56 / sacramento state admission, freshmen california state university, sacramento
sacramento state admission
First-time Freshmen
Admissions and Recor ds
Lassen Hall Lobby
The following section outlines the requirements for admission to
Sacramento State and other CSU campuses. A high school or com-
munity college counselor or the admissions office at California State
University, Sacramento should be contacted for further questions.
Generally, first-time freshman applicants will qualify for regular
admission if they:
1. graduated high school,
2. have a qualifiable minimum eligibility index (see section on
Eligibility Index), and
3. have completed with grades of C or better each of the
courses in the comprehensive pattern of college preparatory
subject requirements (see Subject Requirements).
Honors Courses
Up to eight semesters of approved honors courses taken in the
last two years of high school including up to two approved courses
taken in the tenth grade, can be accepted. Each unit (one year)
of grade A in an honors course will receive 5 points; grade B,
4 points; and grade C, 3 points.
Test Requirements
Freshman applicants with grade point averages below 3.00 (3.61
for nonresidents) must submit scores from either the SAT I or
the ACT. Applicants with grade point averages of 3.00 or above
(3.61 for nonresidents) are not required to submit test scores.
However, applicants are urged to take and submit scores from
one of the two tests because these test results are used for advis-
ing and placement purposes and may be required for admission
to impacted majors or programs.
Foreign Language Subject Requirement
The foreign language subject requirement may be satisfied by
applicants who demonstrate competence in a language other than
English equivalent to or higher than expected of students who
complete two years of foreign language study. Consult with a
school counselor or any CSU admissions office for information.
Subject Requirements
The California State University requires that first-time freshman
applicants complete, with grades of C or better, a comprehen-
sive pattern of college preparatory study totaling 15 units. A unit
is one year of study in high school.
2 years of social science, including 1 year of U.S. history, or
U.S. history and government
4 years of English
3 years of math (algebra, geometry and intermediate algebra)
2 years of laboratory science (l biological and 1 physical, both
with labs)
2 years in the same language foreign language (subject to
waiver for applicants demonstrating equivalent competence)
1 year of visual and performing arts: art, dance, drama/the-
ater, or music
1 year of electives: selected from English, advanced math-
ematics, social science, history, laboratory science, foreign
language, and visual and performing arts.
Note: All admission requirements (i.e., grade point average, test scores
and subjects) must be completed prior to the summer semester for a
fall enrollment and the fall semester for a spring enrollment.
International Baccalaureate (IB)
Sacramento State recognizes completion of the International
Baccalaureate (IB) program as satisfying the college preparatory
subject requirements for admission.* The applicants high school
GPA and score on the ACT or SAT I will also be used in deter-
mining eligibility for admission.
*See Academic Policies/Credit by Examination/Sacramento State
Equivalencies for IB Exams, page 106.
Eligibility Index
The eligibility index is the combination of a high school grade
point average and a score on either the ACT or the SAT. Begin-
ning with admission for fall 2004, a grade point average is based
on grades earned in courses taken during the final three years of
high school that all college preparatory a-g subject require-
ments, and bonus points for approved honors courses (exclud-
ing physical education and military science).
Up to eight semesters of honors courses taken in the last two years
of high school, including up to two approved courses taken in the
tenth grade, can be accepted. Each unit of A in an honors course
will receive a total of 5 points; B, 4 points; and C, 3 points.
A CSU Eligibility Index (EI) can be calculated by multiplying a
grade point average by 800 and adding a total score on the SAT
I. Students who took the ACT multiply the grade point average
by 200 and add ten times the ACT composite score. California
high school graduates (or residents of California for tuition pur-
poses) need a minimum index of 2900 using the SAT I or 694
using the ACT. The Eligibility Index Table illustrates several com-
binations of required test scores and averages.
Persons who neither graduated from a California high school or are
residents of California for tuition purposes need a minimum index
of 3502 (SAT I) or 842 (ACT). Graduates of secondary schools in
foreign countries must be judged to have academic preparation and
abilities equivalent to applicants eligible under this section.
When the grade point average is 3.00 or above (3.61 for nonresi-
dents), applicants are not required to submit test scores. However,
all applicants for admission are urged to take the SAT I or ACT
because campuses use these test results for advising and placement
purposes and may require them for admission to impacted majors
or programs. Impacted CSU campuses usually require SAT I or
ACT scores of all applicants for freshman admissions.
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sacramento state admission, freshmen
Registration forms and the dates for either test may be obtained
from school or college counselors or from a campus Testing Of-
fice. Testing information is also available at the Sacramento State
web site, www.csus.edu or by writing to:
College Board (SAT I)
Registration Unit, Box 6200
Princeton, New Jersey 08541-6200
(609) 771-7600 www.collegeboard.org
American College Testing Program (ACT)
Registration Unit, P.O. Box 414
Iowa City, Iowa 52243
(319) 337-1270 www.act.org
Applicants will qualify for regular admission when the university
verifies that they have graduated from high school, have a qualifi-
able minimum eligibility index, have completed the comprehen-
sive pattern of college preparatory a-g subjects, and, if applying
to an impacted program, have met all supplementary criteria.*
Graduates of secondary schools in foreign countries will be judged
to have academic preparation and abilities equivalent to appli-
cants eligible under this section.
*Refer to Application to Sacramento State/Undergraduate/Im-
pacted Programs, page 53.
Subject Requirement Substitution for
Students with Disabilities
Applicants with disabilities are strongly encouraged to complete
college preparatory course requirements if at all possible. If an
applicant is judged unable to fulfill a specific course require-
ment because of his or her disability, alternate college prepara-
tory courses may be substituted for specific subject requirements.
Substitutions may be authorized on an individual basis after re-
view and recommendation by the applicants academic advisor
or guidance counselor in consultation with the director of a CSU
disabled student services program. Although the distribution may
be slightly different from the course pattern required of other
students, students qualifying for substitutions will still be held
for 15 units of college preparatory study.
Students should be aware that course substitutions might limit
later enrollment in certain majors, particularly those involving
mathematics. For further information and substitution forms,
please call the director of disabled student services at the nearest
CSU campus.
Provisional Admission
Sacramento State may provisionally admit first-time freshman
applicants based on their academic preparation through the jun-
ior year of high school and planned for the senior year. The cam-
pus will monitor the senior year of study to ensure that those so
admitted complete their senior year of studies satisfactorily, in-
cluding the required college preparatory subjects, and graduate
from high school. Students are required to submit an official
transcript after graduation to certify that all course work has been
satisfactorily completed. A campus may rescind admission deci-
sions for students who are found not to be eligible after the final
transcript has been evaluated.
Eligibility Index Table for
California High School Graduates
or Residents of California
2.67 16 770
2.66 17 780
2.65 17 780
2.64 17 790
2.63 17 800
2.62 17 810
2.61 18 820
2.60 18 820
2.59 18 830
2.58 18 840
2.57 18 850
2.56 19 860
2.55 19 860
2.54 19 870
2.53 19 880
2.52 19 890
2.51 20 900
2.50 20 900
2.49 20 910
2.48 20 920
2.47 20 930
2.46 21 940
2.45 21 940
2.44 21 950
2.43 21 960
2.42 21 970
2.41 22 980
2.40 22 980
2.39 22 990
2.38 22 1000
2.37 22 1010
2.36 23 1020
2.35 23 1020
2.34 23 1030
2.33 23 1040
2.32 23 1050
2.31 24 1060
2.30 24 1060
2.29 24 1070
2.28 24 1080
2.27 24 1090
2.26 25 1100
2.25 25 1100
2.24 25 1110
2.23 25 1120
2.22 25 1130
2.21 26 1140
2.20 26 1140
2.19 26 1150
2.18 26 1160
2.17 26 1170
2.16 27 1180
2.15 27 1180
2.14 27 1190
2.13 27 1200
2.12 27 1210
2.11 28 1220
2.10 28 1220
2.09 28 1230
2.08 28 1240
2.07 28 1250
2.06 29 1260
2.05 29 1260
2.04 29 1270
2.03 29 1280
2.02 29 1290
2.01 30 1300
2.00 30 1300
Below 2.0 does not
qualify for regular
GPA Score Score
3.00 and above
qualifies with
any score
2.99 10 510
2.98 10 520
2.97 10 530
2.96 11 540
2.95 11 540
2.94 11 550
2.93 11 560
2.92 11 570
2.91 12 580
2.90 12 580
2.89 12 590
2.88 12 600
2.87 12 610
2.86 13 620
2.85 13 620
2.84 13 630
2.83 13 640
2.82 13 650
2.81 14 660
2.80 14 660
2.79 14 670
2.78 14 680
2.77 14 690
2.76 15 700
2.75 15 700
2.74 15 710
2.73 15 720
2.72 15 730
2.71 16 740
2.70 16 740
2.69 16 750
2.68 16 760
GPA Score Score
GPA Score Score
International Students
The CSU must assess the academic preparation of foreign stu-
dents. For this purpose, foreign students include those who
hold U.S. visas as students, exchange visitors, or in other nonim-
migrant classifications. Foreign visa students graduating from
U.S. high schools after three years of attendance will be admit-
ted as freshmen under the same requirements as graduates of
California high schools by use of the eligibility index.
Those graduating from foreign high schools (or from California
high schools after less than three years of attendance) may be
admitted if their achievement is equivalent to that of eligible
California high school graduates. They also may need to com-
plete the TOEFL requirement.*
*Refer to Application to Sacramento State/ International Stu-
dents/TOEFL Requirement, page 54.
58 / sacramento state admission, freshmen california state university, sacramento
sacramento state admission, freshmen
Special Categories
Adult Students
As an alternate to regular admission criteria, an applicant who is
25 years of age or older may be considered for admission as an
adult student if he/she meets all of the following conditions:
1. possesses a high school diploma (or has established equiva-
lence through either the Tests of General Educational Devel-
opment or the California High School Proficiency Exami-
2. has not been enrolled in college as a full-time student for
more than one term during the past five years; and
3. has earned a C average or better in all college work at-
tempted, if there has been any college attendance in the last
five years.
Consideration will be based upon a judgment as to whether the
applicant is as likely to succeed as a regularly admitted freshman
and will include an assessment of basic skills in the English lan-
guage and mathematical computation.
*See also Campus Life/Campus Services/Services for Reentry
Students, page 34.
Educational Opportunity Program
EOP, a special admission and support program for students who
possess the potential and motivation to succeed, is designed to
improve access and retention of low-income and educationally
disadvantaged students among California residents who wish to
pursue a college education.*
*See Centers for Academic Support/EOP, page 47.
Veterans of United States active duty military service with hon-
orable discharges applying for admission within four years of
their date of discharge who are also California residents may be
admitted as first-time freshmen, even though such applicants
are not otherwise eligible. Veterans who wish to be admitted
under this provision should contact an admission counselor.*
*See also Application to Sacramento State/CSU Impacted Pro-
grams/Supplemental Criteria, page 53.
High School Non-Graduates
Applicants over 18 years of age who have not graduated from
high school are considered for admission only when their prepa-
ration in all other ways is such that Sacramento State believes
their promise of academic success is equivalent to that of eligible
California high school graduates. These applicants may be re-
quired to submit scores of the ACT or SAT I. Applicants should
consult with an admissions counselor concerning eligibility for
High School Students
Admissions and Recor ds
Lassen Hall Lobby
Students still enrolled in high school will be considered for en-
rollment in certain special programs if recommended by their
principal and the appropriate campus department chair and if
their preparation is equivalent to that required of eligible Cali-
fornia high school graduates. Such admission is only for a spe-
cific program and does not constitute the right to continued
These programs include:
1. Accelerated College Entrance (ACE) for talented students
who can benefit from accelerated academic studies, (916)
2. Capitol Center MESA for underrepresented students in CSU
mathematics, engineering and science programs, (916) 278-
Students accepted into these programs qualify for reduced fees
(total of $5 per semester).
High school students other than those accepted into the above
programs may also enroll concurrently in college courses with-
out fee reduction upon approval of parents, high school princi-
pal and appropriate Sacramento State academic department
Applicants Not Regularly Eligible
Applicants not admissible under one of the above provisions
should enroll at a community college or another appropriate in-
stitution in preparatory courses to meet eligibility requirements.
Only under the most unusual circumstances and only by special
action will such applicants be admitted to Sacramento State.
Advanced Standing Credit and
Advanced Placement Exams
Sacramento State grants advanced standing credit for system-
approved, college-level examinations or courses taken by students
while in high school.
Students may be granted up to 6 units for each Advanced
Placement (AP) examination for which a score of 3, 4, or 5 is
Transferable college courses completed as a high school stu-
dent will be evaluated for possible college credit upon re-
ceipt of an official college transcript.