for non-profit organizations
Foreword .......................
About TikTok .....................
Why TikTok ......................
How to build your presence on TikTok . . . . .
Pg. 3
Pg. 4
Pg. 5
Pg. 32
Pg. 42
Pg. 43
Pg. 44
Tools and resources ................
Contact us ......................
Glossary .......................
Appendix: Tips and tricks . . . . . . . . . . . .
for shooting your video
of contents
How to set up your account
How to define your content strategy
How to create compelling video content
How to gain and interact with followers
How to engage with TikTok creators/influencers
How to engage with partners and promoters
Use TikTok to do good. It’s a simple idea that can change how
non-profit and public institutions tell their stories and connect
with their supporters. We want to inspire and encourage a new
generation to have a positive impact on our community
and our planet.
You may be a UN agency, an NGO, or a cultural and educational
institution. You may be an existing TikTok user looking to engage
the community better, or perhaps you’ve found success on other
channels and want to bring your point of view
to an entirely new audience.
Either way,
this playbook
will put you
on the right track.
About TikTok
TikTok is the most downloaded video app in the world,
operating in over 150 countries and regions, in 75 languages.
While Generation Z and millennials have driven much
of our growth to date, the TikTok community breaks through
generational divides with family members of dierent ages
often coming together to produce videos.
TikTok is a destination for creating and discovering real, interesting
and fun short-form mobile videos that will make your day.
Our mission is to inspire creativity and bring joy.
TikTok oers a home for creative expression, encouraging users
to share real moments from their lives and delivering a personalized
video feed based on what they watch, like, and share.
This is all made easy on mobile devices.
A diverse global community
Everyone has a voice on TikTok
Creativity is key to success on TikTok
Why TikTok
TikTok is home
to the next
TikTok is the ideal platform to connect
with a generation who are strongly driven
by a sense of purpose and a desire
to create a fairer and more sustainable
society. It presents an opportunity to raise
awareness among younger audiences,
educate them about your cause,
and encourage them to take action.
can help you
TikTok can enable you to collect donations
from grassroots supporters using fun
and innovative techniques.
Donation Stickers are available
in selected markets for insertion
in videos and live streams.
is easy to use
You don’t need a studio or a large budget
to make your content stand out.
TikTok is packed with a variety of editing
features and eects that lower
the barriers to creation.
Videos can be instantly shared
across social media channels.
TikTok is safe
We are continuously improving our policies
and tools to promote a positive and safe
in-app environment. We provide privacy
settings and engaging educational videos
to help give users greater control over
their content and connections.
to build
your presence
on TikTok
How to set up your account
Create your account
Download the TikTok app and tap the profile icon
in the bottom right corner of the home page.
Sign up with your organizations phone number or email address.
Alternatively, there is the option to register using
an existing social media account.
If you are creating a new account, enter the birthday as the date
your organization was founded - providing it is over 18 years of age.
Set your password.
You’ve successfully created your new account!
Choose a username
Add a bio
Choose a username within 24
characters that identifies
your organization. Your username
will be shown in your videos
and may also appear
in search results.
We recommend keeping
your username consistent across
social platforms and over time,
to make it easier for followers
to find you.
TIP: If your organizations name
is already taken, please consult
your local TikTok contact
or email ttfg@tiktok.com.
Include a bio of up to
80 characters in your profile
to tell people more about your
organization and its mission.
You can add a link to your latest
campaign, a donation page,
or your website. Emojis can also
be inserted.
TIP: Consider adding a call
to action in your bio such as
that used by @UNDPIndia:
“Right now we are saying
[Stay at home India].
Spread the word, not the #Virus!”
Upload a profile picture
Link your social media accounts
Verify your account
Switch to a Pro Account
Use the ocial logo of your organization for consistency.
You can change the profile picture temporarily to showcase a campaign
or an event, but make sure your organization is still identifiable.
You will be required to sign into your social media accounts to do this.
Linking your accounts will allow you to share your videos more easily
on other platforms such as Instagram and YouTube, helping fuel your growth.
TikTok provides verified badges to help users make informed choices
about the accounts they choose to follow. A verified badge means
TikTok has confirmed that the account belongs to the user it represents.
It appears next to the username in search results and on the profile
page as a blue check mark.
TIP: Verified badges can only be applied for through TikTok,
so get in touch with your local TikTok contactor email ttfg@tiktok.com
to inquire about verification.
TikTok Pro Account gives you the tools to track and improve
your performance. It provides detailed insights into how your videos
are performing and helps you better understand your followers.
From your profile page, click on the three dots in the top right corner.
Choose “Manage My Account”.
Tap “Switch to Pro Account” and follow the steps from there.
Select “Business Account” for access to business partner benefits.
Once you have activated your Pro Account, you will find
a new analytics button under your account options.
Developing a content strategy helps you to clarify your objective
and define a clear, suciently-resourced plan for achieving it.
Below is a step-by-step guide to help you build
your TikTok content strategy.
Step 1: Define your objective
Use the following prompts to help you
define your objective. Being as specific
as possible will help set you up for success.
How to define your content strategy
Why is this important?
What is your mission?
What change do you want
to see in the world?
How can TikTok help
further this mission?
Who are the people
you are trying to reach?
Can you summarize
the objective of your TikTok
strategy in one sentence?
Step 2: Establish your main content pillars
Content pillars act as unifying themes running through your content.
Here are some potential ideas for content pillars
for a non-profit organization:
Unique: Attracting attention
and making your organization
stand out
Ever wondered what is going on
inside an ostrichs head?
In this video, San Diego Zoo
(@sandiegozoo) paired footage
with the latest trending soundtrack
on TikTok, ‘Their Head,’ for a unique
and fun feel.
Educational: Sharing knowledge
and raising awareness
Tim Pearce, Head of the mollusks
section at the Carnegie Museum
of Natural History (@carnegiemnh),
posts a weekly snail joke to entertain
his audience. His colleagues teach
the community about plants
and animals using the hashtag
Case Study
Case Study
The Princes Trust (@princestrust)
uses TikTok to provide tips for finding
a job and building confidence, using
the hashtag #LearnOnTikTok.
Case Study
Inspiring: Motivating people to take action
Specific Topic Area / Campaigns
The Audio
The Story or Call to Action
Tone of Voice
The Sticker
Content Pillars
Example: Educational
Example: Announcing a
recent milestone for your
organization/ Asking users
to share their point of view.
Example: Excited
Example: Awareness-raising
Example: Text overlay
with questions
Example: Voiceover
by the presenter
Example: #DidYouKnow
Step 3: Flesh out your idea
Below is a checklist you can use to help you plan out each piece of content.
Step 4: Monitor content performance and optimize
Always keep an eye on views, comments and shares of your content.
For more detailed analytics, switch to a Pro Account (see page 8).
For content that performs above average, it is worth trying to understand
what went well and why. Learning from past content success will help
you continuously improve your content. Consider boosting particularly
popular content via TikTok For Business to amplify reach.
TIP: The TikTok for Good team is always here to give guidance on
content, so get in touch!
This section presents some tips for creating great content.
Activate user engagement
Provide a clear call to action via TikTok’s
interactive features. Do you want people to visit
your website? Donate to a good cause?
Let your audience know what you want them to
do – loud and clear!
Case Study
The UNESCO New Delhi Oce
(@unesconewdelhi) encouraged
its audience to practice yoga to
stay healthy at home during the
coronavirus lockdown, using the
hashtag #HarGharYoga [Yoga in
every household]. Custom stickers
helped users strike the perfect pose.
How to create compelling video content
Create authentic, engaging content to connect your brand with TikTok users.
When designing your TikTok content, design it specifically for TikTok
rather than just reposting Instagram videos or adapting YouTube content.
The Red Cross in Frankfurt, Germany
do some fun storytelling on TikTok.
Their exclusive look into
an operating theatre became
a viral TikTok hit.
Bridge the gap between brand and audience
Case Study
Case Study
The Uzi Galleries (@uzigalleries)
encouraged #SocialDistancing in a
light-hearted way with an adaptation
of Botticelli’s famous ‘Spring’ painting.
Collaborate with creators
Get trending by working with top creators. Please refer to
How to engage with TikTok creators (page 23) for more details.
Case Study
Arnold Schwarzenegger recorded
a thank you message for TikTok
in support of his charity After-School
All-Stars (@afterschoolallstars).
The charity provides free,
comprehensive after-school
programs that keep children safe
and help them succeed
in school and life.
You can choose a maximum length of 15 or 60 seconds, so pick whichever
best suits the story you want to tell. Try to keep things short and snappy
without sacrificing creativity.
Trends come and go quickly so be open to new ideas and be ready
to refresh your strategy.
Choose the right length
Adapt your strategy
TikTok partnered with Conservation
International (@conservationorg)
in Autumn 2019 on a global
#SaveOurOceans campaign,
which encouraged users from over
20 dierent countries
to post short videos discussing
the importance of protecting our
oceans. Through a custom video
eect, users were able to virtually
clean plastic” from the ocean with
the swipe of a hand.
For each video uploaded using
the #SaveOurOceans hashtag
TikTok donated 2 US dollars to
Conservation International,
helping save 3,000 km
of ocean.
TIP: Try to post as often as you can
while maintaining quality. One video
per day is recommended to
maintain engagement.
TIP: Check out the appendix
for more pointers on shooting
and publishing a video.
Case Study
How to gain and interact with followers
Tap into TikTok trends
Check the Discover page regularly for trending sounds and hashtags.
Using trending sounds can help increase the chance that your content
will appear on the “For You” page, where it can help you
attract new followers.
The Regional Museum in Caeté, Brazil (@museu_regional_de_caete)
used smiling eects to animate their artifacts to the tune of Blackpink’s
newly released #HowYouLikeThat.
Case Study
Spark Interaction
Follow creators and other non-profit organizations that would make
good partners for your brand and interact with their videos.
This will increase the chances that they will follow you back.
You should also invite questions, duets and feedback
from your community. Reply to comments on your content -
you can even do so using a new video!
The University of California,
Los Angeles (@UCLA) posted
a video of a clapping
and chanting routine in support
of the university sports team.
The caption encouraged fans
to “Show us your 8-Clap!”
and used the
#8clapchallenge hashtag.
Case Study
In December 2019, the UN Refugee
Agency (@Refugees) launched
the #EveryoneCounts challenge.
The campaign asked refugees,
celebrities and TikTokers to answer
the question: What did/do you want
to be when you grow up?
The responses demonstrated
the similarity of peoples ambitions
and showed that everyones
dreams count.
Case Study
Leverage hashtag challenges
Participate in trending hashtags with your own take on the topic, linked
to your organizations key purpose. Alternatively, you can initiate your
own creative hashtag challenge to raise awareness for your cause,
rally supporters, or raise funds for your initiative.
The French Red Cross
(@croixrougefr) launched
its own dance challenge,
#PLSChallenge, to draw attention
to the importance of first aid.
The organization enlisted French
TikTok star Rose Théron
to promote the hashtag.
Case Study
Earth Hour, initiated by WWF,
is one of the world’s largest grassroots
movements for the environment.
It involves millions of people in more
than 180 countries and territories
switching o their lights to show
support for the planet.
TikTok is a global partner.
For the 2019 event, TikTok invited users
to participate in #MyEarthHour2019
using a custom animated sticker
showing a lightbulb turning o.
Case Study
Go Live
In countries and regions where the Live feature is available, you can use
it to have a dialogue with your followers in real-time.
Here are some tips for going Live:
You can go live via your mobile phone or PC/Mac.
You will need a certain number of followers to go live. Please check
with your local TikTok contact or email ttfg@tiktok.com to inquire
about Live access.
Live streaming is done in portrait mode (9:16 aspect ratio) so keep
your phone vertical and upright.
Make sure your internet is stable.
Ensure good lighting and a stable phone holder
and make sure you are somewhere you won’t
be disturbed. It’s always a good idea to test
your audio beforehand to make sure you can be
heard properly.
A growing number of non-profit
organizations are going Live
on TikTok. The British Red Cross
(@britishredcross) organized
a live Q&A session with Dr Radha
Modgil about mental health
and wellbeing during
the coronavirus lockdown.
Case Study
A number of museums have organized
live tours of their exhibitions, including
the Rijksmuseum (@rijksmuseum)
in Amsterdam, Le Grand Palais
(@le_grand_palais) in Paris,
and the Buecherhallen
(@buecherhallen) in Hamburg.
Case Study
Amplify your reach
Share your TikTok activity (videos,
hashtags and live streams) on social
platforms to amplify the impact
and direct trac to your TikTok account.
ou can also promote your TikTok account
through your website, in your email signature
and on other marketing materials.
TikTok creators are key to spreading your message to a wider audience.
Tap into the energy of talented and diverse creators to build
your next viral video!
Here are some quick steps to guide you:
How to work with TikTok creators/influencers
Step 1: Define campaign objectives
Think about what you want to achieve from this collaboration -
whether it’s to create awareness for a hashtag challenge,
broaden reach, increase engagement or unlock
a new audience segment. Defining clear objectives
will help creators better understand their role in the collaboration.
Step 2 :Identify the right creator
Your campaign objectives will help you shortlist potential
creators to work with. For instance, if you want
to expand your visibility among
a certain user group, you should look
for creators that have a large following
within that group. When reaching out
to possible partners, personalize your message
and demonstrate your understanding of their content.
You may also wish to engage creators
you have worked with on other platforms if they have
a fan base on TikTok.
Once you’ve secured a creator, you’ll need
to agree a contract setting out details including
the responsibilities of both sides, compensation,
and any restrictions on video distribution.
UNICEF India (@unicefindia) enlisted
Indian actor Amitabh Bachchan
to share advice about avoiding
coronavirus in English and Hindi.
Together, the two videos have been
watched over 280 million times.
Case Study
Case Study
The World Economic Forum
(@worldeconomicforum) partnered
with TikTok for the Annual Meeting
2020 in Davos and launched
the hashtag #AllTheDierence,
celebrating diversity and inclusion.
TikTokers were asked to show how
they cast o labels and help make
the world a more tolerant place.
Key participants in Davos
and more than 90 influencers,
top creators and hundreds
of thousands of TikTokers participated
in the campaign in late January 2020.
The campaign, which was promoted
in 75+ global markets, attracted
2 billion video views within a week.
Step 3: Co-create the content
When co-creating content, you should respect creators’ style and ideas
while staying true to your brand image and key messages.
A creative brief is useful, but try not to make it too prescriptive,
as TikTok celebrates authenticity and creativity in all its content.
TIP: Adhering to local market regulations and industry-specific
regulations is essential when working with creators. Contact your local
TikTok team or email ttfg@tiktok.com for guidance on this.
Step 4: Launch and monitor campaign
Once the campaign is launched, you should track not just quantitative
metrics, such as engagement and likes, but also qualitative metrics.
Look at indicators such as the sentiment of in-app comments
and reaction to the campaign o the platform. Thorough evaluation
and reflection on lessons learned can help you refine future campaigns
and decide whether you should continue building a relationship
with your chosen creator.
How to engage with partners and promoters06
Achieving success on TikTok is not something you can do alone.
We encourage you to create partnerships and build support
among your sta and peers.
Engage your sta
Your sta are probably your best brand ambassadors.
Engage your colleagues by letting them star in your TikTok videos
and encouraging them to sign up to the platform to participate
in hashtag challenges. You can also ask them to share
and comment on your videos.
The UN Food and Agricultural
Organization (@fao) featured
seven members of sta in their
#FirstTikTok, welcoming viewers
in seven languages.
Case Study
The chancellor of Indiana
University–Purdue University
Indianapolis (@IUPUI),
Nasser Paydar, kicked o
the colleges TikTok channel
with a video using transitions
to good eect to show himself
getting dressed up for graduation.
The social media manager
of the International Organization
for Migration (@unmigration)
shot a TikTok about her first day
on the job. In it, she jokingly
contrasts her expectation of saving
the world with the reality of her job -
trying to become popular on TikTok.
Case Study
Get executives involved
Encouraging your senior executives to make occasional cameos
in your TikTok videos can help secure vital executive
buy-in for your TikTok strategy.
Case Study
Case Study
UN (@unitednations) Secretary
General António Guterres starred
in the UN’s #FirstTikTok,
washing his hands for
the #SafeHands challenge.
The leading international and non-governmental organizations
are active on TikTok as of August 2020. The International Federation
of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), UNICEF, and WWF
have encouraged their national and local organizations to set up accounts
on the platform. This has allowed a healthy competition
to flourish between teams across the globe, spurring
the production of high-quality content.
Leverage global networks
Partner with your peers
Follow non-profit organizations that are relevant to your organization
and engage with them! Like and comment on their TikToks, tag them
in your TikToks and don’t hesitate to contact them directly
on the platform via direct message for possible collaborations.
Many UN organizations have teamed up to amplify specific
hashtag challenges and reach a wider audience.
TikTok partnered with the IFRC
(@ifrc) to launch the #ForClimate
hashtag challenge in over
100 markets. Custom stickers
enabled users to illustrate
the impacts of extreme weather
and share how they are trying
to make a dierence.
To maximize engagement,
the IFRC promoted the campaign
in advance to its global network
of National Societies, sta,
and volunteers through
three online seminars.
Case Study
In mid-March 2020, TikTok
teamed up with the World Health
Organization (@who) to teach
people how to keep
their hands clean.
The #SafeHands hashtag challenge,
initiated by WHO Director General
Dr Tedros Adhanom, involved
asking TikTokers to film themselves
for 40 seconds washing their hands.
It was amplified by TikTok superstar
Charli D’amelio, American actor
Terry Crews, and international
organizations such as
the United Nations and UNHCR.
Case Study
The UN Environment Programme
(@unep) participated
in the #SafeOnline campaign
initiated by the International
Telecommunication Union
(@itu), which asked parents
and their children ten questions
about internet safety
to drive awareness.
Case Study
TikTok for Good has set up a non-profit partner space on Lark
and is engaging with non-profit organizations via WhatsApp.
By joining the partner group, you will gain access to a community
of other non-profit organizations and the opportunity
to share information and coordinate campaigns.
The TikTok for Good team is here to support
with access to groups.
Join the TikTok for Good partner network
and resources
Content creation may seem daunting, but don’t fret!
There is a suite of tools and resources
at your fingertips to help you use TikTok
eortlessly and safely.
Here are four unique TikTok features to enhance your videos:
TikTok creation tools
Green screen
The green screen is known for its ability to transport people
to another world. Use one of the six green screen eects
to take users on a journey with you.
To use the green screen eect, follow these simple instructions:
Open the app and hit the “+” to create a video.
Select “Eects” and under the “Trending” section,
look for the #greenscreen icon.
Choose any photo and video from your phone library to use
as your background and hit record!
Duet feature
This allows you to record a video alongside someone elses.
You can use Duet to present your own fun spin on videos made
by your fans or other creators. You can also encourage users
to duet with you.
Go to the video you want to Duet with and click the “Share” arrow.
Tap on the “Duet” button at the bottom of the screen.
If you wish, click “Layout” to change how the two videos are displayed
(one on top of the other, one in the top left corner, etc.)
Record your video and add any text, eects, etc.
Proceed to record, edit and post your video as normal.
Photo Template
TikTok can help you put together impressive photo collages in no time.
Open the app and hit the “+” to create a video.
Tap “Templates” at the bottom of the screen.
Find the template you like by swiping through the options.
Select the photos you want to add.
The Food and Agriculture
Organization (@fao)
used the Photo Template tool
to showcase #foodheroes
from around the world in their own
unique fashion show.
Case Study
Yes or No Video
Yes or No videos allow you to answer questions in a visual way.
Use the text function to add ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ to opposite sides
of the screen, supplemented with check mark and cross mark stickers.
You can then read out trivia questions and jump between
or point at dierent sides of the screen to indicate the answer.
Taking part in the
#KrissKrossChallenge, British Red
Cross (@britishredcross) shared
a video using the Yes or No video
format. Accompanied by the catchy
KrissKross Challenge soundtrack, the
video shares useful tips in a fun and
engaging way.
Case Study
Donation Stickers
When it comes to inspiring joy and making a positive impact,
TikTok’s community truly shines. Available in selected markets,
Donation Stickers are interactive and can be embedded in videos
and TikTok Live streams to harness the power of micro fundraising.
When a user taps on the Donation Sticker, they will be guided
to a pop-up window where they can quickly and easily submit
a donation without having to leave the app. Donations are enabled
by Tiltify, a charitable fundraising platform, which processes donation
transactions securely through its platform.
To add a Donation Sticker:
In the editing page, click on the Donation Sticker.
Choose an organization.
Place the sticker on the video.
TIP: If Donation Stickers are available in your region
and you are interested in creating one for your organization,
please reach out to your local TikTok contact or email ttfg@tiktok.com.
The charity Meals on Wheels
(@mealsonwheels), which delivers
meals and friendly visits to seniors,
used the Donation Sticker when it was
launched in May 2020. TikTok matched
user donations made through
these stickers with the hashtag
Case Study
Case Study
To promote the #OneLoveOneHeart
live concert on TikTok,
UNICEF (@unicef) enlisted
the support of Skip Marley,
the grandson of Bob Marley,
for a fundraising campaign.
TikTokers were encouraged
to share the specially created
donation sticker and tag five
of their friends to raise money
for UNICEF’s vital work for children
aected by coronavirus.
TikTok account analytics
TikTok Ads Manager
The following profile analytics are available to TikTok Pro account users.
To find out how to switch to a Pro account, see Page 8.
Now available globally, TikTok Ads Manager is a self-serve ad platform
that allows businesses and organizations of all sizes to create
and implement their campaigns through a simple interface.
Brands can use the platform to create and manage their ads,
target their desired audience, and produce insight reports.
Currently, TikTok Ads Manager supports In-Feed Ad placements
on TikTok, i.e. ads that appear as users scroll
between videos in their feed.
When you amplify your content
with TikTok For Business, you will unlock a full suite
of support ranging from creative tools
to performance tracking within Ads Manager.
Contact your local TikTok representative
or email ttfg@tiktok.com for more information.
Overview: video views, followers, and profile views
in the last 7 days or 28 days.
Content: statistics on all your TikTok videos posted in the past 7 days,
or your top 9 most viewed ones within that period – including views
and watch time, engagements, trac sources and audience locations.
Followers: aggregated information on gender, countries, follower
activity, videos watched by followers, and sounds they listened to.
Tutorial Support
Content Safety at TikTok
Upcoming features
Your TikTok for Good team is here to make sure you have
the support you need to take your brand to the next level.
We have a suite of tutorials, guidance materials and playbooks
available. We also host training sessions and provide operational
support. Please reach out to your local TikTok representative or email
ttfg@tiktok.com for more information.
At TikTok, promoting a safe and positive app environment
is our top priority. We deploy a combination of policies,
technologies, and strategies to detect and review problematic content
and accounts and implement appropriate penalties. We are committed
to continuously improving our approach to ensure we both facilitate
freedom of expression and protect users from harm.
At TikTok, we are always innovating and listening to your needs.
We have plans to roll out new features that will support
non-profit organizations. Please stay tuned for the latest platform
updates at https://www.tiktok.com/forgood or connect
with a local TikTok representative for the latest information.
Steps we have taken include:
Establishing advisory councils to bring together thought leaders who
can help us develop forward-looking policies
Banning political ads
Partnering with an array of third-party fact-checking and media
literacy organizations.
You’ve got the power
We strive to ensure that our users are in control of their content and how
it is shared and seen. By going to your profile, clicking on the three dots
in the top right corner, and clicking “Privacy”, you can adjust a range of
dierent settings, such as:
Whether or not your videos can be downloaded
Who can comment on your videos
Whether or not others can Duet with your videos
Comment filters that automatically hide comments with specified
keywords from your videos.
For live streams, you can apply comment filters as well as manage
comments in real-time. We have a dedicated moderation team to look
after live streams.
If at any time you spot comments, content or accounts that may be in
violation of our Community Guidelines or Terms of Service, please flag
them using our reporting function.
Keeping teens safe on TikTok
In addition to the content safety eorts and privacy tools mentioned
above, TikTok oers further protections and resources to help teens
stay safe online. For instance, we’ve restricted access to direct
messaging and live streaming to those over 16. We have produced
a series of engaging safety videos and also support parental awareness
with guidance such as our Top Ten Tips for Parents.
Family Pairing enables parents to help their teens
stay safe while enjoying the platform.
Tutorial Support
Contact us
For more information, check out our website https://www.tiktok.com/forgood
and follow us on the following channels:
TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@ttfg
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/TikTokForGood
Twitter - https://twitter.com/TikTokForGood
Comments: You can leave comments on other peoples videos.
Community: Our TikTok users build a community and come together
to create, share and inspire.
Creators: While anyone can be a creator on TikTok, when discussing
creator partnerships in this handbook we have focused on creators
with a relatively large following, also known as influencers.
Direct message: Messaging between users in the TikTok app.
Duet: This feature allows a user to record a video alongside
someone elses. There are dierent layout options, such as having
the videos play side by side or one on top of the other.
Follow: Subscribing to another creator’s profile. Videos from creators
you’ve followed will show up in your Following feed.
For You: A tailored feed of videos that is customized based
on a user’s interests.
Hashtags: Words or phrases associated with content
that make it searchable.
Likes: A show of appreciation from viewers for TikTok videos,
expressed through pressing the heart icon.
Profile: Your profile contains information unique to you, such as
your videos, the videos you have liked, and your bio. You can use
choose which elements of your profile are visible to others using
the privacy settings.
React: This allows a user to shoot a video in response to another video,
with the original video playing in the top left corner of the screen.
The React layout is housed under the Duet feature.
Trending: Videos, hashtags and sounds that are attracting significant
viewership or usage at a given time period.
Appendix: Tips and tricks
for shooting your video
Uploading a video: Press the “+” button
and then “Upload” if you want to publish a
video already saved on your phone.
Shoot mode: Click the “+” sign at the
bottom of the screen to go into shoot
Using the Timer: If you need to give
yourself some time to get into position, tap
“Timer” on the right of the screen when in
shoot mode. You can choose a 3s or 10s
timer. You can also drag the slider to set a
point at which you want shooting to stop.
Adjusting speed: Before shooting
your video, click the “Speed” icon
to adjust the playback speed. After
shooting and clicking the check mark,
you can go to “Eects” and then
“Time” to add slow-mo or other time
warp eects to selected parts of your
Selecting a Sound to use: Select
“Sounds” and browse through the
sound library to find the perfect
track to accompany your video.
Alternatively, when you come across
sounds you like in other videos, you
can tap on the sound name at the
bottom of the screen and then click to
use that sound in your own video.
Adjusting sound clips and volume:
After shooting your video with a sound
clip, you can click the “Sounds” icon and
then the scissors to adjust where the sound
starts from. You can also adjust the volume
of both the added sound and any sound in
the original video.
Add eects, filters and stickers:
Before you start shooting, you can select
an eect, which may, for instance,
present you with a prompt or respond to
your movements. You can add a filter to
change the look and feel of the video. After
shooting a clip and pressing the check
mark, you have the option to add further
eects and stickers to any part of the video.
Adding text: After shooting your clip
and pressing the check mark, tap
“Text”, type your message, and then
customize. After clicking “Done”, you
can drag the text around the screen
and double-click to edit or adjust the
duration for wihch it appears.
Adding Voice eects and Voiceover:
After shooting your clip and pressing
the check mark, select “Voice eects”
to apply an eect to your audio. You
can also select “Voiceover”. Drag the
slider to where in the clip you want
your voiceover to start, tap the button
to record, and select whether or not
you want to keep the original sound.
Publishing the video: After shooting your
clip and adding any desired eects and
stickers, click “Next”. Enter a description/
caption, add relevant hashtags, and tag
users using the @ sign. Adjust the settings
to indicate who can interact with your
video. Then click “Post”.
Selecting a cover: Just before publishing
a video, you can click “Select cover” to
choose a still from your video that sparks
curiosity - this will appear as a thumbnail
on your profile page. You can even
add text.