Interdisciplinary Studies
California State University, Sacramento Interdisciplinary Studies / 475
Contact Information
Otis L. Scott, Dean
Amador Hall 255, (916) 278-6504
Interdisciplinary Studies
College of Social Sciences and Interdisciplinary Studies
is program recognizes that some subject matter is more
thoroughly explored by drawing on various perspectives and
methodologies from more than one discipline. Students,
with faculty supervision, engage learning opportunities that
encourage combining a range of information and experi-
ences into a challenging individualized learning project. e
office administering, guiding, reviewing and monitoring the
interdisciplinary efforts, when they cross College or Divisional
lines, is that of the Dean of the College of Social Sciences and
Interdisciplinary Studies. Offerings are listed under the head-
ing Interdisciplinary (ID) in the Class Schedule. Questions
pertaining to the establishment and “equivalency’’ of courses
should be directed to the Dean of the College of Social Sci-
ences and Interdisciplinary Studies.
Lower Division Courses
ID 96. Experimental Offerings in Interdisciplinary Studies.
To be offered upon expression of student needs and faculty avail-
ability. Generally will involve two or more of the major academic
administrative units of the university. Units: 1.0.
ID 99. Special Problems. Individualized directed projects or
reading. Open to lower division students who present an ad-
equately supervised plan of study. e course study should be in-
terdisciplinary in nature and requires the approval of the faculty
member under whom the individual work is to be conducted and
of the Dean of the College of Social Sciences and Interdisciplin-
ary Studies. Graded: Graded (CR/NC Available). Units: 1.0-4.0.
Upper Division Courses
ID 124. Social Justice in Interdisciplinary Perspective. Ex-
amines the nature and forms of social justice and injustice. Ad-
dresses key philosophical and theoretical models and debates over
the meaning of social justice, using historical and contemporary
examples to highlight important concepts and controversies.
Faculty from different departments within SSIS, and occasionally
from other colleges, will address how their discipline understands
and analyzes issues of social justice. Students will be encouraged
to critically assess the assumptions of various perspectives on so-
cial justice, and to address the relationship of academe and social
activism in achieving social justice. Prerequisite: Sophomore
standing or instructor permission. Cross-listed: ANTH 130,
ENVS 124, ETHN 124, FACS 124 and SOC 124. Only one
may be counted for credit. Units: 3.0.
ID 194. Experiential Learning. Re-entry students may earn 1-6
units by documenting their interdisciplinary life/work experiences
that meet the objectives of upper division university course work
for an appropriate faculty member to evaluate. Approval of credit
is granted by the Dean of the College of Social Sciences and Inter-
disciplinary Studies. Students must attend a workshop scheduled
through the Academic Advising Center during the semester prior
to registering for the course. Credit must be awarded prior to ap-
plying for graduation. Graded: Credit / No Credit. Units: 1.0-6.0.
ID 195. Field Experience. Supervised work experience of an inter-
disciplinary nature in an approved business, education, government
or service agency. Students are required to engage in a minimum of
three hours of supervised work per week for each semester unit of
credit granted. Note: May be repeated for credit up to a total of 6
units. Graded: Credit / No Credit. Units: 1.0-6.0.
ID 195A. Field Experience in Health Service. “Hands on
experience working within the Health education Department of
the Student Health Center. Under supervision, student functions
as a peer health educator focusing on alcohol and other drugs, or
sexual health, or wellness/health promotion. Students complete 1-
3 units per semester; one unit = 3 hours/week, 2 units = 6 hours/
week and 3 units = 9 hours/week. Completion of background
reading, writing assignment, a pre-fieldwork training session are
required. Graded: Credit / No Credit. Units: 1.0-6.0.
ID 195B. Sexual Violence Peer Education Training. Introduc-
tion to the theory and practice of peer education concerning the
issue of sexual violence. Includes both academic and experiential
aspects allowing students to develop a better understanding of
sexual violence, presentation skills, and community outreach.
Each student will submit written assignments, plan and imple-
ment campus events, and present classes to peer groups on cam-
pus regarding issues of sexual violence. Prerequisite: Instructor
permission. Graded: Credit / No Credit. Units: 1.0-3.0.
ID 195C. Advanced Sexual Violence Peer Education Training.
Further explores the theory and practice of peer education con-
cerning the issue of sexual violence. Includes both academic and
experiential aspects allowing students to develop a better under-
standing of sexual violence, presentation skills, and community
outreach. Each student will submit written assignments, plan and
implement campus events, and present classes to peer groups on
campus regarding issues of sexual violence. In addition, students
will participate in the legislation process and victim advocacy, on
campus as well as in the community Prerequisite: ID 195B or in-
structor permission. Graded: Credit / No Credit. Units: 1.0-3.0.
ID 196D. Training for Residential Hall Counselors. Open
only to students hired as Resident Advisors by Sacramento State
Residence Halls. e student will learn the role residential living
plays in the overall mission of the University and understand the
importance Residence Advisors play in enhancing the residential
experience for on-campus students. e student will learn the
basic philosophy, knowledge, and skills needed to be a successful
Resident Advisor and will demonstrate an understanding through
discussions, papers, and in-class activities. Prerequisite: Instruc-
tor permission. Graded: Credit / No Credit. Units: 2.0.
476 / Interdisciplinary Studies California State University, Sacramento
Interdisciplinary Studies
ID 197. Training and Leadership for Orientation Leaders. In-
troduce participants to concepts in peer advising and orientation
at Sacramento State. Students will learn about the philosophy and
purpose of orientation, academic policies, student services and
campus facilities. Class activities are planned to help develop the
leadership, interpersonal and communication skills necessary to
be an effective peer adviser and campus representative. Note: May
be repeated for credit up to 6 units. Graded: Credit / No Credit.
Units: 3.0.
ID 198. Co-Curricular Activities. Students may receive elective
credit up to 6 units per semester for a total of 12 units for engag-
ing in co-curricular activities such as Student Association offices,
committees of the Faculty Senate, EOP advising and tutoring
and other activities of a comparable nature. Graded: Credit / No
Credit. Units: 1.0-6.0.
ID 199. Special Problems. Individual projects or directed read-
ing. Open only to students who appear competent to carry on
individual work. Generally will involve two or more of the major
academic administrative units of the university. Admission re-
quires the approval of the faculty member under whom the in-
dividual work is to be conducted and of the Dean of the College
of Social Sciences and Interdisciplinary Studies. Graded: Graded
(CR/NC Available). Units: 1.0-6.0.
Graduate Courses
ID 200. Interdisciplinary Reading Seminar. Readings in select-
ed interdisciplinary topics. May be taken twice for credit. Units:
ID 201. Interdisciplinary Research Seminar. Research in se-
lected interdisciplinary topics. May be taken twice for credit.
Units: 1.0-6.0.
ID 296. Experimental Offerings in Interdisciplinary Studies.
To be offered upon expression of student needs and faculty avail-
ability. Involves two or more of the major academic units of the
university. Units: 1.0-3.0.
ID 299. Special Problems. Individual projects or directed read-
ing. Generally involves two or more of the major academic units
of the university. Note: Departmental petition required. Graded:
Graded (CR/NC Available). Units: 1.0-4.0.
ID 299A. Special Problems In India. Units: 1.0-8.0.
ID 500. Culminating Experience. Completion of the esis or
Project approved for the Masters degree. Note: Advanced to can-
didacy for the Special Major Masters degree. Graded: esis in
Progress. Units: 3.0.