EOP Senior Success | Rev. 1/2024
Welcome to EOP Senior Success Services!
EOP Senior Success Services was developed to ensure retention and graduation success for
undergraduate seniors, which helps prepare them for graduation success and the world outside
Sacramento State. EOP offers many opportunities to support seniors in understanding their
progress toward degree completion, guidance on career and graduate school resources,
connecting to campus resources, and planning for life after graduation.
EOP seniors are required to meet with an EOP counselor or advisor once a year for their advising
requirements. Our EOP counselors or advisors are available to support seniors with 85+ units as
they progress toward graduation. Seniors are offered a wide range of opportunities for
engagement with our Grad-Bound Progress Check, Senior Success Workshops, ensure they are
meeting program requirements, and Connections to Grad-Bound resources.
EOP Senior Success | Rev. 1/2024
Senior Success: Grad-Bound Progress Check
Grad-Bound Progress Check is designed to help EOP senior students with 85+ units or more to
understand their progress to degree completion. EOP students will meet with the counselors and
advisors to explore the “next steps” toward their graduation success during the advising session
Assist students in reviewing their academic requirements and evaluating their progress
toward degree completion.
Assist students in reviewing their general education and graduation requirements.
Providing support on the steps needed on how to apply for graduation.
Helping student to make informed choices that will optimize their educational and career
goal pathways.
Senior Success Workshops are designed to prepare EOP senior students with educational and
career guidance in understanding the fundamental tools and information needed to persist and
prepare for life after graduation. During the semester, seniors can access a wide range of EOP
support services and campus resources presentations on:
How to prepare for graduate school.
Tip on how to find financial and scholarship resources.
How to prepare a timeline on what to do and do dates.
Career Support Services (Resume, Cover Letter, and Job Search).
EOP Senior Success | Rev. 1/2024
EOP Promotion Celebration on Spring April 17, 2024
Every academic year, the Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) at Sacramento State will promote,
honor, and celebrate our students’ academic success. At this event, our EOP students will be
commemorated with an EOP certificate of achievement and graduating seniors will be honored with a
medallion to wear at Sacramento State Commencement. This event is open to faculty, staff, family, and
friends to come and celebrate our student's achievements with the EOP family.