EOP 40
Anniversary Call for Programs Form
The California State University Educational Opportunity Program’s (EOP)
EOP 40
Anniversary Conference Call for Proposals
Deadline: Friday, December 5, 2008
The EOP 40
Anniversary Conference Planning Committee proudly announces the Call for
Proposals for next year’s celebration to commemorate EOP’s 40 years of excellence in the
California State University (CSU) system. This momentous event will bring together hundreds of
EOP students, staff, administrators, and community partners who have contributed to making
EOP a critical component of the CSU’s mission to ensure access and excellence to deserving
students. The conference planning committee looks forward to receiving proposals from
talented educators and students throughout the state that recognize EOP’s past, present, and
future contributions to higher education.
Conference Date & Location:
March 8 –10, 2009
Doubletree Hotel, Sacramento, California
EOP Background
The Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) emerged from the Civil Rights movement of the
late 1960s as a response to the call for access and equity to higher education. As a result of this
hard fought, student-led campaign, there is an EOP at 22 California State University campuses
today to provide access and support services for students
from first generation, low income,
historically disadvantaged backgrounds.
Since the passage of Senate Bill 1072 (the Harmer Bill) nearly 40 years ago in April
1969, EOP has made a lasting impact in the lives of thousands of students who have
graduated from the CSU. Through its commitment to providing access and innovative
support services to thousands of underrepresented students each year, EOP remains a
critical component of the California State University system.
EOP 40
Anniversary Call for Programs Form
Purpose of the Conference:
The conference will commemorate the impact that the Educational Opportunity Program (EOP)
and its supporters have had in the lives of EOP students system-wide over the last 40 years. It
will also focus on the ongoing commitment necessary to build capacity at multiple levels so that
current and future EOP students can benefit from, and take leadership roles to ensure the
program continues to provide educational opportunities to historically underserved students.
The conference theme is:
“Celebrating 40 Years of Excellence: EOP Past, Present, and Future”
The four conference goals are as follows:
Celebrate 40 years of excellence
Build community system-wide and provide professional development opportunities for
conference attendees
Educate and empower
Build capacity for the future
Proposal Guidelines and Selection Criteria:
The proposal must be aligned with the conference theme and program categories (see
page 4)
Presentation/Workshop time is 75 minutes
Intended Audience: Staff/Students/Others
Audio-Visual Equipment: The conference will provide flip chart and screens for
presentations if requested. Presenters will be asked to
bring their own laptop and
Target audience:
This conference is intended for EOP students, alumni, EOP professional staff, community
partners, policy makers, and higher education administrators.
Program proposals deadline is Friday, December 5, 2008
Please email completed proposal to:
Koji Uesugi
Shiva Parsa Marcellene Watson-Derbigny
Cal Poly Pomona Cal State Northridge Sacramento State
Phone: 909.869.4690 Phone: 818.677.4151 Phone: 916.278.7812
EOP 40
Anniversary Call for Programs Form
Call for Proposal Form
1. Please supply the following information for EACH program presenter:
Lead Presenter
Name: Telephone:
Position: Fax:
Institution: E-mail:
Co- Presenters
Names: Telephone:
Position: Fax:
Institution: E-mail:
Co- Presenters
Names: Telephone:
Position: Fax:
Institution: E-mail:
Co- Presenters
Names: Telephone:
Position: Fax:
Institution: E-mail:
Co- Presenters
Names: Telephone:
Position: Fax:
Institution: E-mail:
EOP 40
Anniversary Call for Programs Form
2. The four conference goals are: Celebrating 40 years of excellence; Building
community system-wide and provide professional development opportunities for
conference attendees; Educating and empowering; and Building capacity for the
3. Please select a program category that best captures the essence of your proposal.
Conference Day 1: EOP- The Past*
__ Empowered By Our History: Excellence in
Conference Day 2: EOP- The Present
__ Celebrating and Sustaining the Dream of an
Educational Opportunity
Conference Day 3: EOP- The Future
__ From Access to Excellence: Charting Our
Course for the Future
*Note: Day 1 of the conference will consist of a Student Leadership Institute.
3a. Identify at least one sub-category to which the proposal is aligned.
__ Collecting and Using Assessment Data __ Student Retention and Academic Excellence
__ EOP Admission and Financial Aid Items __ Learning Technologies
__ CSU/EOP Programs in the Political Arena __ Peer Counseling and Mentoring
__ Access and Excellence __ Graduate School Preparation
__ Future of Summer Bridge Programs __ Career Preparation/Opportunities
__ Counseling At-Risk Students __ Student Success Courses
__ Student Leadership Development __ Program Management Techniques
__ Staff Professional Development __ Student Skills Development
__ History, Philosophy, and Impact of EOP __ Learning Communities and Retention Programs
__ Other: __ Advising Programs
4. Target Audience (Check all that apply)
__ Students __ Staff __ Faculty __ Administrators __ Community Partners
5. Length of Program/ Room Set-Up for session (check one for each):
Length of program Room Set Up
___ 75 minutes ___ Classroom Style
___ Theatre/Lecture Style
___ Round Tables
EOP 40
Anniversary Call for Programs Form
6. Provide the program title (max 15 words).
7. Provide a program abstract. What will attendees learn from the session? (max 50
8. Describe the program’s purpose, content, method of presentation, and learning
outcomes for the session (max 250 words).
9. Indicate your audio-visual needs. We ask that presenters bring their own laptop
computers, projectors, and cables.
Audio- Visual Equipment: (check one)
⃞ Screen
⃞ Flipchart/Marker
⃞ Other
Please indicate the type of presentation:______________
(Sample formats: Roundtable, lecture, poster, video, etc.)
Please email the completed applications to Koji Uesugi, Shiva Parsa, and Marcellene
Watson-Derbigny by Friday, December 5, 2008
Contact information:
Koji Uesugi: 909.869.4690/ [email protected]
Shiva Parsa: 818.677.4151/ [email protected]
Marcellene Watson-Derbigny: 916.278.7812/ [email protected]