roof signs, defined as a sign erected, constructed and maintained wholly upon or
over the roof of any building are prohibited.;
h. Signs (other than approved community banners and those erected by a
governmental agency or required to be erected by a governmental agency or its
Article 4
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contractual agent) erected on the right-of-way of any public street, road, or way,
or signs overhanging or infringing upon the right-of-way of any public street, road,
or way, are prohibited except in the CB (Central Business) district. Such signs must
receive an encroachment permit from the applicable agency, provide proper
liability insurance and be properly permitted as otherwise required by this
i. Signs erected on public property other than signs erected by public authority for
public purposes are prohibited.
j. Signs so located as to prevent free ingress or egress from any door, window, or fire
escape are prohibited. No sign shall be attached to a standpipe or fire escape.
k. Signs that emit any sound, visible or invisible gases, or odor as part of any message.
l. Signs on or attached to utility poles or trees, shrubs, or plants are prohibited
except that approved community banners may be attached to utility poles.
m. Signs incorporated into trucks, motor vehicles, trailers and similar equipment
bearing advertising visible from off-site and parked at the business location for the
intended purpose of advertising a business, service or product, are considered
vehicle signs and are prohibited. Delivery and service vehicles or trailers used on a
daily basis in conjunction with an on-site business are exempt when they are
parked in a location that is not visible from off-site, or otherwise creates the least
possible visual impact without significant effect on the security of the vehicle or
n. Any off-premise advertising signs, except as specifically permitted by this Section
are prohibited.
4. Temporary On-Premise Signs.
Temporary Signs that are used for any special occasion or business Grand Opening
such as: Banners, posters, pennants, flags (excluding government, political
subdivision, or other official designated flags of an institution or business), wind
signs (gas, cold air or hot air balloons; streamers; and rotating devices, fastened in
such a manner to move upon being subjected to pressure by wind or breeze) fixed
balloons, or similar devices which are not solely affixed to a window or the
principal facade, and portable signs on wheels or freestanding shall be permitted in
all commercial zoning districts for a 30 day period not to exceed 4 times per
calendar year.
5. Permanent On-Premise Signs
a. Integral signs, motor vehicle control signs, identification signs, and entrance signs
are permitted in all commercial zoning districts.
b. High-Rise Signs. Property zoned Highway Business (HB) or industrial (LI or HI) and
located within the general vicinity of the Scottsville Road/Interstate 65
interchange, the Louisville Road/Interstate 65 interchange or the Smiths Grove/
Interstate 65 interchange may have a maximum of two freestanding signs, one
which must be a high-rise sign between 50 and 100 feet in height. For the
purposes of calculating the permitted areas, the maximum heights and sign face
areas from the interchanges set forth above, Exhibits A1, A2 and A3 in Appendix A
shall apply.
Angle Width:
Article 4
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High-Rise Sign Area
Sign Height
Sign Face Area
Exit 22 - Scottsville Rd: Exhibit A1
100 feet
250 sf
Exit 28 - Louisville Rd: Exhibit A2
100 feet
250 sf
Exit 38 - Smiths Grove: Exhibit A3
85 feet
200 sf
c. Historic District. Signs in any Local Historic District shall require a Certificate of
Appropriateness approved by the Historic Preservation Board. All on-premise signs
shall conform to the sign standards provided in the Sign Standards Summary Table
unless otherwise excepted in Section 4.9.4. The more restrictive of the Historic
District Overlay or the underlying district shall apply. Electronic Message Display
(EMD) Signs are prohibited in all Local Historic Districts.
6. Dangerous, Defective, Destroyed, Damaged, Removed or Abandoned On-Premise
Signs. Signs which are deemed dangerous or defective by the Building Inspector or
other authorized Code Enforcement Officer shall be removed at the sole cost and
expense of the property owner. Signs which have been abandoned or which advertise
an establishment, service, or product which has not existed or been available at that
location for a period of one year shall be removed by the property owner at their sole
cost and expense.
7. Existing On-Premise Nonconforming Signs. See Section 6.7, Nonconforming Signs.
8. Off-Premise Signs.
Off premise signs are prohibited throughout Warren County except as Consolidated
Shopping Center Signs allowed in Sec. 4.6.8.F.9 and as outdoor or billboard advertising
signs allowed in Sec. 4.6.8.F.11. Off-premise Religious Institutional and Agriculture
Related Product Signs (not to exceed 32 square feet) may be used as directional signs
in unincorporated areas of Warren County.
9. Consolidated Shopping Center Signs
The following special regulations shall apply to on and off-premise signs for Shopping
Centers zoned HB or Planned Unit Development.
a. Permitted Areas. Any Retail Shopping Center (Combined retail space of a
minimum of 100,000 sf) zoned HB or Planned Unit Development shall be allowed
one freestanding identification sign at each entrance into the development from a
collector or arterial street provided that:
(1) no identification sign shall be spaced closer than 600 feet from another
identification sign for the same Shopping Center Development.
(2) location of the sign must be within 600 feet of the Shopping Centers
Development, and
(3) no identification sign shall be placed so as to obstruct the sight distance.
b. Maximum Area. The total area of the sign face for each side of the identification
sign shall not exceed 200 square feet.
c. Maximum Height of Sign. The maximum height of the identification sign shall not
exceed 30 feet above the average ground level at the base of the sign.
d. Maintenance and Easement. No off-premise identification sign shall be permitted
before first having established an easement by plat or ownership of the property
where the sign is to be located by fee simple absolute for the purpose of location
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of the sign. Further, said easement must include provisions for the maintenance,
landscaping, and removal of the sign.
e. Content of Identification Sign. Any Consolidated Shopping Center identification
sign may carry the name, or a combination of names, of the major enterprise(s) or
firm(s) located within the Shopping Center Development. No sign less than twelve
(12) square feet in sign face area or sign that contains lettering less than eight
inches in height shall be allowed on the identification sign. The content shall not
exceed the total allowable sign face in b. above.
f. Illumination. Signs may be illuminated provided such illumination shall be
effectively shielded so as to prevent beams or rays of light from being directed at
any travel way, or which are of such intensity or brilliance as to cause glare or to
impair the vision of the driver of any motor vehicle, or which otherwise interfere
with any driver’s operation of a motor vehicle. No sign shall be so illuminated that
it interferes with the effectiveness of or obscures an official traffic sign, device, or
signal. Electronic Message Display (EMD) Signs are prohibited on Consolidated
Shopping Center Signs when located off-premise.
g. Sign Plan Required.
(1) No building permit for a Consolidated Shopping Center sign may be issued
without there having been approved an agreement between the affected
property owners providing for the ongoing maintenance, construction
standards and plan for locating the on-premise and off-premise signs. Any
such agreement shall be in the form to be recorded in the office of the Warren
County Clerk and shall contain provisions requiring it to run with the land for
all purposes. Any such agreement shall contain a provision that it cannot be
amended or repealed without the prior approval of the Planning Commission.
(2) In lieu of an agreement described in the preceding section, a Detailed
Development Plan shall be approved by the Planning Commission setting for
the maintenance, construction standards and plan for locating the on-premise
and off-premise signs.
10. Campus-Style Signage
This type of signage is intended for a campus-style environment including schools,
colleges, religious institutions, performance halls, convention centers, medical
facilities or other similar uses.
a. Permitted Areas. Campus-signage shall be permitted for the above-described uses
permitted that:
(1) The development shall contain a minimum of three acres of real property;
(2) Identification Signage. One monument-style identification sign is permitted at
each entrance to the development, with a minimum separation distance
between such signs of 500 feet. Any such signage shall be placed so as not to
obstruct the sight distance, and shall meet all other setback requirements for
freestanding signage as required by this ordinance.
(3) Directional Signage. Directional signage that is located internal to the
development is permitted, as long as it contains the minimum amount of
information necessary to adequately direct vehicles and pedestrians
throughout the development.
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b. Maximum Height and Sign Face Area.
(1) Identification Signage
a. The maximum height and sign face area shall not exceed the freestanding
signage standards allowed for the zone in which the development is
(2) Directional Signage
a. In no case shall any freestanding directional sign be taller than 8 feet or
larger than 32 square feet.
b. Directional signage may contain the name and/or logo of the development,
but should not exceed more than 10% of the sign face.
c. When identifying directional information, individual tenant panels shall be
limited to a maximum of 4 square feet each.
c. Maintenance and Easement. In the case of multiple tenants or properties,
campus-style signage shall be permitted only after first having established an
easement by plat or ownership of the property where the signage is to be located
by fee simple absolute for the purpose of location of the sign. Further, said
easement must include provisions for the maintenance, landscaping, and removal
of the sign.
d. Illumination. Signs may be illuminated in accordance with the standards outlined
for the zoning district in which the development is located.
11. Billboard Advertising Signs.
The following special regulations shall apply to billboard advertising signs:
a. Permitted Areas.
(1) Interstate Billboards-Interstate Billboards are limited to only portions of
Interstate 65 and the William H. Natcher Parkway (as shown on exhibit B1 in
Appendix A). Minimum setback of any Interstate Billboard Sign shall be at
least 660 feet along these roadways and shall be in compliance with all State
and Federal guidelines for Interstate Billboards. Interstate Billboards are
limited to said highways in HB and industrial (LI and HI) zoning districts.
(2) Urban Billboards-Urban Billboards are limited to only portions of U.S. Hwy. 31-
W, 231, 68, KY 80, KY 880, and KY 185 (as shown on exhibit B2 in Appendix A)
in HB and industrial zoning districts. All Urban Billboards must be located
within the designated Bowling Green/Warren County Urbanized Area.
b. Maximum Area.
(1) Interstate Billboards-Interstate Billboards shall not exceed the total signable
area of 1,600 square feet inclusive of any border and trim.
(2) Urban Billboards-Urban Billboards shall not exceed the total signable area per
face of 600 square feet inclusive of any border and trim.
c. Maximum Height of Sign.
(1) Interstate Billboards - The maximum height shall be 60 feet above the average
ground level at the base of the sign for all Interstate Billboards.
(2) Urban Billboards - The maximum height shall be 40 feet above the average
ground level at the base of the sign for all Urban Billboards.
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d. Maximum Width.
(1) Interstate Billboards - The maximum width shall be 40 feet for all Interstate
(2) Urban Billboards - The maximum width shall be 50 feet for all Urban
e. Sign Structure Configuration. Sign structures may be constructed back to back or
V-shaped. Signs may be double-stacked, as long as, they meet area, height and
width requirements in items b, c and d.
f. Spacing Per Sign Structure and Maximum Number of Sign Structures. No billboard
sign shall be located within 2,500 feet of another billboard sign (on each side of the
roadway) as measured along the centerline of the parkway, interstate, or arterial
highway on which such signs are located. The maximum number of Urban
Billboard Sign Structures located within the designated Bowling Green/ Warren
County Urbanized Area may not exceed 1 sign structure per 1,000 persons (as
defined by the population total for the Bowling Green/ Warren County Urbanized
Area provided by the US Census Bureau or KYTC).
g. Illumination. Signs may be illuminated provided such illumination shall be
effectively shielded so as to prevent beams or rays of light from being directed at
any travel way, or which are of such intensity or brilliance as to cause glare or to
impair the vision of the driver of any motor vehicle, or which otherwise interfere
with any driver's operation of a motor vehicle are prohibited. No sign shall be so
illuminated that it interferes with the effectiveness of or obscures an official traffic
sign, device or signal. Electronic Message Display (EMD) Signs are prohibited on
Billboard Advertising Signs.
h. Billboard Sign Lot Requirement. All billboard signs must be located on an
individual lot, consisting of at least 5,000 square feet, and meet the lot shape
requirements found in the Subdivision Regulations of Warren County, Kentucky. All
sign structures shall be considered principal structures for purposes of this
Ordinance and shall be the sole structure on the lot. Such lots must meet all
dimensional requirements (frontage, width, setbacks, etc) of the specific zoning
district in which the sign is located. Adequate water and sewer capacity shall not
be required for such lots.
i. Cut-outs or Extensions. Cutouts or extensions of a non-permanent nature shall not
exceed 60 square feet and shall not exceed six feet in height nor 10 feet in width
(added to the top of the display face). Cutouts or extensions which would extend
along the entire top of the signable area and thereby increase the overall height or
width of the sign face shall be considered of permanent nature and shall be
prohibited. No cut-outs or extensions shall be added to the sides or bottom of the
sign face.
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G. Outdoor Storage. Outdoor storage shall be allowed in the GB and HB districts, only, and in
accordance with this Section. Storage shall include supplies or equipment situated
outdoors and shall be subject to the requirements of this Section. Such storage shall only
include supplies and equipment that are directly related to, or that will serve, the principal
use of the property. Such storage shall not include junk, trash, garbage or other general
debris. Outdoor storage in the GB and HB districts shall not exceed 5 percent of the total
site area.
1. Exceptions.
a. Merchandise displayed on-site is classified as Outdoor Display, and is subject to
Section 4.6.8.H below.
b. Waste generated on-site and deposited in ordinary refuse containers shall not be
subject to the restrictions of this Section.
c. Areas enclosed by solid, opaque walls on at least three sides and covered by a
solid, opaque roof shall not be considered outdoor.
2. Location and Screening of Outdoor Storage.
a. Outdoor storage shall not be located in front of the primary structure.
b. Outdoor storage areas shall be paved.
c. If located within 100 feet of any property line or right-of-way, all outdoor storage
areas shall be treated similarly to a VUA, and shall be landscaped in accordance
with Section 4.6.8.D.3 of this ordinance. If located adjacent to an incompatible use,
subsection d. below shall substitute for this requirement.
d. If located adjacent to an incompatible use, outdoor storage shall be set back a
minimum of 10 feet from the property line and meet the landscaping requirements
for incompatible uses as outlined in Section 4.6.8.D.2 of this ordinance.
H. Outdoor Display. Outdoor display shall be allowed in commercial districts as outlined in
the table below, and in accordance with this Section. Any merchandise displayed outdoor
shall be subject to the requirements of this Section. Such display shall not include junk,
trash, garbage or other general debris. For the purpose of this section, outdoor display
shall be broken down into three types, as follows:
1. Type 1: Outdoor Display. Type 1 Outdoor Display shall be allowed adjacent to a
principal building wall and extending to a distance no greater than 5 feet from the
wall. Such display shall not be permitted to block windows, entrances or exits, and
shall not impair the ability of pedestrians to use the building. Examples include:
a. Propane tank exchange, ice freezers, vending machines or other similar items
enclosed within a freestanding structure or machine;
b. Loose merchandise for sale which are only displayed during business hours;
c. Larger specialty items such as lawn and garden equipment, patio furniture, etc.
2. Type 2: Limited Outdoor Display. Type 2 Limited Outdoor Display shall not exceed 5
percent of the total site area. Examples include pre-fabricated buildings for sale,
agricultural, plant and lawn care associated items for sale;
3. Type 3: Temporary/Seasonal Outdoor Display. Type 3 Temporary/Seasonal Outdoor
Display may exceed the 5% limit for Limited Outdoor Display but shall require a permit
from the Building Inspector and shall be limited to a 30 day period no more than 4
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times per year. Examples include Christmas trees, firework tents/displays, lawn and
garden displays, etc.
4. Exceptions.
a. Supplies or equipment located outdoor are considered Outdoor Storage and are
subject to the requirements in Section 4.6.8.G.
b. Vehicles for sale (including boats) shall not be considered merchandise subject to
the restrictions of this Section, but must meet the specific use standards for vehicle
sales in Article 5 of this ordinance.
c. Manufactured housing or model homes that are displayed in a semi-permanent
state with permanent landscaping and skirting shall not be considered
merchandise for the purposes of outdoor display and are not subject to the
restrictions of this Section.
d. Waste generated on-site and deposited in ordinary refuse containers shall not be
subject to the restrictions of this Section.
e. Areas enclosed by solid, opaque walls on at least three sides and covered by a
solid, opaque roof shall not be considered outdoor.
5. Location and Screening of Outdoor Display.
a. All outdoor display shall be located outside the public right-of-way and/or at least
15 feet from the back edge of the adjacent curb or street pavement.
b. Outdoor display areas shall be paved with a permitted surface as outlined in
Section 4.6.8.E.9.
c. If located within 100 feet of any property line or right-of-way, all outdoor display
areas shall be treated similarly to a VUA, and shall be landscaped in accordance
with Section 4.6.8.D.3 of this ordinance. If located adjacent to an incompatible use,
subsection d. below shall substitute for this requirement.
d. If located adjacent to an incompatible use, outdoor display areas shall be set back
a minimum of 10 feet from the property line and meet the landscaping
requirements for incompatible uses as outlined in Section 4.6.8.D.2 of this
e. Any temporary/seasonal outdoor storage shall not interfere with ingress/egress to
the property or impede traffic movement internal to the site.
6. Allowed Storage Table. The three types of outdoor display shall be allowed in the
districts designated in the Table below:
Type 1: Outdoor Display
Type 2: Limited Outdoor Display
Type 3: Temporary/Seasonal
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I. Outdoor Lighting and Speakers.
1. All lighting fixtures designed or placed so as to illuminate any portion of a site shall
meet the following requirements.
a. Fixtures. All light sources shall be concealed within an opaque housing and shall
not be visible from any public right-of-way or residential district boundary.
b. Mounting. Fixtures must be mounted in such a manner that the cone of light does
not cross any property line of the site.
c. Illumination Levels. All site lighting shall be designed so that the level of
illumination, measured in footcandles (fc) at any one point meets the standards for
the specific use below. Minimum and maximum levels are measured at a single
point. Average level is the not-to-exceed value calculated using only the area
intended to receive illumination.
(1) Canopy Lighting. Any lighted canopy (fuel sales, automated teller machines,
etc.) shall be illuminated with an average 12 fc, a minimum of 2 fc, and a
maximum of 20 fc.
(2) Commercial Parking Lots. All commercial parking lots shall be lighted with an
average 1.5 fc, a minimum of 0.2 fc, and a maximum of 10 fc.
(3) General Lighting. Lighting on any commercial property shall be directed
downward and inward, designed to minimize light trespass onto adjacent
properties and shall not exceed 0.5 foot candles at the property line.
2. Outdoor paging and speaker systems are prohibited except for emergency warning
systems and at drive-through windows meeting the specific use criteria in Sec. 5.2.
J. Accessory Structure Standards. Accessory buildings and structures, except as otherwise
permitted by this Ordinance, shall require a building permit and shall be subject to the
following regulations in all commercial zoning districts.
1. Fences may be located in the front yard of the development, but are subject to the
following height limitations:
a. Maximum fence height in the front yard of the NB, GB, OP-R, OP-C zones is 4 feet.
b. Maximum fence height in the front yard of the CB and HB zones is 6 feet.
c. There is no height limitation for fences located in the front yard of property zoned
P (Public).
2. Fences are not subject to building or structure setbacks, but must adhere to the sight
distance requirements in Section 1.14 of this Ordinance.
3. In the case of a corner lot, no accessory building or structure shall extend beyond the
front of the principal structure or be nearer to the side street than the depth of any
required front yard for a dwelling along such side street. Fences constructed on a
corner lot are subject to the height limitations listed in Section 4.6.8.J.1 for yards
along all frontages. Fences are not subject to building or structure setbacks, but must
adhere to the sight distance requirements in Section 1.14 of this Ordinance.
4. Where the accessory building is structurally attached or connected to the principal
building, including breezeways, it shall be subject to, and shall conform to, all
regulations of this Ordinance applicable to the principal building.
5. An accessory building may not exceed the height of the principal structure.
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6. Accessory buildings/structures shall be permanently affixed to the ground and shall
not include mobile home, bus, travel trailer, RV, trailer, cooler, vehicle or freight
container. Ground level storage units are excluded from the requirement to be
permanently affixed to the ground and shall be allowed in commercial districts with
appropriate screening as outlined in Sec. 4.6.8.D.
K. Residential Uses.
1. Residential uses in commercial zones may be permitted as a standalone use,
accessory to a specific use, or incorporated into mixed-use developments as
permitted in the following chart:
Standalone Residential
Applicable Development
RS-1D or
Accessory Apartment
P = Permitted
- = Not Permitted
2. The following section outlines the requirements specific to each of the residential use
types identified in Section 4.6.8.K.1 above.
a. Standalone Residential Uses. Standalone residential uses in the NB, GB and OP-R
zones must adhere to the corresponding development standards referenced in the
chart above.
b. Accessory Apartment. A maximum of one (1) accessory apartment is permitted in
the NB, GB, HB, OP-R, OP-C and P districts.
(1) In the NB and OP-R zones, an accessory apartment must adhere to the
requirements outlined in Section 4.4.5.E.6.
(2) In the GB, HB, OP-C and P zones, an accessory apartment may be attached or
detached from the principal structure. The floor area of the accessory
apartment may not exceed 50 percent of the floor area of the principal
c. Mixed-Use Development. Residential uses may be incorporated into buildings
containing a mixture of uses.
(1) In the NB, GB, HB and OP-C zones, residential uses are allowed in unlimited
quantities, if located on a second or higher story of the principal structure.
(2) In the CB zone, residential uses are allowed in unlimited quantities, if located
on a second or higher story of the principal structure. A minimum of one off-
street parking space per dwelling unit must be provided in the CB zone.
Residential uses are allowed on the first floor, and must adhere to the
following standards:
a) In no case shall the first floor of any principal structure in the CB zone
contain more than 50 percent residential use.
b) The front façade(s) of the principal structure must contain a commercial
use, with residential uses to be located to the rear.
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L. Horizontal Property (Condominium)
1. The intent and application of this Ordinance is to implement and reaffirm the
Horizontal Property Law of Kentucky (KRS 381).
2. A master deed or lease or floor plans meeting the standards set forth in KRS 381 shall
not be filed in the office of the Warren County Clerk without having first been
reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission.
3. The maximum permitted overall densities and floor area ratios and the minimum
outdoor area, living space, and recreation area ratios shall be controlled by the zoning
district classification in which the project is located.
4. The establishment, expansion or diminution of a horizontal property regime shall be
subject to review and approval by the Planning Commission in the same manner as
approval of a record plat.
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4.7.1 Light Industrial District (LI)
The Light Industrial District is intended to provide areas segregated for industrial use where
processes and equipment employed and goods processed are limited to those which are not
objectionable by reason of odor, dust, smoke, cinders, gas fumes, noise, vibration, refuse
matter or water-carried waste.
4.7.2 Heavy Industrial District (HI)
The Heavy Industrial District is intended to provide opportunities for the development of
industry which may have significant external impacts due to noise, glare, heat, odor, dust,
vibration or hazardous materials.
4.7.3 General Industrial Development Standards
A. Uses. Uses permitted in each District are shown in the Use Table in Sec. 5.1. This table
employs broad use categories containing a variety of similar uses. The use categories
are described in Sec. 5.2, Use Categories, and Appendix B lists examples of uses,
showing which use categories they fall into. Additional standards for specific uses, if
any, can be found in each category.
B. Property Development Standards.
1. Development in each District shall comply with the industrial development
standards in the following table:
Lot Area, min. sq. ft.
Public Sewer
Septic System
1 Acre
1 Acre
Lot Width, min. ft. at Bldg.
Lot Frontage, min. ft.
Lot Coverage, max. %
Setbacks, min. ft.
Front Yard
Side Yard
Rear Yard
Height, max. ft.
Building Size, max. sq. ft.
See Section 4.7.3.E
Min. Fire Flow Required?
600 GPM
600 GPM
Landscaping Required
See Section 4.6.8.D for requirements
Residential Uses Allowed?
For industrial uses utilizing an on-site septic system, see Section 1.12.2.A.4.
See Sec. 4.7.3.C for additional setback required adjacent to a residential district/use.
Fences must also adhere to the requirements of Section 4.7.3.J.
2. Minimum Lot Area Above 100-Year Flood Level Required. No lot served by public
sanitary sewer shall be created or developed which does not have at least 5,000
square feet of lot area above the 100-year frequency flood level. No lot served by
on-site septic systems shall be created or developed which does not have at least
20,000 square feet of lot area above the 100-year frequency flood level.
Article 4
Zoning Districts Commercial
Warren County/Joint Zoning Ordinance
3. Measurement of Lot Coverage. Lot coverage shall include all areas of the lot
covered by buildings, structures (including accessory structures), patios, walkways,
travelways, and parking areas, including gravel parking areas. Lot coverage does
not include pervious material or similar permeable paving material. The percent of
lot coverage shall be determined by dividing the total covered area by the gross
area of the lot.
4. Variable Front Yard Setback. A waiver from the strict enforcement of the front
yard setback shown for a specific property may be granted by the Executive Director
where the majority of existing development on the same block face is set back less
than the required setback. In such case, the front yard setback may be the average
setback line for that block face. In the absence of existing development on a
particular block face, and where the majority of existing development on an
opposing block face is set back less than the required setback, the front yard
setback may be the average setback line for the opposing block face. Any property
utilizing a variable front yard setback must still meet the sight distance triangle
requirements outlined in Section 1.14.
C. Additional Setback Adjacent to Residential District, Structure or Use. Development in
any industrial district adjacent to the boundary of a residential district, structure or use
shall require a 50-foot side and rear yard setback.
D. Landscaping. All industrial development shall comply with the minimum landscaping
standards as set forth in the Commercial Development Standards in Section 4.6.8.D.
E. Off-Street Parking and Loading. Off-street vehicle storage or parking space shall be
provided on any lot on which any of the following uses are hereafter established; such
space shall be provided with vehicular access to a street or alley.
1. Required Spaces. The following are minimum requirements for specific uses. All
measurements utilizing square feet shall be square feet of gross floor area unless
otherwise expressly stated. Combined uses shall be required to provide parking
equal to the total requirements for the individual uses. Where necessary,
calculations shall be based on Kentucky Building Code Occupancy load
Industrial Use
Spaces Required
Industrial Plant
1 space per employee, maximum shift
Wholesale, Storage or Warehousing
1 space per employee, maximum shift
Industrial Service
1 space per 300 square feet
All other Industrial Uses
See Sec 4.6.8.E
2. Computation and Design. All parking required under this Section shall comply with
Section 4.6.8.E. of the Commercial Development Standards with regard to
computing parking requirements, alternative parking study, parking space design,
off-site parking, and shared parking.
3. Parking Surface. Drives and parking areas must be paved with concrete, asphalt,
brick pavers, pervious material or similar permeable paving material. Alternative
parking surface options for heavy trucks and equipment are outlined below.
Article 4
Zoning Districts Commercial
Warren County/Joint Zoning Ordinance
4. Alternative Parking Surface. At the time of the filing of any application for a
building or paving permit, the Parking Surface Standards for semi-trucks (or similar
vehicles) and heavy equipment in the Light Industry (LI) and Heavy Industry (HI)
districts may be waived by Planning Commission staff with the following conditions:
a. Travelways and all other parking areas must be paved with concrete, asphalt,
brick pavers, pervious material or similar permeable paving material. Travelways
that serve the sole purpose of providing access for emergency vehicles to the
side or rear of the site may utilize gravel as a permitted surface.
b. Development utilizing an alternative parking surface must use an acceptable
containment material approved by Planning Commission staff in order to
minimize the spreading of alternative paving materials into landscaping areas,
travelways and other parking areas.
c. Development utilizing an alternative parking surface must not extend beyond
the front of the principal structure and shall be screened from adjoining
residential uses.
d. Development utilizing an alternative parking surface may not be located within
designated building setback areas and must meet all landscape requirements of
the Zoning Ordinance outlined in Sec. 4.6.8.D.3 and 4.6.8.D.4.
e. Development utilizing an alternative parking surface shall conform to the
Stormwater Management Program and must be designed and constructed so as
to direct stormwater runoff to the appropriate drainage facility.
5. Off-Street Loading Space. Every building or structure hereafter constructed for
business or trade use shall provide adequate space for the loading or unloading of
delivery vehicles on site.
Minimum Off-Street Loading Space
1 space per each 20,000 sf (or fraction thereof) of building.
F. Signs. All signs in the Industrial Districts shall comply with Section 4.6.8.F. of the
Commercial Development Standards.
G. Outdoor Storage. Outdoor storage shall be allowed in the LI and HI districts, in
accordance with this Section. Such storage shall include materials, supplies or
equipment situated outdoors and shall be subject to the requirements of this Section.
Such storage shall only include materials, supplies or equipment that are directly related
to, or that will serve, the principal use of the property. Such storage shall not include
junk, trash, garbage or other debris. Outdoor storage is subject to the location and
screening requirements below.
a. Exceptions.
1) Merchandise displayed on-site is classified as Outdoor Display, and is subject to
Section 4.7.3.H below.
2) Waste generated on-site and deposited in ordinary refuse containers shall not be
subject to the restrictions of this Section.
3) Areas enclosed by solid, opaque walls on at least three sides and covered by a
solid, opaque roof shall not be considered outdoor.
Article 4
Zoning Districts Commercial
Warren County/Joint Zoning Ordinance
4) Junkyards, scrapyards, towing operations, vehicle storage, vehicle repair, body
work, body shop, recycling operations, salvage or wrecking operations, and
waste related uses are not considered storage and are subject to specific use
standards in Section 5.2.5 of this ordinance.
b. Location and Screening of Outdoor Storage
1) Outdoor storage shall be located outside the public right-of-way and at least 25
feet from the front property line.
2) If located adjacent to a residential use, outdoor storage shall meet the minimum
setback requirements outlined in Section 4.7.3.C. If located adjacent to any other
incompatible use, outdoor storage shall be set back a minimum of 10 feet from
the property line.
3) If located within 100 feet of any property line or right-of-way, all outdoor storage
areas shall be treated similarly to a VUA, and shall be landscaped in accordance
with Section 4.6.8.D.3 of this ordinance. If located adjacent to an incompatible
use, subsection 4. below shall substitute for this requirement.
4) When located adjacent to an incompatible use, outdoor storage must be
landscaped in accordance with section 4.6.8.D.2 of this ordinance
H. Outdoor Display. Outdoor display shall be allowed in both the LI and HI districts, and in
accordance with this Section. Such display is allowed in unlimited quantities provided
that the maximum lot coverage is not exceeded and parking requirements for the use is
met. Such display shall not include junk, trash, garbage or other general debris.
Examples of outdoor display include:
- Propane tank exchange, ice freezers, vending machines or other similar items
enclosed within a freestanding structure or machine;
- Loose merchandise for sale which are only displayed during business hours;
- Larger specialty items such as lawn and garden equipment, patio furniture, etc.
- pre-fabricated buildings for sale, agricultural, plant and lawn care associated items
for sale;
- product for sale including construction materials such as brick, stone, lumber, etc.
- Christmas trees, firework tents/displays, lawn and garden displays, etc.
a. Exceptions.
1) Materials, supplies or equipment located outdoor are considered Outdoor
Storage and are subject to the requirements in Section 4.7.3.G.
2) Vehicles for sale (including boats) shall not be considered merchandise subject to
the restrictions of this Section, but must meet the specific use standards for
vehicle sales in Article 5 of this ordinance.
3) Manufactured housing or model homes that are displayed in a semi-permanent
state with permanent landscaping and skirting shall not be considered
merchandise for the purposes of outdoor display and are not subject to the
restrictions of this Section.
4) Waste generated on-site and deposited in ordinary refuse containers shall not be
subject to the restrictions of this Section.
5) Areas enclosed by solid, opaque walls on at least three sides and covered by a
solid, opaque roof shall not be considered outdoor.
Article 4
Zoning Districts Commercial
Warren County/Joint Zoning Ordinance
b. Location and Screening of Outdoor Display.
1) All outdoor display shall be located outside the public right-of-way and/or at
least 15 feet from the back edge of the adjacent curb or street pavement.
2) Outdoor display areas shall be paved, if located in front of the principal
3) If located within 100 feet of any property line or right-of-way, all outdoor display
areas shall be treated similarly to a VUA, and shall be landscaped in accordance
with Section 4.6.8.D.3 of this ordinance. If located adjacent to an incompatible
use, subsection d. below shall substitute for this requirement.
4) If located adjacent to an incompatible use, outdoor display areas shall be set
back a minimum of 10 feet from the property line and meet the landscaping
requirements for incompatible uses as outlined in Section 4.6.8.D.2 of this
5) Any temporary/seasonal outdoor storage shall not interfere with ingress/egress
to the property or impede traffic movement internal to the site.
I. Outdoor Lighting and Speakers.
1. All lighting fixtures designed or placed so as to illuminate any portion of a site shall
meet the following requirements.
a. Fixtures. All light sources shall be concealed within an opaque housing and shall
not be visible from any public right-of-way or residential district boundary.
b. Mounting. Fixtures must be mounted in such a manner that the cone of light
does not cross any property line of the site.
c. Illumination Levels. All lighting in industrial zones shall comply with the
standards outlined in Section 4.6.8.I.1.C.
2. Outdoor speaker systems must be located a minimum of 250 feet from any
residential district/use.
J. Accessory Building Standards. Accessory buildings, except as otherwise permitted by
this Ordinance, shall require a building permit and shall be subject to the following
regulations in all industrial zoning districts.
1. Where the accessory building is structurally attached or connected to the principal
building, including breezeways, it shall be subject to, and shall conform to, all
regulations of this Ordinance applicable to the principal building.
2. Accessory buildings/structures shall be permanently affixed to the ground and shall
not include mobile home, bus, travel trailer, RV, trailer, cooler, vehicle or freight
container. Ground level storage units shall be exempt from the requirement to be
permanently affixed and shall be allowed in industrial districts with appropriate
screening as outlined in 4.6.8.D.
3. Fences in industrial zones are not subject to the principal or accessory structure
setbacks or height limitations, but must adhere to the sight distance requirements in
Section 1.14 of this Ordinance.
Article 4
Zoning Districts Special Purpose
Warren County/Joint Zoning Ordinance
4.8.1 Planned Unit Development (PUD)
A. The purpose of a PUD is to encourage and allow more creative and imaginative design of
land development than is possible under conventional zoning regulations. The PUD zone
provides more flexibility in terms of development standards and requirements such as
setback and yard area, lot size and dimensions and building height. Ideally, this flexibility
results in development that is better planned, contains more amenities and is more
desirable to live and work in and, ultimately, provides substantial benefits to the
community and environment compared to conventional zoning districts.
Each PUD shall be properly planned and designed and comply with the following
1. All PUDs should promote design creativity and excellence that will result in high
quality development;
2. PUDs should allow for a mixture of land uses and building types not otherwise
allowed in a conventional zoning district by careful planning that establishes
compatible relationships between uses within the site and uses adjacent to the site;
3. PUDs should allow a mixture of different land uses and building types in an
innovative and functionally efficient manner;
4. All PUDs should be reviewed for consistency with the adopted Comprehensive Plan
B. Uses Permitted. Uses shall be limited to those identified in the approved general
development plan for the PUD.
C. Development Standards.
1. Any parcel proposed for development as a PUD shall have a minimum lot size of 1
2. Any PUD shall be developed in accordance with the standards identified in the
approved general development plan, including the concept plan, for the PUD.
3. Any PUD development shall be in compliance with all adopted health, fire, and
building codes.
D. PUDs Without Development Plan Conditions. It is recognized that there are older
developments within the community zoned PUD with no development plan conditions.
New development or improvements on such property shall default to the development
standards in the zoning districts as specified in the table below:
Use Type
Default Development Standard District
AG (Agriculture)
Single Family Residential
Public Sewer
Septic System
RS-1A, B, C or D (Single Family Residential)*
R-E (Residential Estate)
Multi-Family Residential
RM-3 (Multi-Family Residential)
P (Public)
HB (Highway Business)
LI (Light Industrial)
* The most applicable Residential Sewer (RS) district will be based on the density and
development standards such as lot width, lot sizes, lot coverage, etc.
Article 4
Zoning Districts Special Purpose
Warren County/Joint Zoning Ordinance
4.8.2 General Flood Plain District (F)
A. Land to Which Flood Plain Designation Applies. All lands determined to:
1. Be inundated by a storm event equal to a 100 year return period or included in the
area inundated by the 100 year flood;
2. Be subject to inundation by directed runoff from short return period events; or
3. Contain an opening into the subterranean water channel, shall be subject to these
4. The originally designated areas shall include those areas shown on either the Flood
Insurance Studies for the City of Bowling Green and Warren County prepared by the
Federal Emergency Management Administration ( FEMA) dated May 2, 2007 or as is
from time to time amended and the Flood Hazard Boundary Maps (FB-4M) and
Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM) contained therein or U.S. Soil Conservation
Services, Soils Maps of Warren County dated 1977 or as from time to time
5. Nothing contained herein shall prohibit the application of these regulations to lands
which can be certified to the Commission by a Kentucky registered professional
engineer to lie within any area subject to periodic flooding, impaction by storm
drainage or containing an opening into a subterranean water channel.
B. Warning and Disclaimer of Liability. The degree of flood protection required by this
Ordinance is considered reasonable for regulatory purposes and is based on scientific
and engineering consideration. Larger floods can and will occur on rare occasions.
Flood heights may be increased by man-made or natural causes. This Section does not
warrant, directly or indirectly, that areas outside the Flood Plain District or land uses
permitted within such district will be free from flooding or flood damages. This Section
shall not create liability on the part of the Cities of Bowling Green, Plum Springs,
Oakland, Smiths Grove, Woodburn or Warren County or any officer or employee
thereof for any flood damages that result from reliance on this article or any
administrative decision lawfully made there under.
C. Maintenance of Property. This Section does not obligate the Cities of Woodburn, Plum
Springs, Oakland, Smiths Grove, Bowling Green or County of Warren or any agencies or
sub-agencies any assumption of maintenance of any area designated as a Flood Plain
District. Nor does it assume any maintenance obligation for storm drainage systems
approved by such cities and the City-County Planning Commission of Warren County.
D. Permitted Structures. No principal or accessory structures shall be permitted within any
area designated as a part of a Flood Plain District. Structures located on lots partially
included within the Flood Plain District shall be permitted provided they are located
outside of the limits of the Flood Plain District and the first floor and basement floor are
at least 1.5 feet above the regulatory flood-projection elevation and is utilized in
conjunction with a permitted use carried on within the adjacent district. The area
designated as Flood Plain District may be used to meet yard and setback requirements
of adjoining districts for lots owned under single ownership.
Article 4
Zoning Districts Special Purpose
Warren County/Joint Zoning Ordinance
E. Permitted Uses. The following open space uses shall be permitted provided they do not
require structures or fill or cause obstruction of flood flows or restrict the capacity of
the channel or floodways of any main stream, tributary, or any other drainage facility or
structure or cause erosion and are used in conjunction with a permitted use carried on
within an adjacent district on lots owned under single ownership.
1. Agriculture Uses: General farming, outdoor plant nurseries, sod farming, animal
brooding and breeding, wild crop farming, apiary, crops, dairy, forestry, livestock,
orchards, poultry, pasture, grazing, horticulture, viticulture and truck farming,
detention basins, and ponds lakes, cattle shed, stables, and hatcheries.
2. Public Uses: Arboretum or botanical garden, recreation uses, nursery including
agriculture and florists, detention basins, ponds or lakes, and hiking and horseback
riding trails, playgrounds both public and private, airplane beacons and markers,
amphitheater and band shells, zoological gardens, marinas, boat rentals, docks,
piers, wharfs and boat ramps.
3. Commercial and Industrial Uses: Private recreational uses, nursery including
agriculture and florists, detention basins, ponds or lakes, hiking and horseback
riding trails, playgrounds both public and private, and sales and storage of hay and
straw loading areas, airport landing strips, railroads, streets, bridges, utility
transmission lines and pipelines.
4. Residential Uses: Lawns, play areas, and gardens.
F. Standards for All Uses in District
1. All Uses: No fill (including fill for roads), deposit, obstruction, storage of materials
or equipment, or other use may be allowed which, acting alone, or in combination
with existing or future uses, would cause any decrease in the capacity of the
floodway or would cause any increase in flood heights, cause erosion or obstruction
of water course, natural drainage crevices, sinkholes, ditches and known
subterranean water channels. Consideration of the effects of a proposed use shall
be based on a reasonable assumption that there will be an equal degree of
encroachment extending for a significant reach on both sides of the watercourse.
a. Fill:
(1) Any fill or material proposed to be deposited in the floodway must be
shown to have some beneficial purpose and the amount thereof not
greater than is necessary to achieve that purpose, nor will it cause any
increase in the flood heights. These conditions must be demonstrated by a
plan submitted by the owner and prepared by registered engineer showing
the uses to which the filled land will be put and the final dimensions of the
proposed fill or other materials and how such fill will be placed and
(2) Such a fill or other materials shall be protected against erosion by riprap,
vegetation cover, or bulkheading.
Article 4
Zoning Districts Special Purpose
Warren County/Joint Zoning Ordinance
b. Storage of Material and Equipment:
(1) The storage or processing of materials that, in time of flooding, are
buoyant, flammable, explosive, or could be injurious to human, animal, or
plant life is prohibited.
(2) Storage of other material or equipment may be allowed if not subject to
major damage by floods and firmly anchored to prevent flotation or if
readily removable from the area within the time available after flood
c. Other General Standards:
(1) Electrical, heating, ventilation, plumbing, air conditioning equipment,
ductwork, and other service facilities shall be located at least 1.5 feet above
the regulatory flood-projection elevation.
(2) New and replacement water supply systems shall be designed to minimize
or eliminate infiltration of flood waters into the system;
(3) New and replacement sanitary sewage systems shall be designed to
minimize or eliminate infiltration of flood waters into the system and
discharges from the systems into flood waters;
(4) On-site waste disposal systems shall be located outside the base flood
elevation and constructed so as to avoid impairment to them or
contamination from them during flooding.
Article 4
Zoning Districts Overlay Districts
Warren County/Joint Zoning Ordinance
4.9.1 General
Where an overlay district and the underlying or base zoning district have different
standards or regulations, the most restrictive standards or regulations pertaining to that
land shall apply.
4.9.2 Conservation Subdivision Overlay District (CSOD)
A. Purpose and Intent. The purpose and intent of the Conservation Subdivision
Overlay District is to provide for the preservation of prime farmland, greenspace
and watersheds; to allow residential developments that permit flexibility of design
and efficient uses of the land; to preserve sensitive natural resources such as
groundwater, floodplains, wetlands, streams, steep slopes, woodlands and wildlife
habitat; to conserve scenic views and view sheds of open spaces by the use of a
Conservation Subdivision as outlined by this Ordinance. It is the intent of this
Overlay District to allow for an alternative and optional development style with
regard to sidewalks, street widths, street lights, curb and gutter, or other
development requirements as outlined within the Subdivision Regulations.
B. Description of Area. A Conservation Subdivision development is only permitted in
the unincorporated areas of Warren County illustrated by Exhibit C in Appendix A of
this Ordinance.
C. Map Amendment Required. Establishment of a Conservation Subdivision requires a
map amendment as outlined in Section 3.11 of this Ordinance. Such amendment
shall establish the CSOD overlay designation for the development.
D. Permitted Zoning District. The permitted zoning districts that are allowed to be
utilized under the Conservation Subdivision Overlay District include: AG
(Agriculture); utilizing the property development standards as outlined in Section F
E. Permitted Uses. The permitted uses within the Conservation Subdivision Overlay
District shall be the same as the underlying zoning district as enumerated in the Use
Table in Section 5.1 of this Ordinance for the portion of property to be developed.
Areas classified as Conservation Areas shall be limited to Agriculture production,
floodplains, wetlands, woodlands, a single dwelling unit, common areas, drainage
areas or other amenities to the Conservation Subdivision, for the duration of the
Conservation Areas as set forth in Section 4.9.3.J below.
F. Minimum Road Width Required for Density Bonus. Any property proposed for a
Conservation Subdivision utilizing the option for a density bonus outlined below
shall be accessed from a County or State maintained roadway of at least eighteen
(18) feet in width. Any proposed Conservation Subdivision that does not meet this
requirement may be required to add additional width to such roadway in
accordance with the Subdivision Regulations of Warren County and the applicable
jurisdiction. Any addition or proposed addition of roadway shall extend from the
entrance(s) of the property containing the proposed Conservation Subdivision and
connect with the nearest public roadway that is at least 18 feet in width.
G. Property Development Standards. A property must consist of a minimum forty (40)
acres in order to utilize the Conservation Subdivision Development Standards.
Article 4
Zoning Districts Overlay Districts
Warren County/Joint Zoning Ordinance
1. All conservation subdivisions must be served by an internal street as approved
by the applicable jurisdiction.
2. The maximum number of lots is determined by dividing the gross area of the
proposed conservation subdivision, using the nearest whole number of acres,
by the minimum lot size specified in the Agriculture (AG) zoning district (5
acres), plus a density bonus specified below:
a. Subdivisions proposed for on-site septic development and accessed from a
road less than 18 feet in width will not receive a density bonus, and shall
contain a maximum of 20 lots.
Lot Calculation Example:
Gross area of proposed subdivision (40 acres) ÷ minimum lots size in AG (5
acres) = 8 total lots.
b. Subdivisions proposed for on-site septic development and accessed from a
road equal to or greater than18 in width will receive a density bonus of
Lot Calculation Example:
Gross area of proposed subdivision (40 acres) ÷ minimum lot size in AG (5
acres) x 2.5 (250% density bonus) = 20 total lots. In this example there
would be 20, one acre lots and 20 acres in an easement.
c. Subdivisions proposed for sanitary sewer development and accessed from a
road equal to or greater than18 ft in width will receive a density bonus of
Lot Calculation Example:
Gross area of proposed subdivision (40 acres) ÷ minimum lot size in AG (5
acres) x 5 (500% density bonus) = 40 total lots. In this example there would
be 40, half acre lots (or less) on 20 acres with the remaining 20 acres (or
more) in an easement.
3. The following Table specifies the general development standards that shall
AG (Septic)
AG (Septic)
AG (Sewer)
Road Width Standard
(as outlined in Sec. 4.9.2.F)
< 18 ft Road
≥18 ft Road
≥18 ft Road
Density Bonus
(1:1 ratio)
250 %
(2.5:1 ratio)
(5:1 ratio)
Lot Area (min sf)
Lot Width (min at bldg line)
100 feet
75 feet
75 feet
Lot Frontage
Public Street
50 feet
50 feet
50 feet
Cul-de-sac (bulb only)
40 feet
32 feet
32 feet
Lot Coverage
Setbacks (min)
Front Yard
Rear Yard
Side Yard
Accessory Structure
Height (max)
Off-Street Parking
(spaces required)
2 Total
2 Total
2 Total
Article 4
Zoning Districts Overlay Districts
Warren County/Joint Zoning Ordinance
H. Minimum Conservation Area. The minimum conservation area of a property
proposing a Conservation Subdivision Overlay District shall be required to preserve
a minimum of 50% of the total land area. The preservation of these designated
areas may take the form of non-perpetual Conservation Easements, Agricultural
Easements, plat restrictions and/or other binding agreements as approved by the
Executive Director. The conservation area must surround the property and can be
used to meet the buffer requirements in subsection K below.
I. Types of Conservation Areas. Conservation Areas may consist of, but not be limited
to, the following: Agricultural Easements, Conservation Easements, Donation of
land to a public entity (i.e. governmental, nature preserve or land trust), Living
Trust, Right of First Refusal and/or Purchase of land.
J. Duration of Conservation Areas. Conservation areas shall be required to place a
restriction of development on the remaining portion of property for a period of at
least twenty (20) years. This section in no way shall limit a property owner from
imposing a greater time period from which to restrict development. The
conservation area shall remain in a shared ownership agreement in similar fashion
as a condominium regime, neighborhood association or similar entity created at the
time of development. After the initial twenty (20) year period, the owners of the
conservation area may transfer ownership to a third party upon the consent of all of
the owners within the boundaries of the original development.
K. Buffer Requirements. When a property is proposed for a Conservation Subdivision
development, the following buffers shall be required from the nearest adjacent
property line to the nearest lot in the conservation subdivision:
1. One hundred (100) feet where the buffer is comprised of existing mature
vegetation that will provide adequate separation between properties; or
2. Two hundred (200) feet in the absence of existing mature vegetation.
This buffer area may be used as part of any lot within the development; however, in
no case shall the area be used for any principal or accessory structures.
4.9.3 Urban Growth Overlay District (UG)
A. Purpose and Intent. The Urban Growth Overlay District is intended to implement
focal point plans for growth areas, to promote innovative, attractive and efficient
use of land, to encourage planned development and multi-modal transportation
systems and to permit flexibility and creativity in the design of such planned
development. The purpose of this ordinance shall include, but not be limited to the
1. To encourage and promote the public health, safety and general welfare of the
citizens of the City and County, including the development and coordination of
municipal growth and services.
Article 4
Zoning Districts Overlay Districts
Warren County/Joint Zoning Ordinance
2. To encourage originality, flexibility, innovation in site planning and
development, and vehicular and pedestrian circulation, including the
architecture, landscaping and graphic design of proposed developments in
relation to the area as a whole.
3. To discourage monotonous, unsightly, and inharmonious developments,
minimize discordant and unsightly surroundings and visual blight, and avoid
inappropriate and poor quality design.
4. To promote orderly community growth, protect and enhance property values
for the community as a whole and other environmental and aesthetic
considerations which generally enhance rather than detract from community
standards and values of the comfort and prosperity of the community and the
preservation of its natural beauty and other natural resources, which are the
proper concern of local government, and to promote and enhance construction
and maintenance practices that will tend to enhance environmental and
aesthetic quality for the community as a whole.
B. Description of the Area. The following areas are hereby designated an Urban
Growth Overlay Districts requiring review from the Urban Growth Design Review
1. Cemetery Road Corridor (KY 234) see Exhibit D1 in Appendix A.
2. Lovers Lane Corridor (KY 880) see Exhibit D2 in Appendix A.
C. Permitted Uses. Except as prohibited in item D, below, uses permitted in each
zoning district are those uses permitted in the underlying zoning district as
enumerated in the Use Table in Sec. 5.1. This table employs broad use categories
containing a variety of similar uses for each Zoning District. The use categories are
described in Sec. 5.2, Use Categories, and Appendix B, which lists examples of uses
(showing which use categories they fall into).
D. Prohibited Uses. The following uses are expressly prohibited in each Urban Growth
Overlay District:
Cemetery Road Corridor (KY 234) see Exhibit D1 in Appendix A.
1. Adult entertainment establishments;
2. Night clubs, bars, and lounges which derive less than 50 percent of their income
from food sales;
3. Outdoor storage of any type;
4. Self-storage or warehousing units;
5. Manufactured home and model home sales lots;
6. Retail Establishments that have outside display units for sale, including vehicles
for sale;
7. Eating Establishments with drive-through or drive-in;
8. Vehicle Repair or Vehicle Service Uses; and
9. Any Light or Heavy Industrial Uses.
Article 4
Zoning Districts Overlay Districts
Warren County/Joint Zoning Ordinance
Lovers Lane Corridor (KY 880) see Exhibit D2 in Appendix A.
1. Adult entertainment establishments;
2. Night clubs, bars, and lounges which derive less than 50 percent of their income
from food sales;
3. Outdoor storage (Type 3 and Type 4);
4. Self-Storage Units:
5. Manufactured home and model home sales lots; and
6. All Heavy Industrial Uses, except Manufacturing and Warehousing.
E. Development Standards - Cemetery Road (KY 234) Overlay District. Buildings
should reflect an individual design that has considered site location, conditions, and
surrounding development. Building design should provide a sense of permanence
and timelessness. High quality construction and materials should be used to ensure
that buildings will not look dated or worn down over time. Building designs should
reflect an individual style and form and not merely current trends. However,
reliance on or use of standardized “corporate or franchise” style is strongly
discouraged. For all developments within the overlay district, other than single-
family residential or agriculture, the following technical standards shall apply:
1. General Development Standards. All building setbacks are measured from the
a. All developments (other than single-family residential or agriculture) within
the Cemetery Road Overlay District shall be connected to sanitary sewer.
Minimum required lot size on sanitary sewer shall be one-half acre.
b. Minimum required front building setback abutting a local street shall be 30
c. Minimum required rear building setback shall be 20 feet.
d. Minimum required side building setback (not on corner lot) shall be 20 feet.
e. Minimum side building setbacks for corner lots abutting a local street shall
be 30 feet.
f. Minimum front, side and rear building setbacks abutting a collector or
arterial street shall be 50 feet.
g. Minimum front, side and rear building setbacks abutting a single family
residential district shall be 50 feet.
h. Height limitation for structures shall be a maximum of three stories or 42
feet including mechanical penthouse and roof-top screened equipment.
i. Maximum Usable Lot Area:
(1) The maximum surface land area of the building shall not exceed 30
percent of the total lot area. Parking areas, open courts and other
open space uses shall not be included in building area.
(2) For all uses permitted within this overlay district, no more than 70
percent of the total surface land area of the lot shall be improved with
buildings, structures, parking and loading areas, streets, driveways or
Article 4
Zoning Districts Overlay Districts
Warren County/Joint Zoning Ordinance
j. Maximum building size. Within the Cemetery Road Overlay District, the
building footprint of any building shall conform to the following:
(1) All one-story buildings shall not exceed 20,000 sq. ft.
(2) All two-story buildings shall not exceed a first floor footprint of 15,000
sq. ft.; total gross area shall not exceed 30,000 sq. ft.
(3) All three-story buildings shall not exceed a first floor footprint of
10,000 sq. ft.; total gross area shall not exceed 30,000 sq. ft.
k. Green space area.
(1) All sites shall be developed with not less than 20 percent of the total
area with green space. Green space shall be landscaped with trees,
green shrubbery, grass and/or other plantings exclusive of any
plantings or landscaping treatment in parking lot islands measuring
less than 200 square feet. Such green space shall be located on the
site to provide the maximum visibility of the green space to
surrounding properties and public streets. No more than 50 percent
of the required green space may be located within drainage facilities.
(2) All parking areas located adjacent to an arterial or collector road right-
of-way shall be screened by a permanent landscaped berm or hedge,
at least 30 to 36 inches in height at maturity (and 18-24 inches in
height at planting), measured at the finished grade of the top of curb
of the parking area. Acceptable hedge species shall be limited to
those plants contained on the Master Plant List maintained by the
City-County Planning Commission. At least 50 percent of the required
shrub material shall be of an evergreen species.
2. Landscape Buffer Standards. All adjoining non-residential property located
within the Overlay District shall be required to provide a landscape plan. Also,
in locations where property zoned non-residential and residential are adjacent
(either immediately adjacent to or across a public right-of-way), a landscape
plan will be required with the development of either site. This shall not apply to
the development of one and two family homes. When a site development plan
is submitted for the review and consideration of the Design Review Board,
special care shall be taken to minimize the effects on the adjacent residential
a. The following shall be considered minimum standards for the development
of landscape plans for required buffers/screens and interior vehicle use
(1) A minimum 25-foot buffer strip shall be required on the outer
perimeter of the non-residential building lot abutting the property
currently zoned for residential or agricultural use or development. No
travelways, parking areas, structures or storage of material shall be
allowed within the buffer strip.
Article 4
Zoning Districts Overlay Districts
Warren County/Joint Zoning Ordinance
(2) A minimum 10 foot buffer strip shall be required on each lot between
all other parcels regardless of zoning or use.
(3) All buffer yards as required within the overlay district shall be planted
to the following minimums. The quantities listed are to be an average
of each entire buffer yard as required.
b. For screening of parking or vehicle use areas adjacent to any right-of-way,
all areas shall be planted at the minimum average rate of one shade tree
and 12 shrubs for each 400 square feet of buffer provided. Smaller
ornamental trees may be used in place of the shade tree at a ratio of three
ornamental trees for each shade tree for up to one-half the required shade
trees. One-half of all shrub material shall be of an evergreen species.
Shade trees planted to comply with this section shall also be counted
towards the required street tree planting as stated in other sections of this
overlay district. All plants shall come from the Master Plant list with
exceptions being allowed only in writing from the City-County Planning
c. For interior parking lot landscaping, a minimum of five percent of the area
parking or vehicle use area must be used for landscaping. The minimum
contiguous area to be counted towards the requirements shall be 75
square feet. All landscape islands shall have a minimum width of six feet in
any direction. The maximum distance between landscape islands shall be
120 feet as measured from face of curb. A minimum of one tree shall be
planted for each 200 square feet of required landscaped area, with the
remaining areas to be planted in shrubs or non-turf ground cover.
Landscape areas within 10 feet of a building shall be considered foundation
planting and not be counted towards the minimum requirements of this
d. For screening of parking or vehicle use areas adjacent to a common
property line, and buffers between incompatible land uses, all areas shall
be planted at a rate of one shade tree, two evergreen trees and 10 shrubs
for each 400 square feet of buffer provided. Smaller ornamental trees may
be used in place of the shade trees at a ratio of three ornamental trees for
each shade tree for up to one-half the required shade trees.
e. The minimum size at planting of required plants shall be as noted:
Min. Size
Shade and ornamental trees
1-3/4" caliper
6' height
Shrub material
18-24" height
Article 4
Zoning Districts Overlay Districts
Warren County/Joint Zoning Ordinance
f. All plants material to be installed as required shall conform to the
standards of the American Association of Nurserymen and shall have
passed any inspection required under State regulations. All plants must be
maintained in a healthy manner and replaced during the next appropriate
planting season. All dead plant material shall be removed within 45 days.
Plant material placement shall comply with all sight distance requirements.
g. In instances where a masonry or board on board fence is to be provided,
the required shrub and evergreen planting requirements may be reduced
by 50 percent. Shade trees shall still be required at the rates as above.
h. For sites that contain less than 50 parking spaces, landscape plans shall be
prepared for all site development within the overlay district and may be
submitted by either an architect, landscape architect, engineer or surveyor,
licensed to practice their profession in the State of Kentucky, or a Kentucky
certified nurserymen. For sites with over 50 parking spaces the plan must
be submitted by a landscape architect licensed to practice in the State of
i. All submitted landscape plans shall include the following: Plan drawn to
scale with all easements shown and labeled, building footprint, parking,
travelways, topography at a minimum of two-foot contours, plant schedule
including botanic and common names, size, quantity and condition, and the
seal and signature of the person submitting the landscape plan. A
minimum of four copies shall be required to be submitted, additional
copies may be requested by the Design Review Board.
j. The planting provisions of this section may be varied or reduced if the
proposed plan provides for unique and innovative landscaping treatment or
physical features that, in the opinion of the Design Review Board, meet the
intent and purpose of this section. In no case shall the buffer width be
reduced when adjacent to the interstate or Kentucky 234. Existing
vegetation may be used to satisfy the requirements of this section only
when the existing vegetation is on the lot under review. The submission of
an existing vegetation/tree preservation plan to the City-County Landscape
Architect and the Design Review Board for review shall be required.
3. Off-Street Parking and Loading. The number, size and design of all parking
spaces, internal access ways and loading spaces for all land uses (other than
single family detached) within the designated overlay district shall comply with
the following requirements listed below:
a. All parking shall be off-street in paved, landscaped parking areas.
b. Off-street loading or service areas shall not face a public right-of-way and
shall be at least 30 feet from any right-of-way. Any loading or service area
adjacent to residential property shall be screened with a masonry or wood
fence, and the required landscape buffer planting.
c. All non-residential buildings less than 10,000 sq. ft. shall be required to
have at least one service or loading/unloading space measuring a minimum
of 12 feet by 24 feet. All non-residential buildings of more than 10,000 sq.
ft. will be required to have a minimum of two service or loading spaces.
Article 4
Zoning Districts Overlay Districts
Warren County/Joint Zoning Ordinance
d. Within the bounds of this Overlay District, this Ordinance shall strictly
comply with the access limitations of the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet
for KY 234. These limitations are as follows:
(1) KY 234 is a fully controlled access facility from the intersection of KY
234 and Briteway Drive to the intersection of KY 234 with KY 2158
(Cumberland Trace). Within these limits, access to KY 234 is limited to
the intersection of KY 234 with KY 880/Ewing Ford Road, the
intersection of KY 234 with I-65 Southbound Ramps, and the
intersection of KY 234 with I-65 Northbound Ramps.
(2) KY 234 is an “access by permit” facility from the intersection of KY 234
with KY 2158 (Cumberland Trace) to the end of the KY 234
construction project at a point west of the bridge over Drakes Creek.
Within these limits, access to KY 234 is granted through the
commercial/ residential entrance permit process under the
jurisdiction of the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet.
e. In office and commercial/retail developments, at least 50 percent of the
required parking shall be to the rear of the front building face.
f. Parking setbacks shall conform to the following standards:
(1) When adjacent to compatible uses, the parking setback shall be 10
feet from the property line.
(2) When adjacent to incompatible uses, the parking setback shall be 25
(3) When adjacent to a public right-of-way or public access easement, the
parking setback shall be 10 feet from the right-of-way.
g. Traffic circulation in office, commercial, and multi-family developments
should be designed so as to direct traffic away from single family residential
h. Joint driveways in commercial and office districts are desirable whenever
possible in order to minimize the number of access points to streets.
4. Lighting. Adequate outside lighting shall be provided to ensure safe movement
of persons and vehicles and for security purposes. At the same time, such
lighting shall be directed downward and arranged so as to minimize glare and
reflection on adjacent residential properties and public streets. The Design
Review Board may require the submission of a lighting plan by a qualified
professional engineer to ensure that the illumination of outside lighting as
designed and installed does not exceed one-half (.5) foot candles measured at
the property line of abutting property zoned for residential use or
development. All freestanding light poles and fixtures shall be black or dark
bronze in appearance. Suggested lighting styles are as follows:
a. Teardrop with optic cutoffs
b. Lantern with prizmatic fixtures
c. Bollards for pedestrian access.
Article 4
Zoning Districts Overlay Districts
Warren County/Joint Zoning Ordinance
5. Fence Material. All proposed fences within the Overlay District (except for
single family residential and agricultural lots) must be reviewed and approved
by the Design Review Board prior to the issuance of a building permit.
Acceptable fence material shall be wood, masonry, stone, vinyl/PVC, tubular
steel or aluminum, agricultural fence (for agricultural purposes) and decorative
wrought iron. All chain-link fences are prohibited within the Overlay District
(except on existing individual single family residential lots). All fences shall be
at least four feet in height and not higher than eight feet in height. Suggested
fence styles are as follows:
a. 4-rail plank
b. Masonry columns with wood panels
c. Decorative masonry
d. Random-faced stone
e. Decorative metal
f. Agricultural fence for agricultural purposes only.
6. Signs. The visual transfer of business advertising and other public information
through the use of external signs in this zoning district shall comply with the
following sign requirements. All signs, excluding traffic signs and signs as
outlined in Section 3.19.1 of this ordinance, must be approved by the Design
Review Board and shall conform to the following uniform sign standards:
a. Materials, colors, and shades of proposed signs shall be compatible with
the related buildings on the property and must be approved by the Design
Review Board. All completed signs must have a high quality professional
appearance. Sign materials shall be limited to high quality construction
materials such as:
(1) Stone, brick, or decorative block
(2) Finished wood (painted or stained)
(3) Finished metal
(4) High quality plastic
b. Signage shall be limited to one (1) freestanding sign per property. One (1)
wall sign for each roadway frontage is also permitted. In cases where there
are multiple tenants, each tenant within the property shall be allowed one
wall sign on the front building facade.
c. Freestanding signs shall be ground-mounted, monument style with proper
landscaping and be set back from the road sight triangle as to prohibit
obstruction of view.
d. Freestanding signs shall not exceed 8 feet in total height and 75 square feet
per side, and shall be located in a manner that will not create a traffic
hazard. The height of a sign shall be computed as the distance from the
base of the sign at a computed grade to the top of the highest attached
component of the sign (including the sign face, sign structure, or any other
appurtenance). The computed grade shall be the elevation of the ground
prior to disturbance where the sign is to be located. Dirt mounding shall
count toward the overall height of the sign.
Article 4
Zoning Districts Overlay Districts
Warren County/Joint Zoning Ordinance
e. External lighting of monument signs shall be concealed and ground-
f. Freestanding pole signs (excluding flag poles) are prohibited. Maximum
number of flag poles per site shall be three (3) with a maximum pole height
of 40 feet, with the maximum area of each flag not to exceed 50 square
feet. Only government, or other official designated flags of an institution or
business are allowed.
g. Changeable letter boards may make up no more than 20 percent of the
area of a freestanding sign. Letters/numbers shall be no more than 12
inches in height.
h. Signage in planned shopping centers shall be limited to one ground-
mounted, monument style sign for each roadway frontage. Each tenant in
the shopping center shall be allowed one wall sign per frontage with a
maximum of two signs.
i. Campus-Style signage, as defined in Section 4.6.8.F.10 of this ordinance,
may be permitted, at the discretion of the Urban Growth Design Review
j. Wall signs, including informational, directional, window and awning
lettering, are permitted on a limited basis within the Overlay District. All
wall signs shall not extend beyond the roof line. The lighting of wall-
mounted signs shall be mounted on the building. The limitations for each
street frontage are as follows:
(1) Wall signs for buildings or tenants having less than 2,500 square feet of
gross leasable area shall not exceed 25 square feet in total.
(2) Wall signs for buildings or tenants having more than 2,500 square feet,
but less than 7,500 sq. ft. shall not exceed 40 square feet in total.
(3) Wall signs for buildings or tenants having more than 7,500 square feet
shall not exceed 100 square feet in total.
k. Internally-lit single frame (or box) signs containing a logo or trademark are
permitted on a limited basis within the Overlay District. These limitations
are listed below:
(1) Freestanding internally-lit signs shall not exceed 12 square feet and
shall be considered as part of the allowable sign as outlined in this
(2) Internally-lit wall signs shall not exceed 20 square feet, and shall be
considered as part of the allowable sign area outlined in this Section.
l. Wall mounted internally-lit individual letters are permitted on a limited
basis within the Overlay District and shall be considered part of the
allowable wall sign area outlined in 4.9.2.D.6.i. above. These additional
limitations are listed below:
Article 4
Zoning Districts Overlay Districts
Warren County/Joint Zoning Ordinance
(1) Buildings or tenants having less than 2,500 square feet of gross
leasable area shall not exceed 25 square feet of total outlined sign
area. No letters shall exceed 24 inches in height or width.
(2) Buildings and tenants having more than 2,500 gross leasable area (GLA)
but less than 7,500 GLA shall not exceed 40 square feet of total
outlined sign area. No letters shall exceed 30 inches in height or width.
(3) Buildings and tenants having more than 7,500 GLA shall not exceed 75
square feet of total outlined sign area. No letters shall exceed 36
inches in height or width.
m. Illumination of signs shall be directed away from all traffic and from all
adjoining residential areas. The intensity of the light shall not exceed 1.5
footcandles at any point on the sign face.
n. Vending machines must be contained inside the principal building and shall
not be allowed in direct view from the parking or right-of-way areas.
o. Billboards, portable signs and temporary signs shall be prohibited. Flashing
signs and roof mounted signs shall be prohibited. Electronic Message
Display (EMD) Signs are prohibited.
p. All signage shall be subject to the sign regulations outlined in the Zoning
Ordinance/Resolution for Warren County or any amendments thereto. In
instances where the two ordinances do not agree, the more restrictive of
the two shall apply.
7. Traffic Design
a. All internal streets, drives, travelways, sidewalks/trails, parking and loading
areas shall be designed for safe and efficient movement of vehicles and
pedestrians. Projects to be developed within the Overlay District and
contiguous to the Greenbelt shall be required to provide direct pedestrian
access, separate from any vehicle entry, to the Greenbelt trail.
Developments that are not contiguous to the Greenbelt trail shall provide
either a sidewalk or trail that will allow for the movement of pedestrians to
the Greenbelt trail, separate from the street system. If the trail or sidewalk
is located on the site being developed between any parking or travelway
and a property line, the trail or sidewalk shall be in addition to the required
landscape buffer. All development shall allow for inter-parcel access of
vehicles (two-way travelway) and pedestrians (via sidewalk or trail) to
adjacent property. Inter-parcel access points shall be located behind the
front building setback line.
b. Design Standards. All streets, drives, and parking and loading areas shall be
a minimum of 24 feet in width for two-way traffic, and 12 feet for one-way
traffic. The maximum slope shall not exceed six percent in any direction.
All streets, drives, and travelways above grade shall be constructed with
curb and gutter. The perimeter parking lots and internal islands shall have
extruded curbs. Intersections shall be at 90 degrees. With the exception of
designated passenger drop-off areas and loading and unloading spaces, the
minimum distance from any travelway or parking space to a building shall
be 10 feet. For all pedestrian circulation, the minimum sidewalk shall be
Article 4
Zoning Districts Overlay Districts
Warren County/Joint Zoning Ordinance
five feet in width and the any asphalt trail shall be at least 10 feet in width.
The maximum slope shall not exceed six percent and shall comply with all
rules within the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
8. All electric, telephone, cable and similar service lines and other wiring shall be
installed underground, and there shall be no new overhead wiring in any
9. Exterior Treatment. Any proposed land use or development approved by the
Design Review Board shall be designed and constructed of materials so as to be
architecturally compatible with the architectural character of the general area.
a. All building exteriors shall be finished with one or more of the following
(1) architectural masonry units, including brick, decorative concrete
masonry units, and special surface units (plain-laid concrete or cinder
block will not be allowed);
(2) natural stone;
(3) precast and poured-in-place concrete; EFIS or Dryvit (not to exceed
50% of the total exterior)with approval of surface treatment;
(4) glass, glass curtain, glass surface units;
(5) wood clapboard, trim;
(6) Architectural Metal Panel (this material should utilize concealed
fastener application and shall not exceed 75% of any building façade).
(7) The use of vinyl shall be limited to only fascia, soffit, and other minor
trim uses within the district. The Design Review Board (DRB) may
approve the use of alternative building materials, if compatible with
the adjoining properties.
b. Finished materials shall extend around all sides of the building, which shall
include gas canopies.
c. No more than two principal colors shall be used on the building face.
Accent or secondary colors shall be limited to a maximum of three
additional colors and shall not cover more than 10 percent of the total
building face. Use of bright or garish colors as the dominant color for the
wall or roof surfaces is prohibited.
d. All non-residential buildings located along KY 234 shall be designed in such
a way as to appear to face the highway, regardless of the location of the
driveway access and parking. All building walls facing KY 234 shall have
windows, doors, or other articulated openings representing a minimum of
20 percent of the surface areas of said wall. Building components such as
windows, doors, eaves, and parapet walls should have good proportion and
relationship to one another. All building walls facing any other right-of-way
shall have some form of articulated relief or change in direction, every 30
Article 4
Zoning Districts Overlay Districts
Warren County/Joint Zoning Ordinance
e. Roof-mounted utilities and mechanical equipment should be screened from
view by roof design, parapet walls, fencing, or other screening method to a
height equal to or greater than the height of the equipment.
10. Solid Waste.
a. Solid waste storage and disposal areas shall be screened from public view.
b. Solid waste storage and disposal areas shall be enclosed in an eight (8) foot
high solid structure, of the same material as that of the principal building.
11. Screening of Equipment and Outside Storage. Ground and roof level electrical
transformers, heat and air conditioning equipment and similar facilities shall be
screened from public view.
12. Redevelopment of Existing Site. It is recognized that certain nonresidential
properties in the overlay district were developed prior to incorporation and/or
adoption of technical and development standards for the district. When an
existing nonresidential site is redeveloped, the site shall be brought into
conformance with the technical and development standards of this division to
the greatest extent feasible or possible as determined by the Design Review
Board. For the purposes of this section, redevelopment shall include any
proposed expansion, addition, or facade change to an existing building,
structure, or parking facility. All new signage shall conform to the requirements
of Section 4.9.3.E.6, (Signs).
F. Development Standards - Lovers Lane (KY 880) Overlay District.
Buildings should reflect an individual design that has considered site location,
conditions, and surrounding development. For all developments within the overlay
district, other than single-family residential or agriculture, the following technical
standards shall apply:
1. General Development Standards. All building setbacks are measured from the
a. Minimum required lot size on sanitary sewer shall be one-half acre.
b. Minimum required front building setback abutting a local street shall be 25
c. Minimum required rear building setback shall be 10 feet.
d. Minimum required side building setback (not on corner lot) shall be 20 feet.
e. Minimum side building setbacks for corner lots abutting a local street shall
be 20 feet.
f. Minimum front building setbacks abutting Lovers Lane (KY880) shall be 50
g. Minimum front, side and rear building setbacks abutting an existing single
family residential district shall be 50 feet.
h. Minimum building setbacks abutting Interstate 65 shall be 50 feet.
Article 4
Zoning Districts Overlay Districts
Warren County/Joint Zoning Ordinance
i. A portion of the Airport Overlay District is within this Urban Growth
Overlay District. The Airport Overlay District outlines the area within
proximity of the Bowling Green-Warren County Airport that is under the
jurisdiction of the Kentucky Airport Zoning Commission (KAZC) (see Exhibit
F in Appendix A). The underlying zoning restrictions, including height
requirements, is governed by this ordinance; however, there may be
additional restrictions on development in this area placed by the KAZC.
j. Maximum usable lot area.
(1) The maximum surface land area of the building shall not exceed 50
percent of the total lot area. Parking areas, open courts and other
open space uses shall not be included in building area.
(2) For all uses permitted within this overlay district, no more than 75
percent of the total surface land area of the lot shall be improved with
buildings, structures, parking and loading areas, streets, driveways or
k. Green space area.
(1) All sites shall be developed with not less than 25 percent of the total
area with green space. Green space shall be landscaped with trees,
green shrubbery, grass and/or other plantings exclusive of any
plantings or landscaping treatment in parking lot islands measuring less
than 200 square feet. Such green space shall be located on the site to
provide the maximum visibility of the green space to surrounding
properties and public streets. No more than 50 percent of the required
green space may be located within drainage facilities.
2. Landscape Buffer Standards. All adjoining non-residential property located
within the Overlay District shall be required to provide a landscape plan. Also,
in locations where property zoned non-residential and residential are adjacent
(either immediately adjacent to or across a public right-of-way), a landscape
plan will be required with the development of either site. This shall not apply to
the development of one and two family homes. When a site development plan
is submitted for the review and consideration of the Design Review Board,
special care shall be taken to minimize the effects on the adjacent residential
a. The following shall be considered minimum standards for the development
of landscape plans for required buffers/screens and interior vehicle use
(1) A minimum 25-foot buffer strip shall be required on the outer
perimeter of the non-residential building lot abutting the property
currently zoned for residential or agricultural use or development. No
travelways, vehicle use areas (VUA), outdoor display areas, structures
or storage of material shall be allowed within the buffer strip.
(2) A minimum 20 foot buffer strip shall be required along KY 880 (Lovers
(3) A minimum 10 foot buffer strip shall be required on each lot between
all other parcels regardless of zoning or use.
Article 4
Zoning Districts Overlay Districts
Warren County/Joint Zoning Ordinance
(4) All vehicle use areas (VUA) shall be required to provide a minimum of
five percent (5%) of the interior of the VUA in landscape islands, as
defined in Article 4.6.8.D. of this ordinance.
(5) All allowable outdoor display areas shall comply with the buffer width
requirements, as described above, and be setback a minimum of
twenty (20) feet from any right-of-way. Screening of any outdoor
display area(s) from a common property line or right-of-way shall be
planted to the minimum buffer requirements for incompatible land
uses as outlined in Article 4.6.8.D of this ordinance.
(6) All buffer yards as required within the overlay district shall be planted
according to the requirements listed in 4.6.8 D.
3. Access Limitations.
a. Within the bounds of this Overlay District, this Ordinance shall strictly
comply with the access limitations of the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet
for KY 880. In addition, the following access requirements along the Lovers
Lane are as follows:
(1) KY 880 is an “access by permit” facility and access shall comply with the
City of Bowling Green’s adopted Traffic Access Management
b. Joint driveways in commercial and office districts are desirable whenever
possible in order to minimize the number of access points to streets.
4. Lighting. Adequate outside lighting shall be provided to ensure safe movement
of persons and vehicles and for security purposes. At the same time, such
lighting shall be directed downward and arranged so as to minimize glare and
reflection on adjacent residential properties and public streets. The Design
Review Board may require the submission of a lighting plan by a qualified
professional engineer to ensure that the illumination of outside lighting as
designed and installed does not exceed one-half (.5) foot candles measured at
the property line of abutting property zoned for residential use or
development. All freestanding light poles and fixtures shall be black or dark
bronze in appearance. Suggested lighting styles are as follows:
a. Teardrop with optic cutoffs;
b. Lantern with prizmatic fixtures;
c. Bollards for pedestrian access.
5. Fence Material. All proposed fences within the Overlay District (except for
single family residential and agricultural lots) must be reviewed and approved
by the Design Review Board prior to the issuance of a building permit.
Acceptable fence material shall be wood, masonry, stone, vinyl/PVC, tubular
steel or aluminum, agricultural fence (for agricultural purposes) and decorative
wrought iron. All chain-link fences are prohibited within the Overlay District
(except on existing individual single family residential lots). All fences shall be
at least four feet in height and not higher than eight feet in height. Suggested
fence styles are as follows:
Article 4
Zoning Districts Overlay Districts
Warren County/Joint Zoning Ordinance
a. 4-rail plank
b. Masonry columns with wood panels
c. Decorative masonry
d. Random-faced stone
e. Decorative metal
f. Agricultural fence for agricultural purposes only.
6. Signs. The visual transfer of business advertising and other public information
through the use of external signs in this zoning district shall comply with the
following sign requirements. All signs, excluding traffic signs and signs as
outlined in Section 3.19.1 of this ordinance, must be approved by the Design
Review Board and shall conform to the following uniform sign standards:
a. Materials, colors, and shades of proposed signs shall be compatible with
the related buildings on the property and must be approved by the Design
Review Board. All completed signs must have a high quality professional
appearance. Sign materials shall be limited to high quality construction
materials such as:
(1) Stone, brick, or decorative block
(2) Finished wood (painted or stained)
(3) Finished metal
(4) High quality plastic
b. Signage shall be limited to one (1) freestanding sign per property. One (1)
wall sign for each roadway frontage is also permitted. In cases where there
are multiple tenants, each tenant within the property shall be allowed one
wall sign on the front building facade. Informational or directional wall
signs may be allowed at the discretion of the Urban Growth Design Review
Board. All signage is subject to the total square footage maximums outlined
in subsection e of this section.
c. Freestanding signs shall be ground-mounted, monument style with proper
landscaping and be set back from the road sight triangle as to prohibit
obstruction of view.
d. Freestanding signs shall not exceed 8 feet in total height and 75 square feet
per side, and shall be located in a manner that will not create a traffic
hazard. The height of a sign shall be computed as the distance from the
base of the sign at a computed grade to the top of the highest attached
component of the sign (including the sign face, sign structure, or any other
appurtenance). The computed grade shall be the elevation of the ground
prior to disturbance where the sign is to be located. Dirt mounding shall
count toward the overall height of the sign.
e. All wall signs shall not exceed a maximum area of 100 sf or 10% of each
facade, which-ever is greater.
f. External lighting of monument signs shall be concealed and ground-
g. Freestanding pole signs (excluding flag poles) are prohibited. Maximum
number of flag poles per site shall be three (3) with a maximum pole height
Article 4
Zoning Districts Overlay Districts
Warren County/Joint Zoning Ordinance
of 40 feet, with the maximum area of each flag not to exceed 50 square
feet. Only government, or other official designated flags of an institution or
business are allowed.
h. Signage in planned shopping centers shall be limited to one ground-
mounted, monument style sign for each roadway frontage. Each tenant in
the shopping center shall be allowed one wall sign per frontage with a
maximum of two signs.
i. Campus-Style signage, as defined in Section 4.6.8.F.10 of this ordinance,
may be permitted, at the discretion of the Urban Growth Design Review
j. Illumination of signs shall be directed away from all traffic and from all
adjoining residential areas. The intensity of the light shall not exceed 1.5
footcandles at any point on the sign face.
k. Billboards, portable signs and temporary signs shall be prohibited. Flashing
signs and roof mounted signs shall be prohibited.
l. All signage shall be subject to the sign regulations outlined in the Zoning
Ordinance/Resolution for Warren County or any amendments thereto. In
instances where the two ordinances do not agree, the more restrictive of
the two shall apply.
7. Traffic Design. All internal streets, drives, travelways, sidewalks/trails, parking
and loading areas shall be designed for safe and efficient movement of vehicles
and pedestrians. Projects to be developed within the Overlay District and
contiguous to the Greenbelt shall be required to provide direct pedestrian
access, separate from any vehicle entry, to the Greenbelt trail. Developments
that are not contiguous to the Greenbelt trail shall provide either a sidewalk or
trail that will allow for the movement of pedestrians to the Greenbelt trail,
separate from the street system. All development shall allow for inter-parcel
access of vehicles (two-way travelway) and pedestrians (via sidewalk or trail) to
adjacent property. Inter-parcel access points shall be located behind the front
building setback line.
8. All electric, telephone, cable and similar service lines and other wiring shall be
installed underground, and there shall be no new overhead wiring in any
9. Exterior Treatment. Any proposed land use or development approved by the
Design Review Board shall be designed and constructed of materials so as to be
architecturally compatible with the architectural character of the general area.
a. All building exteriors shall be finished with one or more of the following
(1) architectural masonry units, including brick, decorative concrete
masonry units, and special surface units (plain-laid concrete or cinder
block will not be allowed);
(2) natural stone;
Article 4
Zoning Districts Overlay Districts
Warren County/Joint Zoning Ordinance
(3) precast and poured-in-place concrete; EFIS or Dryvit (not to exceed
50% of the total exterior) with approval of surface treatment;
(4) glass, glass curtain, glass surface units;
(5) wood clapboard, trim;
(6) Architectural Metal Panel (this material should utilize concealed
fastener application and shall not exceed 75% of any building façade).
(7) The use of vinyl shall be limited to only fascia, soffit, and other minor
trim uses within the district. The Design Review Board (DRB) may
approve the use of alternative building materials if compatible with
the adjoining properties.
b. Finished materials shall extend around all sides of the building, which shall
include gas canopies.
c. All non-residential buildings located along KY 880 shall be designed in such
a way as to appear to face the roadway, regardless of the location of the
driveway access and parking. All building walls facing any other right-of-way
shall have some form of articulated relief or change in direction, every 30
d. Roof-mounted utilities and mechanical equipment should be screened from
view by roof design, parapet walls, fencing, or other screening method to a
height equal to or greater than the height of the equipment.
10. Screening of Equipment and Outside Storage. Ground and roof level electrical
transformers, heat and air conditioning equipment and similar facilities shall be
screened from public view.
11. Redevelopment of Existing Site. It is recognized that certain nonresidential
properties in the overlay district were developed prior to incorporation and/or
adoption of technical and development standards for the district. When an
existing nonresidential site is redeveloped as defined in Article 6, the site shall
be brought into conformance with the technical and development standards of
this district to the greatest extent feasible or possible as determined by the
Design Review Board. All new signage shall conform to the requirements of
Section 4.9.3.F.6 (Signs).
4.9.4 Historic Overlay District
A. Purpose and Intent.
1. To maintain and preserve the unique historic and architectural characteristics of
areas and buildings having special or distinctive features or having special
historic, architectural, aesthetic or cultural interest and value to the
community, state and nation.
2. To establish standards to review the rehabilitation of existing structures and
new construction to ensure that it is compatible with the character of the
historic district and discourage growth or alterations that will negatively impact
the historic character of the districts.
Article 4
Zoning Districts Overlay Districts
Warren County/Joint Zoning Ordinance
3. To protect historic buildings and districts in Warren County in order to maintain
one of the county’s principal economic development and heritage tourism
4. To enhance the appeal of Bowling Green and Warren County’s historic
neighborhoods as distinctive areas and to enhance property values within these
5. To encourage and promote the public health, safety and general welfare of the
citizens of Bowling Green and Warren County by ensuring that changes in the
designated districts enhance the historic qualities that are enjoyed by all
members of the community and which makes the area a special place in which
to live and work.
B. Description of the Area. The following are hereby designated as part of the Historic
Overlay District requiring review from the Historic Preservation Board:
1. Local Historic Districts, Local Historic Sites (HD) or Local Historic Conservation
Districts (HC) (See Exhibit G1 in Appendix A).
C. Permitted Uses. Except as prohibited in item D below, uses permitted in each
zoning district are those uses permitted in the underlying zoning district as
enumerated in the Use Table in Sec. 5.1. This table employs broad use categories
containing a variety of similar uses for each Zoning District. The use categories are
described in Sec. 5.2, Use Categories, and Appendix B, which lists examples of uses
(showing which use categories they fall into).
D. Prohibited Uses. The following uses are expressly prohibited in the following areas
of the Historic Overlay District:
Chestnut Dodd and Upper East Main Local Historic Districts
1. Adult Entertainment Establishments;
2. Group Living;
3. Eating Establishments with Drive-Thru
4. Bars/Lounges;
5. Hotels, Motels & Extended Stay Facilities;
6. Commercial Parking
7. Game Arcades, Pool Halls, Dance Halls, Indoor Firing
Ranges, Health Clubs, & Gyms;
8. Retail Over 4,000 SF, Planned Shopping Centers up to 30,000 SF, and Retail with
Drive-Thru or Pickup Window;
9. Fuel Stations or Sales and Other Limited Vehicle Service;
10. Telecommunications Support Structure and Attached Telecommunications
Article 4
Zoning Districts Overlay Districts
Warren County/Joint Zoning Ordinance
College Hill Local Historic District
1. Adult Entertainment Establishments;
2. Multi-Family Residential greater than six (6) units;
3. Group Living (excluding Fraternities and Sororities in the University District and
Rooming and Boarding Houses);
4. Eating Establishments with Drive-Thru and Bars/Lounges;
5. TV and Radio Studios;
6. Hotels, Motels, Extended Stay Facilities and RV Parks;
7. Commercial Parking;
8. Game Arcades, Pool Halls, Dance Halls, Indoor Firing
Ranges, Health Clubs, & Gyms;
9. Active Outdoor Recreation and Entertainment, Passive Outdoor Recreation and
Entertainment, Sportsmen’s Farms, and Campgrounds;
10. Animal Hospitals and Kennels;
11. Retail Over 4,000 SF, Planned Shopping Centers up to 30,000 SF, Vehicle Sales
and Retail with Drive-Thru or Pickup Window;
12. Vehicle Repair, Fuel Stations or Sales and Other Limited Vehicle Service
13. Telecommunications Support Structure and Attached Telecommunications
Downtown Commercial Local Historic District
1. Adult Entertainment Establishments;
2. Group Living
3. Eating Establishments with Drive-Thru
4. Fuel Stations or Sales and Other Limited Vehicle Service
5. Telecommunications Support Structure and Attached Telecommunications
E. Historic Overlay Standards, Secretary of the Interior’s Standards and Guidelines
for the Rehabilitation of Historic Properties. The Historic Overlay shall include
General Development Standards adopted as outlined in Section 3.14.3 and may also
incorporate other Local Standards, the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards and
Guidelines for the Treatment of Historic Properties as applicable, as well as the
Secretary of the Interior’s Guidelines on Sustainability for Rehabilitating Historic
Buildings (See Exhibit G2 in Appendix A)
F. Redevelopment of Existing Site. It is recognized that certain properties in the
Historic Overlay District were developed prior to incorporation and/or adoption of
technical and development standards for the district. When an existing site is
redeveloped as defined in Article 6, the site shall be brought into conformance with
the technical and development standards of this district to the greatest extent
feasible or possible.
G. Development Standards Chestnut Dodd and Upper East Main Local Historic
Districts. Buildings should reflect an individual design that has considered the
architectural and historical character of surrounding development. For all
developments within the overlay district, the following technical standards shall
Article 4
Zoning Districts Overlay Districts
Warren County/Joint Zoning Ordinance
1. Fences (Location, height, style, material). All proposed fences within the
Historic Overlay District must obtain a COA from the Historic Preservation Board
or staff prior to the issuance of a building permit and must be appropriate and
compatible with the historic character of the subject property.
a. Acceptable visible fence material shall be wood, brick, stone, or wrought or
cast iron and must be appropriate and compatible with the architectural
style and period of the associated building. Aluminum fences may be
permitted in rear yards in a style appropriate for the associated building.
b. Wood privacy fences and solid wall fences of wood or brick may be built to
a height of six feet on interior side and rear property lines. Such fences
shall be set back so that they are closer to the rear plane of the house than
the front plane of the house.
c. Fences in front yards must be of a style that is compatible and appropriate
for the style of the house and street and must be of a maximum height of
four feet. (A list of appropriate fences styles, material is included in the
design guidelines.)
d. New retaining walls should be of BRICK or STONE and not of poured
concrete, concrete block, rusticated concrete block or railroad ties.
e. Vinyl fences, Wooden split rail fences and all chain-link fences are
prohibited within the Historic Overlay District.
2. Signs. The visual transfer of business advertising and other public information
through the use of external signs in this Historic Overlay District shall comply
with the following sign requirements. Materials, colors, and shades of proposed
signs shall be compatible with the related buildings on the property and must
be approved by the Historic Preservation Board. All completed signs must have
a high quality professional appearance. Sign materials shall be limited to high
quality construction materials
a. The following type signs are the most appropriate in a residential setting:
freestanding sign in the yard, a plaque style sign by the front entrance, a
hanging sign that hangs from the porch fascia board or a sign painted on a
glass entrance or a window. Signs should not obscure important
architectural elements, such as a gable field or brackets.
b. General. New signage should be compatible in material, size, color, scale
and design with the building and district. Signs that are over-scaled or
inappropriate include roof-top signs, plastic signs, back-lit, internally-lit
fluorescent signs or awnings, signs that flash or move, holographic, LED,
billboards or reader boards.
c. Materials. Materials such as wood, metal, fiberglass, finished, carved or
sandblasted wood, goldleaf or a material that is compatible with the
historic district or building.
d. Size. Freestanding signs should be no taller than four feet (4’) or wider than
eight feet (8’). Hanging signs should be proportionate to the space but
generally no taller than two feet (2’) or wider than three feet (3’). Plaque
style signs should be sized appropriately for the house.
Article 4
Zoning Districts Overlay Districts
Warren County/Joint Zoning Ordinance
e. Colors. Signs should be limited to no more than three (3) colors; however
in the case of company colors, they may be used for the company logo,
which may or may not be the entire sign. Fluorescent, day-glow,
holographic and photo printed letters and backgrounds are not
f. Design: The design of signs should complement their surrounding and be
pedestrian oriented. The sign should be integrated into the architectural
design of the building and should not dominate the façade or interfere with
adjacent buildings.
g. The number of graphic elements shall be held to the minimum needed to
convey the sign’s major message, generally the name of the business and
any identifying logo or symbol.
h. Traditional fonts, painted, silk screened, gilded or vinyl lettering on glass is
i. Lighting. Light signs in a manner compatible with the historic character and
pedestrian scale of the district with concealed or incandescent lighting.
Back-lit or internally-lit, bare spot lights, plastic box signs or high-wattage
metal halide lights are not appropriate.
j. Hardware. Mounting methods should be simple in design and should not
damage the historic building.
3. Driveways & Parking Areas.
a. Parking is not permitted in front yards
b. New parking areas are to be no larger than six spaces and are to be
c. Rear yards should not be significantly altered for parking. Existing
topography and vegetation should be retained as much as possible.
d. If parking is located in the rear yard, it is recommended that wood board
fencing be installed to screen the parking.
e. Driveways shall be located to the side of the house with garages and
carports in the rear.
f. Circular driveways should not be constructed unless they are part of the
original landscape configuration.
g. Drives and parking areas shall be paved with asphalt, concrete, brick
pavers, pervious material or similar permeable paving material. Asphalt is
permitted but not recommended.
h. Where possible, traditional concrete “track” or “strip” driveways should be
retained and used for new driveways.
Article 4
Zoning Districts Overlay Districts
Warren County/Joint Zoning Ordinance
H. Development Standards College Hill Local Historic District. Buildings should
reflect an individual design that has considered the architectural and historical
character of surrounding development. For all developments within the overlay
district, the following technical standards shall apply:
1. Fences. All proposed fences within the Historic Overlay District must obtain a
COA from the Historic Preservation Board or staff.
a. Acceptable fence material shall be wood, brick, stone, aluminum and
wrought iron and must be appropriate and compatible with the
architectural style and period of the associate building.
b. Wood privacy fences and solid wall fences of wood or brick may be built to
a height of six feet on interior side and rear property lines. Such Fences
shall be set back from the plane of the front façade of the house.
c. Fences in front yards must be of a style that is compatible and appropriate
for the style of the house and street and must be of a maximum height of
four feet. (A list of appropriate fences styles, material is included in the
design guidelines.)
d. New retaining walls should be of BRICK or STONE and not of poured
concrete, concrete blocks, rusticated concrete block or railroad ties.
e. Vinyl fences, Wooden split rail fences, and all chain-link fences are
prohibited within the Historic Overlay District.
2. Signs. The following type signs are the most appropriate in a residential setting:
freestanding sign in the yard, a plaque style sign by the front entrance, a
hanging sign that hangs from the porch fascia board or a sign painted on a glass
entrance or a window. Signs should not obscure important architectural
elements, such as a gable field or brackets.
a. General: New signage should be compatible in material, size, color, scale
and design with the building and district. Prohibited signs include over-
scaled or inappropriate roof-top signs, plastic signs, back-lit, internally-lit
fluorescent signs or awnings, signs that flash or move, holographic, LED,
billboards or reader boards.
b. Materials: Materials such as wood, metal, fiberglass, finished, carved or
sandblasted wood, goldleaf or a material that is compatible with the
historic district or building.
c. Size: Freestanding signs should be no taller than four feet (4’) or wider than
eight feet (8’). Hanging signs should be proportionate to the space but
generally no taller than two feet (2’) or wider than three feet (3’). Plaque
style signs should be sized appropriately for the house.
d. Colors: Signs should be limited to no more than three (3) colors; however
in the case of company colors, they may be used for the company logo,
which may or may not be the entire sign. Fluorescent, day-glow,
holographic and photo printed letters and backgrounds are not
Article 4
Zoning Districts Overlay Districts
Warren County/Joint Zoning Ordinance
e. Design: The design of signs should complement their surrounding and be
pedestrian oriented. The sign should be integrated into the architectural
design of the building and should not dominate the façade or interfere with
adjacent buildings.
f. The number of graphic elements shall be held to the minimum needed to
convey the sign’s major message, generally the name of the business and
any identifying logo or symbol.
g. Traditional fonts, painted, silk screened, gilded or vinyl lettering on glass is
h. Lighting: Light signs in a manner compatible with the historic character and
pedestrian scale of the district with concealed or incandescent lighting.
Back-lit or internally-lit, bare spot lights, plastic box signs or high-wattage
metal halide lights are not appropriate.
i. Hardware: Mounting methods should be simple in design and should not
damage the historic building.
3. Driveways & Parking Areas
a. Parking is not permitted in front yard
b. New parking areas are to be no larger than six spaces and are to be
c. Rear yards should not be significantly altered for parking. Existing
topography and vegetation should be retained as much as possible.
d. If parking is located in the rear yard, it is recommended that wood board
fencing be installed to screen the parking.
e. Driveways shall be located to the side of the house with garages and
carports in the rear.
f. Circular driveways should not be constructed unless they are part of the
original landscape configuration.
g. Drives and parking areas shall be paved with concrete, brick pavers,
pervious material or similar permeable paving material. Asphalt is
permitted but not recommended.
h. Where possible, traditional concrete “track” or “strip” driveways should be
retained and used for new driveways.
I. Development Standards Downtown Commercial Local Historic District. Buildings
should reflect an individual design that has considered the architectural and
historical character of surrounding development. For all developments within the
overlay district, the following technical standards shall apply:
1. Fences. All proposed fences within the Historic Overlay District must obtain a
COA from the Historic Preservation Board or staff.
Article 4
Zoning Districts Overlay Districts
Warren County/Joint Zoning Ordinance
a. Acceptable fence material shall be wood, masonry, stone, aluminum and
wrought iron and must be appropriate and compatible with the
architectural style and period of the associated building.
b. Vinyl fences, Wooden split rail fences and all chain-link fences are
prohibited within the Historic Overlay District.
2. Signs. The visual transfer of business advertising and other public information
through the use of external signs in this Historic Overlay District shall comply
with the following sign requirements. Materials, colors, and shades of proposed
signs shall be compatible with the related buildings on the property and must
be approved by the Historic Preservation Board. All completed signs must have
a high quality professional appearance. Sign materials shall be limited to high
quality construction materials. The more restrictive of the Historic District
Overlay or the underlying district shall apply.
a. Electronic Message Display (EMD) Signs are prohibited in all Local Historic
b. Location: Signs must be located in historically traditional locations, such as
storefront beltcourses or on flat surfaces of the building; painted on glass
elements or hanging or mounted inside windows or door. Canopy signs
shall not project above the roof line nor above the vertical canopy face.
c. Materials: Signs should be constructed of high quality, historic sign
materials such as: wood, finished metal or fiberglass). Molded plastic
lettering in an appropriate color and font and with a dull finish is allowed.
Sign materials that are not permitted include unfinished plyboard, shiny
plastic or plastic substrate signs.
d. Size: Signs should utilize lettering not exceeding 18 inches in height or
covering more than 60 percent of the total sign area.
e. Colors: Signs should coordinate with the overall building colors.
f. Lighting: Internally illuminated signs are not permitted. Signs should have
indirect, soft, muted lighting from an external, shielded lamp.
g. Hardware: Sign mounting methods should be simple in design and should
not damage the historic building.
4.9.5 University District (UD)
A. Purpose. The University District provides for a planned mix of residential dwelling
types and other selected uses which are related to and which are located in close
proximity to the main campus of Western Kentucky University. Such organizations
include, but are not limited to:
1. Dormitories, fraternity/sorority houses, university-affiliated rooming/boarding
houses or other residence halls; and
2. Conference centers, student centers, and retreat houses operated by a religious
or non-profit organization. (See Exhibit E in Appendix A).
Article 4
Zoning Districts Overlay Districts
Warren County/Joint Zoning Ordinance
B. Development Standards.
1. External Appearance. When such use is located in any residential or public
district, the external appearance of the structure shall be in the form and
character of a single-family, detached dwelling.
(1) All new residential structures under the jurisdiction of the University
District Review Committee (UDRC) shall have the following minimum
architectural requirements:
(a) Building materials shall consist of at least 75% brick, stone, glass or
other modern masonry materials.
(b) Building materials shall extend to all facades of the structure facing a
(c) Each residential structure shall have a pitched roof. Roof slope ratio
should be a minimum of 3:12 and a maximum of 12:12.
2. Off-Street Parking.
a. One off-street parking spaces shall be provided for each occupant bed, plus
one space per each employee and counselor or advisor. The total number
of spaces required shall not exceed a maximum number of 20 spaces or
result in a greater percentage of lot coverage than is allowed by the district
regulations. Additional spaces may be permitted as long as the impervious
surface for the total lot area does not exceed that which is allowed by the
district regulations.
b. All parking areas shall be located either to the rear or to the side of the
residence. No off-street parking shall be permitted in front yards.
c. All parking areas shall be paved and constructed so as to direct stormwater
runoff to the appropriate drainage facility.
3. Lot Coverage / Open Space. Total impervious surface, including buildings and
required parking in the University District shall not exceed 65%, in order to
provide an adequate amount of usable open space.
4. Signs
a. Identification signs shall be wall-mounted signage, no greater than 12
square feet in area and shall not be internally illuminated.
b. Temporary signs such as: Banners, pennants, posters, flags (excluding
government, political subdivision, or other official designated flags of an
institution or business), fixed balloons, or similar devices shall be
Article 4
Zoning Districts Overlay Districts
Warren County/Joint Zoning Ordinance
c. All permitted signs shall also comply with all the applicable Sign
Development Standards in Section 4.6.8.F.
5. Fire Suppression Systems
a. Each new residential structure shall be required to provide a fire
suppression system internal to the structure which shall be required to
meet the minimum requirements of the National Fire Protection
Association (NFPA), Section 13.
4.9.6 Airport Overlay District
The Airport Overlay District outlines the area within proximity of the Bowling Green-
Warren County Airport that is under the jurisdiction of the Kentucky Airport Zoning
Commission (KAZC) (see Exhibit F in Appendix A). The underlying zoning is governed
by this ordinance; however, there may be additional restrictions on development in
this area placed by the KAZC. Any person developing property in this area should
consult with KAZC in addition to all approvals necessary under this ordinance.
Article 4
Zoning Districts Overlay Districts
Warren County/Joint Zoning Ordinance
For more information on the Agriculture District see Section 4.3.
The RR (Rural Residential) District is allowed only in the unincorporated areas of Warren County.
For specific standards for twinhomes, townhomes and condominiums, see Section 4.4.6 (RS-1A, B, C and D) and 4.5.5 (RM-2, 3 and 4).
For specific MHP standards, see 4.4.6.G.
For RS-1D development in the area bound by the US 31W Bypass/East Riverview Drive, Kentucky Street and Broadway Avenue/East 12th Avenue, please see section 4.4.6.B.
Please see Section 4.5.4.C.8 for additional setback required adjacent to a single family residential district, structure or use.
Fences must also adhere to the requirements of section 4.3.6 (AG), 4.4.5.E (R-E, RR, RS-1A, B, C & D and MHP) and 4.5.4.F (RM-2, RM-3 and RM-4).
Parking provided within a garage(s) shall count toward the minimum parking requirement.
(pg. 4-4)
(pg. 4-6)
(pg. 4-6)
(pg. 4-6)
(pg. 4-6)
(pg. 4-6)
(pg. 4-6)
(pg. 4-7)
(pg. 4-22)
(pg. 4-22)
(pg. 4-22)
Lot Area (min.)
Public Sewer
Septic System
5 acres
5 acres
2 acres
2 acres
1 acre
1 acre
12,000 sf
10,000 sf
8,000 sf
5,000 sf
sewer only
11,000 sf
sewer only
8,000 sf for first
unit plus 2,000 sf
for each add’l unit
sewer only
5,000 sf
Lot Width (min.)
100 feet
100 feet
100 feet
85 feet
75 feet
60 feet
50 feet
50 feet
75 feet
50 feet
40 feet
Lot Frontage (min.)
Public Street
40 feet
40 feet
50 feet
40 feet
50 feet
40 feet
50 feet
40 feet
50 feet
40 feet
50 feet
32 feet
50 feet
32 feet
50 feet
40 feet
50 feet
40 feet
50 feet
32 feet
40 feet
32 feet
Lot Coverage (max.)
Setbacks (min.)
Front Yard
Side Yard
Rear Yard
Accessory Structure
Side Yard
Rear Yard
25 feet
10 ft
25 feet
5 feet
5 feet
0 Feet
25 feet
25 feet
25 feet
5 feet
5 feet
0 Feet
25 feet
10 feet
10 feet
5 feet
5 feet
0 Feet
25 feet
10 feet
10 feet
5 feet
5 feet
0 Feet
25 feet
7.5 feet
10 feet
5 feet
5 feet
0 Feet
25 feet
7.5 feet
10 feet
5 feet
5 feet
0 Feet
25 feet
5 feet
10 feet
5 feet
5 feet
0 Feet
50 feet
25 feet
25 feet
5 feet
5 feet
0 Feet
25 feet
7.5 feet
10 feet
5 feet
5 feet
0 Feet
25 feet
7.5 feet
10 feet
5 feet
5 feet
0 Feet
25 feet
5 feet
10 feet
5 feet
5 feet
0 Feet
42 feet
42 feet
42 feet
42 feet
42 feet
42 feet
35 feet
42 feet
42 feet
6 stories above
Fire Protection
See Section 1.13 for Fire Protection Requirements
Off-Street Parking
Requirement (spaces)
# of Bedrooms
# of Spaces Required
2 Spaces
2 Spaces
3 Spaces
4 Spaces
See Section
See Section
For commercial and industrial uses utilizing on-site septic systems, please see Section 1.12.2.A.
For additional setbacks adjacent to an incompatible use, district or structure, please see Sections 4.6.8.C (NB, GB, CB, HB, OP-R, OP-C and P) and 4.7.3.C (LI and HI).
Fences must also adhere to the minimum requirements of Section 4.6.8.J (NB, GB, CB, HB, OP-R, OP-C and P) and 4.7.J.3 (LI and HI)
(pg. 4-31)
(pg. 4-31)
(pg. 4-31)
(pg. 4-31)
(pg. 4-31)
(pg. 4-31)
(pg. 4-31)
(pg. 4-55)
(pg. 4-55)
Lot Area (min.)
Public Sewer
Septic System
5,000 sf
43,560 sf
5,000 sf
43,560 sf
5,000 sf
43,560 sf
5,000 sf
43,560 sf
5,000 sf
43,560 sf
5,000 sf
43,560 sf
5,000 sf
1 Acre
5,000 sf
1 Acre
Lot Width (min.)
50 feet
50 feet
50 feet
50 feet
50 feet
50 feet
50 feet
50 feet
Lot Frontage (min.)
50 feet
50 feet
50 feet
50 feet
50 feet
50 feet
50 feet
50 feet
Lot Coverage (max.)
Front Yard
Side Yard
Rear Yarde
25 feet
10 feet
25 feet
5 feet
0 feet
25 feet
5 feet
5 feet
5 feet
0 feet
0 feet
0 feet
0 feet
0 feet
0 feet
25 feet
5 feet
5 feet
5 feet
0 feet
25 feet
10 feet
25 feet
5 feet
0 feet
25 feet
5 feet
5 feet
5 feet
0 feet
25 feet
0 feet
0 feet
0 feet
0 feet
25 feet
5 feet
5 feet
5 feet
0 feet
25 feet
5 feet
5 feet
5 feet
0 feet
Height (max.)
42 feet
42 feet
42 feet
100 feet
100 feet
Building Size (max.) *
4,000 sf
4,000 sf
Min. Fire Flow Required
See Section 1.13 for Fire Protection Requirements
Off-Street Parking
See Section 4.6.8.E
See Section 4.7.3.E
Landscaping Required
See Section 4.6.8.D for landscaping standards.
Residential Uses Allowed?
See Section 4.6.8.L.1
Signage in all districts shall comply with all applicable requirements in Section 4.6.8.F unless otherwise specified in other text of the Zoning Ordinance.
Signs Allowed?
Maximum No.
Per appr.
Dev. Plan
See Sec.
Maximum Total
Sign Face Area
Freestanding Sign
32 sf
20 sf
60 sf
32 sf
150 sf
100 sf
50 sf
32 sf
100 sf
Per appr.
Dev. Plan
See Sec.
Maximum Height
Per appr.
Dev. Plan
See Sec.
Structure Type/
Pole or
Pole or
Pole or
Pole or
Pole or
Pole or
Wall Signs
Maximum Total
Sign Face Area
Wall Sign
50 sf
12 sf
10% of the
50 sf or
5% of
is greater
100 sf or
10% of
is greater
100 sf or
10% of
is greater
100 sf or
5% of
is greater
50 sf
5% of
is greater
100 sf or
5% of
is greater
100 sf
10% of
ever is
See Sec.
12 sf
In Agriculture and Residential Districts, freestanding and wall signs are allowed for properly permitted conditional uses only.
These Commercial Districts MAY have a second high-rise sign, if within the area permitted for Interstate High-Rise Signs (See Appendix A-Exhibits A1, A2 and A3).
For multi-tenant buildings, see Section 4.6.8.F.2.K. Wall signage shall be limited to the square footage or percentage defined in the above table, whichever is less.
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